La Villa Spa

Bianca Snow 5454 (MA @ Paradise Spa): Scammer - Avoid

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Willie Layer

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2021
$20 is nothing, literally, but the OP is fighting over the principle of it all, which I guess is worth it for him. The MA always reserves the right to pull the plug on the session, full stop. Personally I have been ripped off for much more and my peace of mind is worth more than subjecting myself to the anguish of dwelling on this.

It’s time to move on…


Nov 2, 2022
A MA or SP is NEVER obligated to provide any service!
What kind of white knighting bullshit is this lol?!

If they spoke beforehand on what the agreed services would be done, and she made him pay upfront that's called scamming lol. If she said upfront "no I'm not doing that" or wasn't comfortable then sure he has the option to not pay for that extra or whatever or just walk away... but he paid already and she accepted knowing what was agreed to.

Also, to say "bro its just 20 bucks" why is he paying 20 bucks in the first place to wait around to basically be scammed. That's a pretty stupid precedent to set for someone who basically charged him 20 bucks to waste his own time and experience by ruining his plans that he was probably looking forward to and planned his night around. I really doubt he was going in there trying to start shit.

Now, all this said, it sounds like there's shades of grey on different sides of the stories here that make it sketchy on whats the exact truth here, but if they guy didn't even get undressed before getting into an argument with her why is he being charged anything lol?! Even with the story the other MA from there is providing he stayed dressed.. so he either was in a waiting room for 10 minutes... might I add that this is something that is commonly mentioned when talking about AT/PS on here.. OR he literally argued with her for 10 minutes fully clothed which also sounds doubtful but not sure its worth a 20 dollar tip lol.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2018
Agreed that the upfront payment is a hassle. I won't put a blanket statement on the entire spa as my negative experience is specific to Bianca. Also, I will let Mark deal with it accordingly as he is ultimately the in-charge.

I have had issues at Club Alpha as well, but overall I would say that Jess is good at handling her business and is effective and getting things done.
You’re giving me a headache just reading this. You sound like a nightmare and shouldn’t be hobbying lmao


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
What kind of white knighting bullshit is this lol?!

If they spoke beforehand on what the agreed services would be done, and she made him pay upfront that's called scamming lol. If she said upfront "no I'm not doing that" or wasn't comfortable then sure he has the option to not pay for that extra or whatever or just walk away... but he paid already and she accepted knowing what was agreed to.

Also, to say "bro its just 20 bucks" why is he paying 20 bucks in the first place to wait around to basically be scammed. That's a pretty stupid precedent to set for someone who basically charged him 20 bucks to waste his own time and experience by ruining his plans that he was probably looking forward to and planned his night around. I really doubt he was going in there trying to start shit.

Now, all this said, it sounds like there's shades of grey on different sides of the stories here that make it sketchy on whats the exact truth here, but if they guy didn't even get undressed before getting into an argument with her why is he being charged anything lol?! Even with the story the other MA from there is providing he stayed dressed.. so he either was in a waiting room for 10 minutes... might I add that this is something that is commonly mentioned when talking about AT/PS on here.. OR he literally argued with her for 10 minutes fully clothed which also sounds doubtful but not sure its worth a 20 dollar tip lol.
Is this a second account to support yourself 🤔
Sep 13, 2022
It is actually not, but I am happy that he posted that reply. It comes to show that some people actually have an objective state of mind.


Nov 2, 2022
What is there to "support" i don't know the guy and like i said it sounds like a pretty sketchy thing and shades of grey. I'm looking at the objective evidence on both sides:

  • Both sides state that he stayed clothed the entire time - in fact "refusing to take off his hoodie"
  • Both sides said he was there 10 minutes
  • There's a post once a month here about people being left waiting after showering for 10+ minutes in a session.. i guess i rigged all those too leading up to this
  • She didn't give back all the money because "he used 10 minutes of her time".. so he literally paid to be stressed out and argue with someone who was misleading him
I don't really see how looking at these facts despite if the guy is unpleasant or a sketchy asshole that it doesn't point to intentionally misleading to get money upfront..


Nov 2, 2022
I think most people here have lost a lot more than 20 bucks on a misunderstanding/scam whatever you want to call it. Next time book with someone cheaper than your budget and you’ve made your money back, math!!
This is some of the dumbest logic I've read on the internet in some time..
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William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
Summary: Bianca is an extremely rude and pushy MA. She has no customer service skills and will simply talk over you and try to control the room. She collects payment prior to the start of a session and reneges on agreed upon services. She is nothing short of a scammer and it is honestly best to avoid this MA.

I stumbled across Bianca's twitter profile about a week ago and decided to give her a text as her number is found in her bio page. We texted briefly and mutually agreed to "x" services being delivered, all within MA limits. She even boasted about her being a former stripper which is in line with the services agreed to.

Fast forward to last Sunday, I decided to call the spa and book Bianca for an hour. When I arrive at the spa, I was greeted by a charming receptionist who collected the upfront door fee and ushered me to a waiting room. I stayed in the waiting room for approximately 10 minutes and then was relocated to another room (Bianca's rented out room). Moments later, Bianca arrives in lingerie. From a first glance, she looks relatively close to her pictures; she is most-definitely not a spinner and on the bigger side all around (which is frankly what I prefer). However, when she walks in the room, she immediately brings off a negative energy. In her thick french accents, she keeps asking me irrelevant questions such as "why am I requesting these services instead of an ordinary massage" and so forth. It was clear as day she was stalling and trying to buy time. She then demands upfront payment, which although is a piss-off and against the norm, I decided to just give her the cash. Right after collecting the cash, she reneges on the agreed upon services and states that I am making her feel uncomfortable. The moment I heard that, that was my cue to leave the room as I never want to be involved in any kind of situation of that sort, especially in that environment. I go to the receptionist and explain the situation in which she then proceeds to refund me the full door fee. When I asked for the in room fee, she was only able to able to return a portion of the payment from Bianca - Bianca decided to keep the remainder. When I inquired as to why that is, she stated that she is unable to force the hostess to provide the cash. She also stated that the other MAs at the spa agreed with her decision which simply showed me how the other attendants lack credibility and would simply side with a colleague rather than being logical. I then quite frustrated and explained to the receptionist how bogus it was for her to receive any compensation since she is the one that reneged on the agreed upon services. The receptionists definitely could see that I was telling the truth and had no incentive to lie, so she gave the owner a ring. When I spoke with the owner and gave him a recap of the situation, he said that would need to speak with Bianca and hear both sides of the story prior to making a decision, which is reasonable. That being said, I would rather sacrifice a potential discount and let others know of how Bianca treats her clients so that any hobbyist can know what they are getting into, and ultimately weed out the subpar hostesses.
Thanks for taking the time to fill us in! What a terrible experifnce!
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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2022
What kind of white knighting bullshit is this lol?!

If they spoke beforehand on what the agreed services would be done, and she made him pay upfront that's called scamming lol. If she said upfront "no I'm not doing that" or wasn't comfortable then sure he has the option to not pay for that extra or whatever or just walk away... but he paid already and she accepted knowing what was agreed to.
MAs/SPs have the right to refuse or take back consent, at any time for any reason. The client might have a legal right to ask for the money back for failure to provide service, but worker is not "obligated" to follow through because there was some kind of agreement.

That isn't "white knighting bullshit," this is perfectly sensible given the personal nature of the work.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
I’d have to disagree that it’s a bad spa, I’ve never felt they had a “chip on their shoulder”. Always treated well.
@Bigdickdanny ... I wouldn't characterize AT/PS as a bad spa but it isn't the best either.

I feel people come to spas to relax and end up feeling good. They don't want to come if there is even a hint of drama...

I'm glad you've only had good experiences and I hope it continues for you! We should all be so lucky to find a place that we can park out hats.

However, I've patronized the AT/PS locations for quite a long while and seen the ebbs and flows. And if a quick glance is taken to the plus/minus list...not many lately from AT/ the past...there were at least some...

@Computernerd01 ... Principle is time to move on. This the risk taken when hobbying. If you've hobbies before, this shouldn't be new. And I'd say the MA community in Ottawa isn't that large...burning bridges at the few spas in Ottawa might become problematic...especially if you're looking for unique services...

Point is made...further escalations is just waving a red flag to the moderator to come in and shut the thread down and start banning people. Many people here have great points...just don't want anyone...especially regular be banned over an angrily written comment.

Let's be adults and move on. Back to the strip clubs for me :).

My two pennies from an old timer.


Nov 2, 2022
MAs/SPs have the right to refuse or take back consent, at any time for any reason. The client might have a legal right to ask for the money back for failure to provide service, but worker is not "obligated" to follow through because there was some kind of agreement.

That isn't "white knighting bullshit," this is perfectly sensible given the personal nature of the work.
But that's not what were arguing or what happened here lol. You are saying "at any point they can refuse or take back consent and he has the legal right to ask for money back... She didn't give all the money back... that's exactly the point.

Its one thing if they agree on certain services or extra, in the session she changes her mind then, he pays her accordingly at the end lol, or even telling him upfront that shes no longer willing to do what was agreed to before taking the payment. By her taking his money upfront, without saying "btw i don't wanna do this and this that we agreed to" then moments later say yea actually nvm I don't want to.. that's ridiculous and I'm amazed that anyone sees that as anything outside of scamming and misleading. This led him to post a justifiable bad review on here for baiting people into services then not delivering, but that is what it is and could be for various reasons.

Did he handle this as calm and collectively as hes implying.. my guess... no. But people justifying this saying "dude its just 20 bucks" are missing the point of this thread is that she's offering things, taking money then scamming lol. If either party said fuck this and returned the money and moved on on life.. sure. but he had to go to management to even get the money back, and even then she kept some lol.

Although its great to have girls from the community active on this forum sometimes it blows my mind that people miss the context of this forum. This isn't a forum to kiss the ass of the providers in hopes your more favourable in their eyes for the next visit. Its meant as an avenue for us to research and share experiences. If you want to roll the dice and try the MA and risk wasting your time based off his review knock yourself out.. its insane that you guys wait for like 13 bad reviews before avoiding a provider. Literally the sections are 411, and REVIEWS. His review is he had a shit experience and is now down 20 bucks.. somehow people come to the rescue. It really makes me wonder with some of the posts on here how many posts are credible experiences and information, and how much of it is manipulated directly or indirectly from the MA and SPs being active on the threads. I know for a fact that most girls actively aware and positing on here know how influencial this is as advertising and request people post favourable or very specific things.


Dec 15, 2021
MAs/SPs have the right to refuse or take back consent, at any time for any reason. The client might have a legal right to ask for the money back for failure to provide service, but worker is not "obligated" to follow through because there was some kind of agreement.

That isn't "white knighting bullshit," this is perfectly sensible given the personal nature of the work.
Watch your words...

"any time for any reason"

At the 1 minute mark because a cloud appeared in the sky
Sep 13, 2022
MAs/SPs have the right to refuse or take back consent, at any time for any reason. The client might have a legal right to ask for the money back for failure to provide service, but worker is not "obligated" to follow through because there was some kind of agreement.

That isn't "white knighting bullshit," this is perfectly sensible given the personal nature of the work.
I should've completed my thought in the sentence. The worker is obligated to follow through the agreement; however, if they choose not to, then they waive the right to collect payment. Which is perfectly sensible. You don't do the job, you don't get paid. This is the status quo in the real world; and this is not what happened in my situation.
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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2022
But that's not what were arguing or what happened here lol. You are saying "at any point they can refuse or take back consent and he has the legal right to ask for money back... She didn't give all the money back... that's exactly the point.

Its one thing if they agree on certain services or extra, in the session she changes her mind then, he pays her accordingly at the end lol, or even telling him upfront that shes no longer willing to do what was agreed to before taking the payment. By her taking his money upfront, without saying "btw i don't wanna do this and this that we agreed to" then moments later say yea actually nvm I don't want to.. that's ridiculous and I'm amazed that anyone sees that as anything outside of scamming and misleading. This led him to post a justifiable bad review on here for baiting people into services then not delivering, but that is what it is and could be for various reasons.

Did he handle this as calm and collectively as hes implying.. my guess... no. But people justifying this saying "dude its just 20 bucks" are missing the point of this thread is that she's offering things, taking money then scamming lol. If either party said fuck this and returned the money and moved on on life.. sure. but he had to go to management to even get the money back, and even then she kept some lol.

Although its great to have girls from the community active on this forum sometimes it blows my mind that people miss the context of this forum. This isn't a forum to kiss the ass of the providers in hopes your more favourable in their eyes for the next visit. Its meant as an avenue for us to research and share experiences. If you want to roll the dice and try the MA and risk wasting your time based off his review knock yourself out.. its insane that you guys wait for like 13 bad reviews before avoiding a provider. Literally the sections are 411, and REVIEWS. His review is he had a shit experience and is now down 20 bucks.. somehow people come to the rescue. It really makes me wonder with some of the posts on here how many posts are credible experiences and information, and how much of it is manipulated directly or indirectly from the MA and SPs being active on the threads. I know for a fact that most girls actively aware and positing on here know how influencial this is as advertising and request people post favourable or very specific things.
The OP alleges to have been scammed.

It's important to recognize that we do not have the full story. You are merely taking the word of an anonymous board member that has not built any credibility here. We are told in the opening post that the MA "asked all kinds of irrelevant questions," to the conclusion that they must be "stalling and buying time." Yet in a response post, the OP also tells us he was room with the MA for less than two minutes.

A curious account of events.

What's more, the OPs posts are couched with vacuous statements, disparaging remarks, and attempts to buttress his position with claims that cannot be validated by anybody here. You are more than welcome to put stock in his review. A reasonable person is going to read most reviews with a grain of salt. For all we know, there is a good reason why the MA reneged service, and decided to keep a nominal amount of $20 because they felt their time was wasted.


Nov 2, 2022
The OP alleges to have been scammed.

It's important to recognize that we do not have the full story. You are merely taking the word of an anonymous board member that has not built any credibility here. We are told in the opening post that the MA "asked all kinds of irrelevant questions," to the conclusion that they must be "stalling and buying time." Yet in a response post, the OP also tells us he was room with the MA for less than two minutes.

A curious account of events.

What's more, the OPs posts are couched with vacuous statements, disparaging remarks, and attempts to buttress his position with claims that cannot be validated by anybody here. You are more than welcome to put stock in his review. A reasonable person is going to read most reviews with a grain of salt. For all we know, there is a good reason why the MA reneged service, and decided to keep a nominal amount of $20 because they felt their time was wasted.
Dude... another MA at the spa corroborated parts of the story ... read the whole thread before making a judgement on the situation. The part that line up basically point to the fact that she kept part of the money "for her time" and he didn't get undressed, shower or even do anything in the room aside from argue with the MA, then go to get his money back because she refused to...
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