Bill O'Reilly The Serial Sexual Harasser


Jul 2, 2011
MEDIA 04/03/2017 05:12 pm ET

Fox News And Bill O’Reilly Are Out Of Excuses

The sexual harassment suits are piling up, and the defense from corporate is increasingly bizarre.

By Emily Peck , Michael Calderone

These women didn’t call human resources.

That’s partly how conservative commentator Bill O’Reilly and Fox News are defending themselves against former employees and contributors whose sexual harassment allegations were detailed in a bombshell New York Times cover story over the weekend.

In separate statements, the network and O’Reilly said the accusers never called Fox’s internal hotline, an 800 number employers can use to lodge concerns anonymously.

This isn’t much of a defense.

For starters, at least one of the harassment complaints the Times wrote about was settled before 2004, the year Fox told The Huffington Post that it launched its hotline.

And a lawyer for another accuser told a roomful of reporters on Monday that her client, Fox on-air guest Wendy Walsh, didn’t know about the hotline and wouldn’t have called it because she wasn’t a full-time employee or even a paid contributor. (Fox says it makes its hotline known to both categories of worker.)

The weak hotline excuse is a glaring sign that despite a much-publicized internal investigation into sexual harassment that eventually led to Ailes’ departure, the culture at Fox News hasn’t changed when it comes to women, sexism and harassment.

Here are the relevant parts of O’Reilly and Fox’s responses to claims that O’Reilly inappropriately propositioned women and then retaliated against them when they turned him down:

“Notwithstanding the fact that no current or former Fox News employee ever took advantage of the 21st Century Fox hotline to raise a concern about Bill O’Reilly, even anonymously,” the company said, noting that it had looked into the accusations and that O’Reilly had denied them on their merits and “resolved” them.

For his part, O’Reilly said the lawsuits are the inevitable result of his fame and controversial persona, adding: “In my more than 20 years at Fox News Channel, no one has ever filed a complaint about me with the Human Resources Department, even on the anonymous hotline.”

Fox and O’Reilly have a widely publicized history of aggressively targeting women who make sexual discrimination claims. That’s almost certainly created a culture of fear and intimidation that would keep women from reporting concerns internally. If the company had fully reckoned with that history, it would have never used this weak hotline excuse.

Fox News didn’t respond to questions about whether it expected non-employees to know about the phone number or why the hotline was mentioned in its statements.

Attorney Lisa Bloom, left, and Dr. Wendy Walsh, right, discuss Walsh’s sexual harassment allegations against Fox News host Bill O’Reilly in Los Angeles on April 3, 2017.
“We are not living in the Stone Age of the Mad Men era,” said attorney Lisa Bloom, calling out Fox’s culture at a press conference on Monday alongside her client. Walsh, a former “O’Reilly Factor” guest, alleges the host reneged on promise to make her a contributor after she declined his sexual advances.

Walsh is not suing Fox News, but Bloom said she would cooperate in any independent investigations.

Bloom urged federal and state investigators to launch an independent probe of the news organization, which she said is still rife with problems even after Ailes left last summer once multiple accusations of sexual misconduct came to light.

According to Bloom’s count, at least 30 women have come forward with sexual harassment and discrimination claims against Ailes, O’Reilly or others at Fox. She hinted that more women are out there who are keeping quiet.

Fox News’ parent, 21st Century Fox, hired the law firm Paul, Weiss last summer to investigate the accusations against Ailes. But Bloom says the firm’s work wasn’t truly independent since it was paid by the company. The firm served as “advocates for Fox News,” she said.

Companies often handle sexual harassment claims by bringing in an outside law firm. Ride-hailing giant Uber recently hired former attorney general Eric Holder and his Washington firm to look into a former engineer’s claim that the company’s human resources department had repeatedly ignored her sexual harassment complaints.

These investigations tend to be narrowly focused, lawyers say. So if the firm was looking at Ailes’ behavior, it wouldn’t have delved into O’Reilly’s, for example.

Former Fox host Gretchen Carlson filed a harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes that eventually led to his ouster.
Bloom said she believed that at least a few of the women who’ve accused O’Reilly or Ailes of sexual harassment actually did reach out to Fox’s human resources department.

But even if none of them did, it is perfectly reasonable for a woman to sidestep the human resources department if she doesn’t trust her company to properly handle a complaint ― for example, if another woman had come forward in the past and the company had fired or retaliated against her.

That’s what happened to O’Reilly accuser Andrea Mackris, a producer on his show who sued the Fox host for discrimination in 2004.

Mackris claimed that O’Reilly had called her to talk about his sexual fantasies. She said she heard him masturbating while they were on the phone. But even before Mackris filed her claims, she was hit with a pre-emptive suit by Fox and O’Reilly, who claimed she was trying to blackmail them. O’Reilly spoke about the suit on the air, calling it “the single most evil thing I have ever experienced.”

The whole incident “served as a stark warning of what could happen to women if they came forward with complaints,” the Times’ Emily Steel and Michael Schmidt wrote of the settlements O’Reilly and Fox paid to female accusers over the years.

At the time, Fox News was run by Ailes, a notoriously paranoid, secretive and vengeful boss with his own reputation as a sexual harasser. Of course women weren’t running to call the HR department to lodge their concerns.

Fox isn’t the only company to offer employees a hotline for reporting concerns they aren’t comfortable taking to a direct supervisor. Under federal law, public companies must provide those numbers to employees.

But the hotline just isn’t going to work if employees don’t trust their employer, Stan Silverman, a leadership consultant, told HuffPost.

Fox News has paid out millions of dollars because of O’Reilly ― and yet, he’s still there, Silverman noted. “What does that tell employees about how committed the [company] is for providing a safe workplace? It sends a signal that [his behavior] is OK.”

The toll-free phone number for Fox employees is listed in the company’s “Standards of Business Conduct,” a 58-page document all full-time employees receive and must certify that they’ve read. The company says that if employees have concerns ― which would presumably include a boss hitting on you ― they can take it up with human resources, or an in-house lawyer, or they can call the phone number or they can even take their issues all the way to the company board of directors.

Rules like these are critical for companies that want to address complaints before they reach the courtroom, says Dan Omeara, a partner at Montgomery McCracken who handles these kinds of cases for employers. “If you don’t follow procedure, the court might throw out the suit.”

In those cases, however, employers would have to show they had no idea about the harassment claims and that company sexual harassment policy was widely known and understood. That’s not the case with Fox, said attorney Nancy Erika Smith, who represented Gretchen Carlson in her harassment claim against Ailes and whose client Julie Roginsky is also suing the network.

Smith’s clients have said they were largely unfamiliar with the rules ― but were aware of how the company had handled prior allegations. “I don’t think there’s a chance in hell of that defense working anywhere.”

This story has been updated with comment from Nancy Erika Smith.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Could you perhaps find a less biased news source than the Huffington Post.

Further, perhaps he was a harasser, or perhaps not, but all of these allegations are at some remove from the present.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
That is ironic, after all we are talking about Fox news - a variation of the 'Trump defense' of labeling everything you don't like "fake news".

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Why can't these prudes put out a little more???!!!



Jul 2, 2011
Could you perhaps find a less biased news source than the Huffington Post.

Further, perhaps he was a harasser, or perhaps not, but all of these allegations are at some remove from the present.
I get it. Everything you don't like is biased or fake news. 5 total lawsuit with O'Reily with 4 regarding a sexual nature. He's the one that needs another source.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
What a monumental a÷=hole

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Could you perhaps find a less biased news source than the Huffington Post.

Further, perhaps he was a harasser, or perhaps not, but all of these allegations are at some remove from the present.
1 woman you can easily discount.

2 is getting a lot more difficult.


5 means there is something there.

Still, one wonders what are the specific details. In the good old days, sexual harassment was, "if you want to keep your job, better spread for me."

Now days, sexual harassment means making a pass at a woman when she's not interested.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Doesn't look good on him, but can't conclude much without knowing details. Remember Gomeshi? Multiple women voluntarily had affairs with him then lied that they were unwilling partners.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Now days, sexual harassment means making a pass at a woman when she's not interested.
I think the attempt has the same weight as the actual act ... if you are an ugly guy. If you are a good looking guy, the girls prefer to call it flirting.

(There was a great skit from SNL with Tom Grady but I cannot find the link.)


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Apparently the larger issue appears to be that Fox news attempted to hide the 13 million in payouts from shareholders.

Have to see how they react.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
What a monumental a÷=hole

He wrote a book Killing Kennedy (the made-for-tv version painted Lee Harvey Oswald as a devil incarnate - what a piece of trashy propaganda), yet years ago, he claimed he was at the scene of the suicide of George de Mohrenschildt, an oil geologist who had connections to Bush Sr. and the CIA as well as had befriended Lee Harvey Oswald, but O'Reilly's story is fiction. GDM committed suicide before he was to appear before the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 70s investigating the murders of Kennedy and King.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Could you perhaps find a less biased news source than the Huffington Post.
All these huge corporations must be so naïve to believe biased sources and are now pulling their ads from Fox.

At least seven more marketers said they were withdrawing ads from “The O’Reilly Factor,’’ making a total of at least nine that have suspended sponsorship in the last 24 hours. Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai announced their decisions Monday night, and on Tuesday they were joined by BMW of North America; GlaxoSmithKline; T. Rowe Price; Allstate; Constant Contact, an online marketer; Untuckit, a men’s clothing distributor; and Sanofi Consumer HealthCare, which advertised products like ACT mouthwash on Mr. O’Reilly’s show.

Let's see how long Fox stands behind their man once he is no longer a cash cow.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Doesn't look good on him, but can't conclude much without knowing details. Remember Gomeshi? Multiple women voluntarily had affairs with him then lied that they were unwilling partners.
Kind of tired of the court of the public opinion trials, too. If there is a case, call the cops. BTW, where are all the Trump's "women"? There was one coming out every couple of days, before the election.


Jul 2, 2011
Kind of tired of the court of the public opinion trials, too. If there is a case, call the cops. BTW, where are all the Trump's "women"? There was one coming out every couple of days, before the election.
One did sue him for raping her when she was 13.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
All these huge corporations must be so naïve to believe biased sources and are now pulling their ads from Fox.

At least seven more marketers said they were withdrawing ads from “The O’Reilly Factor,’’ making a total of at least nine that have suspended sponsorship in the last 24 hours. Mercedes-Benz and Hyundai announced their decisions Monday night, and on Tuesday they were joined by BMW of North America; GlaxoSmithKline; T. Rowe Price; Allstate; Constant Contact, an online marketer; Untuckit, a men’s clothing distributor; and Sanofi Consumer HealthCare, which advertised products like ACT mouthwash on Mr. O’Reilly’s show.

Let's see how long Fox stands behind their man once he is no longer a cash cow.
Well said. I regard Fox News as Fake News (not really fake but one-sided).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Kind of tired of the court of the public opinion trials, too. If there is a case, call the cops. BTW, where are all the Trump's "women"? There was one coming out every couple of days, before the election.
True I suppose, but if these women are lying, he would easily sue them for defamation but that might bring more heat on him. However, one might say that his silence speaks volumes.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
True I suppose, but if these women are lying, he would easily sue them for defamation but that might bring more heat on him. However, one might say that his silence speaks volumes.
It's a no win situation. Gomeshi went to trial and won, yet his life is ruined. His accusers lied in the open court, yet the media decided that it was not the lying cunts, but the legal system that was at fault. Even his female lawyer got all kinds of heat for being competent. As with Gomeshi, I want to see some evidence before I make up my mind. He said, she said is not enough for me to destroy a person. And it does not matter who that person happens to be.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It's a no win situation. Gomeshi went to trial and won, yet his life is ruined. His accusers lied in the open court, yet the media decided that it was not the lying cunts, but the legal system that was at fault. Even his female lawyer got all kinds of heat for being competent. As with Gomeshi, I want to see some evidence before I make up my mind. He said, she said is not enough for me to destroy a person. And it does not matter who that person happens to be.
Fair comments thank you.
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