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Best time to see an SP if you have an SO


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May 30, 2006
Toroz said:
Oh Man...can I empathize!!! I also have two beautiful girls! You know what, I thought the same thing as you for recent experience is teaching me very quickly that kids will adapt and accept you for who you are if you level with them. My 17yo daughter & I had a really long conversation today and she is very accepting of things now that we have talked and I could explain my side to cool is that...I'm on cloud f'ing nine after that tonight....u4parts...if you're not happy, make the change sooner rather than later....seriously! :)
Glad to hear things are improving for you after the breakup. It's definitely tougher with kids but we have to realize ultimately we have to live our lives, not someone else's and as long as we are honest with the kids, they will learn to accept, or even embrace it down the road.
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