That's because these cases are imaginary. It's a myth of the gun-loving American Right that armed patriots are out there every day shooting down gun-toting scumbags and protecting their homes and families. But I don't think it happens.
If it happened, it would make the news. It doesn't make the news, it didn't take place. It's a myth.
One of the reasons that the Rittenhouse incident has gotten so much media traction is that he can be portrayed as filling the above myth-role. In fact, that's nonsense. Rittenhouse didn't shoot looters. He didn't "defend" anything. He was an underage vigilante who foolishly wandered off by himself and got attacked by a creepy guy with evident mental problems who had just been released from the psych hospital and was wandering around looking for a fight and maybe a "suicide by cop".
When Rittenhouse killed this dude, he was then pursued by other vigilantes. He shot two of those and - yes, it was self-defence. But it was vigilante-on-vigilante self-defence. He wasn't protecting anything but himself and if he had an iota of sense, he would have stayed with his buddies and kept out of trouble.
So.... prove to me that decent, patriotic Americans are attacked by armed scumbags in their homes, offices, malls, titty-bars and bowling alleys every day and that they need to have AR-15's. I'll wait.