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Bianca Snow 5454 (MA @ Paradise Spa): Scammer - Avoid

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Sep 13, 2022
Summary: Bianca is an extremely rude and pushy MA. She has no customer service skills and will simply talk over you and try to control the room. She collects payment prior to the start of a session and reneges on agreed upon services. She is nothing short of a scammer and it is honestly best to avoid this MA.

I stumbled across Bianca's twitter profile about a week ago and decided to give her a text as her number is found in her bio page. We texted briefly and mutually agreed to "x" services being delivered, all within MA limits. She even boasted about her being a former stripper which is in line with the services agreed to.

Fast forward to last Sunday, I decided to call the spa and book Bianca for an hour. When I arrive at the spa, I was greeted by a charming receptionist who collected the upfront door fee and ushered me to a waiting room. I stayed in the waiting room for approximately 10 minutes and then was relocated to another room (Bianca's rented out room). Moments later, Bianca arrives in lingerie. From a first glance, she looks relatively close to her pictures; she is most-definitely not a spinner and on the bigger side all around (which is frankly what I prefer). However, when she walks in the room, she immediately brings off a negative energy. In her thick french accents, she keeps asking me irrelevant questions such as "why am I requesting these services instead of an ordinary massage" and so forth. It was clear as day she was stalling and trying to buy time. She then demands upfront payment, which although is a piss-off and against the norm, I decided to just give her the cash. Right after collecting the cash, she reneges on the agreed upon services and states that I am making her feel uncomfortable. The moment I heard that, that was my cue to leave the room as I never want to be involved in any kind of situation of that sort, especially in that environment. I go to the receptionist and explain the situation in which she then proceeds to refund me the full door fee. When I asked for the in room fee, she was only able to able to return a portion of the payment from Bianca - Bianca decided to keep the remainder. When I inquired as to why that is, she stated that she is unable to force the hostess to provide the cash. She also stated that the other MAs at the spa agreed with her decision which simply showed me how the other attendants lack credibility and would simply side with a colleague rather than being logical. I then quite frustrated and explained to the receptionist how bogus it was for her to receive any compensation since she is the one that reneged on the agreed upon services. The receptionists definitely could see that I was telling the truth and had no incentive to lie, so she gave the owner a ring. When I spoke with the owner and gave him a recap of the situation, he said that would need to speak with Bianca and hear both sides of the story prior to making a decision, which is reasonable. That being said, I would rather sacrifice a potential discount and let others know of how Bianca treats her clients so that any hobbyist can know what they are getting into, and ultimately weed out the subpar hostesses.


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2014
Summary: Bianca is an extremely rude and pushy MA. She has no customer service skills and will simply talk over you and try to control the room. She collects payment prior to the start of a session and reneges on agreed upon services. She is nothing short of a scammer and it is honestly best to avoid this MA.

I stumbled across Bianca's twitter profile about a week ago and decided to give her a text as her number is found in her bio page. We texted briefly and mutually agreed to "x" services being delivered, all within MA limits. She even boasted about her being a former stripper which is in line with the services agreed to.

Fast forward to last Sunday, I decided to call the spa and book Bianca for an hour. When I arrive at the spa, I was greeted by a charming receptionist who collected the upfront door fee and ushered me to a waiting room. I stayed in the waiting room for approximately 10 minutes and then was relocated to another room (Bianca's rented out room). Moments later, Bianca arrives in lingerie. From a first glance, she looks relatively close to her pictures; she is most-definitely not a spinner and on the bigger side all around (which is frankly what I prefer). However, when she walks in the room, she immediately brings off a negative energy. In her thick french accents, she keeps asking me irrelevant questions such as "why am I requesting these services instead of an ordinary massage" and so forth. It was clear as day she was stalling and trying to buy time. She then demands upfront payment, which although is a piss-off and against the norm, I decided to just give her the cash. Right after collecting the cash, she reneges on the agreed upon services and states that I am making her feel uncomfortable. The moment I heard that, that was my cue to leave the room as I never want to be involved in any kind of situation of that sort, especially in that environment. I go to the receptionist and explain the situation in which she then proceeds to refund me the full door fee. When I asked for the in room fee, she was only able to able to return a portion of the payment from Bianca - Bianca decided to keep the remainder. When I inquired as to why that is, she stated that she is unable to force the hostess to provide the cash. She also stated that the other MAs at the spa agreed with her decision which simply showed me how the other attendants lack credibility and would simply side with a colleague rather than being logical. I then quite frustrated and explained to the receptionist how bogus it was for her to receive any compensation since she is the one that reneged on the agreed upon services. The receptionists definitely could see that I was telling the truth and had no incentive to lie, so she gave the owner a ring. When I spoke with the owner and gave him a recap of the situation, he said that would need to speak with Bianca and hear both sides of the story prior to making a decision, which is reasonable. That being said, I would rather sacrifice a potential discount and let others know of how Bianca treats her clients so that any hobbyist can know what they are getting into, and ultimately weed out the subpar hostesses.
you can always place a vote here as well: https://terb.cc/xenforo/threads/the-ottawa-gfe-mas-list-votes-and-reviews.661312/


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
That’s always like that there which is why you should avoid the two locations.
Unfortunately, I have to agree.

AT/PS has been going down hill for a while now...not because of the physical environment itself...I think it is one of the cleaner spas...but the attendants for the most part seem to have a chip on their shoulders and/or are quite rude (seems to me that alot just don't like what they are doing and take it out their customers and/or have superiority complexes...IMHO).

@Computernerd01 .... It's been their standard to collect up front in most of my visits so I wouldn't take that as a slight. But I agree that more and more recently here they have backtracked on agreements once the exchange happens...and there is really nothing that can be done except to leave like you did and chalk it up to experience. Appreciate your accurate review and would suggest you do the voting also. Just know...there are other options in the area...but the MA industry has been more and more a crap shoot....

Also note: In the past, AT/PS management has been able to square away these issues though....so hopefully they reach out to you and there could be some resolution. Not sure if they are doing that anymore. I've given up so I just chalk it up to the risk you take...you win some...you lose some.



Well-known member
Mar 20, 2004
@Computernerd01 .... It's been their standard to collect up front in most of my visits so I wouldn't take that as a slight. But I agree that more and more recently here they have backtracked on agreements once the exchange happens...and there is really nothing that can be done except to leave like you did and chalk it up to experience.
I've never been asked for the in-room fee up front at Paradise, although I've never made any pre-arranged agreements either.
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Just someone living the life!
Sep 26, 2020
I've never been asked for the in-room fee up front at Paradise, although I've never made any pre-arranged agreements either.
While not a common occurrence, I have been asked for the in-room fee upfront on occasion (from previous ladies and none from those currently on schedule). When that would happen, I would pay the standard fee and see what happens. Most of the time, we would both end up enjoy ourselves.


Active member
Feb 19, 2022
I’m Olivia & also work at Paradise. I’m not one to chime in on situations that don’t involve me but I was also there that day. We could hear you screaming at the receptionist desk from the back room of the spa. Bianca gave you $90 back of the $110 and decided to keep $20 as she was in the room for almost 10 minutes with you. You also refused to get undressed, shower or even remove your hoodie so was able to see your face…

if you’re going to come on Terb to attempt to bash a brand new MA - at least tell the story in the full truth form. Just my two cents though.
Sep 13, 2022
I’m Olivia & also work at Paradise. I’m not one to chime in on situations that don’t involve me but I was also there that day. We could hear you screaming at the receptionist desk from the back room of the spa. Bianca gave you $90 back of the $110 and decided to keep $20 as she was in the room for almost 10 minutes with you. You also refused to get undressed, shower or even remove your hoodie so was able to see your face…

if you’re going to come on Terb to attempt to bash a brand new MA - at least tell the story in the full truth form. Just my two cents though.

Olivia: I am so happy you brought that up so I can rebuttal your points.

First and foremost, I was in the room WITH Bianca for LESS than two minutes, which can be corroborated by the receptionist and security footage. I was placed in a waiting room for approximately 10 minutes. I was told the room is not Bianca's room and that she is running late and will have her room set up shortly. The receptionist popped in about 5 minutes after and said that I have not forgotten about you and that it will not take much longer. After spending about 10 minutes in the temporary room, I was then relocated to Bianca's room.

Secondly, there was not any screaming of any sort. I simply voiced my concern, and the receptionist can obviously tell that I had no incentive to lie. Matter of fact, prior to being placed in the wait room, I had a really friendly exchange with the receptionist and she even stated "I think you may be my favourite client" after I said that the size of the room does not impact me. I also got a hold of Mark (the owner) and explained to him the situation in a clear and concise manner. I laid out the facts and he said that once he returns from his vacation, he will have a chat with Bianca and get to the bottom of it, as he has to hear both sides of the story before issuing out a decision (which I understand).

Thirdly, Bianca and I came to an agreement of the details of the session prior to arriving at the appointment. We texted and she agreed to provide "x" services instead of a massage. She also stated that the requested service "would be fun and a little change of the massage vibes which im down". This can all be corroborated via the text messages sent. The services that I requested does not require me to get undressed; there is no skin contact involved. In addition, if the MA did not feel comfortable providing the session (everyone is entitled to a change of mind), why would she then believe that she is entitled to receive any compensation. She is the one that immediately reneged on the agreed upon services right after the consideration was provided.

If you are going back up your co-worker at least provide a rational, objective argument.


Jul 26, 2022
Computernerd01 said:
When I asked for the in room fee, she was only able to able to return a portion of the payment from Bianca - Bianca decided to keep the remainder. When I inquired as to why that is, she stated that she is unable to force the hostess to provide the cash. She also stated that the other MAs at the spa agreed with her decision which simply showed me how the other attendants lack credibility and would simply side with a colleague rather than being logical. I then quite frustrated and explained to the receptionist how bogus it was for her to receive any compensation since she is the one that reneged on the agreed upon services. The receptionists definitely could see that I was telling the truth and had no incentive to lie, so she gave the owner a ring. When I spoke with the owner and gave him a recap of the situation, he said that would need to speak with Bianca and hear both sides of the story prior to making a decision, which is reasonable.
You went through all this just to get the last $20 back?
Sep 13, 2022
You went through all this just to get the last $20 back?
The $20 is not the focal point. If I was willing to spend $175 for the hour, that clearly shows that I have $20 to spare. However, the issue is a matter of principle. For someone to come treat you like shit, completely deceive you, and yet believe that they are entitled to compensation...that does not sit well with me.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
The $20 is not the focal point. If I was willing to spend $175 for the hour, that clearly shows that I have $20 to spare. However, the issue is a matter of principle. For someone to come treat you like shit, completely deceive you, and yet believe that they are entitled to compensation...that does not sit well with me.
You should stop doing this hobby then...!

If you go to Calypso and do one ride, because you didn't like it, you will leave and ask (or demand) a refund?

When you go see a MA is for standard service (SF2, Massage, HJ). Everything else should be at the discretion of the MA. Even if an MA start a service and want to stop in the middle of it and say 'no' or not anymore, she is allowed. You call this consent. Regardless if you confirm via text before, did you check with her just before how comfortable she was to provide your special request? Maybe, when she saw you physically, saw your behaviour, your stature, your smell... whatever... Maybe she changed her mind at that point, did you think about that?

Communication and respect is always the key. You want her service, respect her boundaries...

No needs to call her a scammer here, from what I understand she was available to provide the standard service, it's only your special request she didn't want to deliver.

I wonder what it was, must have been creepy!

(Dry humping isn't always fun with everyone, I understand her changing her mind if it's what you wanted)
Sep 13, 2022
I'm going to ignore all of the name calling and address your point.

If she does not want to engage in the agreed upon services, by all means. What I do not appreciate is her accepting payment for a service that she does not intend to deliver. Plain and simple.
Sep 13, 2022
Also your analogy is completely off. In your analogy, when someone visits Calypso, they are aware of the services (rides) offered. They have no ability to negotiate and everything is pre-arranged.

A better analogy would be equating an MA to any other professional (lawyer, banker, etc.). There is a mutual agreement for one party to deliver "x" services and for the second party to provide "y" consideration. Specifications can be made to tailor to the client as long as both parties arrive at an agreement. If a professional receives payment for a service, there is an obligation to deliver the agreed-upon services or else they would subject themselves to legal liability. There should be similar ramifications for MA that do not hold up their agreements and withhold advances received.


Active member
Aug 2, 2006
Whenever I went to Par , they asked for the door fee up front. I've only been a couple of times but I've moved on to Alpha/CMJ , same prices in the end but better selection & no drama. And with Alpha West all the better.
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Sep 13, 2022
Whenever I went to Par , they asked for the door fee up front. I've only been a couple of times but I've moved on to Alpha/CMJ , same prices in the end but better selection & no drama. And with Alpha West all the better.
Agreed that the upfront payment is a hassle. I won't put a blanket statement on the entire spa as my negative experience is specific to Bianca. Also, I will let Mark deal with it accordingly as he is ultimately the in-charge.

I have had issues at Club Alpha as well, but overall I would say that Jess is good at handling her business and is effective and getting things done.


Just someone living the life!
Sep 26, 2020
Also your analogy is completely off. In your analogy, when someone visits Calypso, they are aware of the services (rides) offered. They have no ability to negotiate and everything is pre-arranged.

A better analogy would be equating an MA to any other professional (lawyer, banker, etc.). There is a mutual agreement for one party to deliver "x" services and for the second party to provide "y" consideration. Specifications can be made to tailor to the client as long as both parties arrive at an agreement. If a professional receives payment for a service, there is an obligation to deliver the agreed-upon services or else they would subject themselves to legal liability. There should be similar ramifications for MA that do not hold up their agreements and withhold advances received.
A MA or SP is NEVER obligated to provide any service!
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