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Best Olympic Opening Ever


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
hinz said:
Maybe it's the best excuse to master Mandarin :eek:
WHo would want to master a cheesy restaurant that serves mediocre food?

BTW: some of those fricken athletes are HOT.....

As I'm watching this, a number of things are running through my mind (or lack thereof lol):
1) Ron Mclean stated a couple of times about how china is an economic powerhouse... couldn't help think: yeah, it's easy to get rich selling crap to us, don't have to worry about pollution control, ignore copyright infringements, and have no problem stealing patented technology.
2) ol Ronny also stated that the city needs some rain to get rid of the smog. As I watched all those fireworks I thought: yeah, that's JUST what a highly polluted city needs: more pollution (but it was pretty).
and lastly:
3) Couldn't help but think THANK GOD Toronto didn't win else we'd have had to pay $300 million to put on a show. Probably have had to steal that money from the homeless shelters, schools, road repair etc to pay for it too....


New member
Sep 18, 2007
tboy said:
3) Couldn't help but think THANK GOD Toronto didn't win else we'd have had to pay $300 million to put on a show. Probably have had to steal that money from the homeless shelters, schools, road repair etc to pay for it too....
At least if Toronto won, the waterfront would have finally been completed, unlike now seven years later. Also transit and infrastructure would have gotten a huge makeover too, as opposed to what it is now.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
SexHound said:
At least if Toronto won, the waterfront would have finally been completed, unlike now seven years later. Also transit and infrastructure would have gotten a huge makeover too, as opposed to what it is now.
I agree, but we'd lose all our public pools, all park programs, probably have to drive our own garbage to Michigan, our roads would be toast and no repairs for 25 yrs, and then we'd be left with all these facilities sitting empty for 20 or 30 yrs just like many other "olympic" cities.

I mean heck, even the olympic village in germany from 1939 is still sittting there rotting and empty.

Frankly I think they should create Olympic Facilities somewhere in the world, with all countries footing some of the bill proportionately to build and then instead of spending billions every 4 yrs for some individual country to host them, they all go there. Then all the money each individual country would spend to construct all these one time use facilities could be put into training and supporting the athletes......


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Kudos to CBC who for once has better coverage than the Americans who seem content to limit theirs to daytime time delay.

Still wish there was a way to watch events of your choice instead watching coverage that hops from place to place.


Mar 5, 2005
I say it was the best Olympic opening ever in the history. 10 thumbs up for China!

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
Is that sour grape juice dripping from your mouth onto your chin?

tboy said:
Well, of course it would be precise and perfect, if someone F'd up they'd probably die in a dungeon somewhere lol.....

As the radio announcer said: the costumes looked great but they were all "made in china" so they probably fell apart right after the ceremony heheheh (and contained lead etc).....
It is their time, the romans had their time, the British had their time, the Americans time is coming to a close, and the time for China if just starting.
Don t worry, China was the most powerful nation in the world a thousand years ago, but their time passed and has now come again. Everything comes full circle if you wait around long enough.

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
stinkynuts said:
Supposedly it was the most viewed in event in history. Can anyone provide a link to the full video? Youtube has pulled them all. I'm dying to see the opening ceremony.

Youtoube had to pull the links for theOlympic opening ceramony, if they had not the amount of people that would download it would cause so much friction on the internet that the world would burst into flames.:eek:


Dec 18, 2005
gentle_lover said:
I say it was the best Olympic opening ever in the history. 10 thumbs up for China!
Mission accomplished already I see. The bulk of this post below I cut and pasted from an interesting article I read. It does a good job to summarize how I feel about China hosting the 2008 Olympic games. I added my own thoughts and opinions to it as well...

I can’t help but find some similarities between the events surrounding the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the Beijing Olympic games.

The 1936 Olympics was meant to be a coming-out party for Germany.

Germany had rebuilt since the disastrous First World War and Adolph Hitler had declared that the games would not only be a showcase for the new Germany, but for the superiority of the Aryans…. the Master Race.

In preparations for the Olympics, Adolph Hitler oversaw a massive public relations campaign:

* Anti-Jewish signs were torn down

* Newspapers were ordered to tone down their attacks on all minorities, including Jews, Blacks and Gypsies.

* Berlin’s Gypsy population was rounded up and interred in a detention camp on the outskirts of the city.

* Berlin’s citizens were commanded to tone down their personal attacks on minorities or anyone who looked like a minority.

* Though many countries threatened to boycott the Olympics, every nation invited showed up.

* In the United States where there was strong opposition to the games, an Olympic Committee was sent to check things out. They came back with a report that news of Nazi oppression was overstated and that America’s athletes, including Jews and Blacks, would be warmly welcomed. As the head of the International Olympic Committee, years later, they would call for the continuation of the Munich Olympics following the massacre of Israeli athletes.

So, the games went on. No country boycotted. The Germans won more medals than any other nation.

Mission accomplished.

Three years later, they were marching on Poland.

Fast forward to 2008....

The Chinese propaganda machine is going full tilt.

Like 1936 Germany, China is using the Olympic stage as a coming out party. These games are designed to showcase China as a major and modern superpower.

Like 1936 Germany, China has had some issues with their minority groups. Like Germany, China is trying awfully hard to whitewash those issues for the Games.

* China has already displaced 1.5 million people as they have built facilities for the Olympic Games. Most were given little advanced notice and were sent away from family and friends to housing that was not on a par with what they had previously enjoyed.

* China has spent $40 billion on construction, while a large percentage of the population remains in abject poverty.

* Citizens are being re-educated to put a better face on the country. Public spitting and shoving, all common in China, have now been criminalized.

* To show that even the weather is perfect in China, the country has developed a massive “weather modification” program for the Olympic fortnight. Utilizing both aircraft and twenty artillery and rocket-launch sites around Beijing, the Chinese will shoot and spray silver iodide and dry ice into incoming clouds, thus keeping the skies rain free.

* Protesters in China have been silenced and incarcerated. Killed?

- Falun Gong members, whose faith has been banned in China, have been subject to torture and imprisonment.

- Pro-Tibet activists have been similarly jailed, beaten and tortured.

- Any mention of China’s role in the tragedy of Darfur is banned.

China seems to believe its own propaganda. They seem truly shocked that the procession of the Olympic Torch around the world was met with protests and violence. Virtually every country where the Olympic Torch had traveled to saw major protests over China’s civil rights violations.

Here’s the Chinese Foreign Ministry reaction:

“We express our strong condemnation to the deliberate disruption of the Olympic torch relay by ‘Tibetan independence’ separatist forces regardless of the Olympic spirit and the law of Britain and France. Their despicable activities tarnish the lofty Olympic spirit and challenge all the people loving the Olympic Games around the world.”

It’s not like the protests will change how they do business in China.

The games will go on. No country will boycott. China will win the most medals.

Mission accomplished.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
* China has spent $40 billion on construction, while a large percentage of the population remains in abject poverty.
That's my biggest beef with the whole "build it and they will come" mentality of the Olympic Games.

Thanks Dajodo for correcting me on the year of the german games just prior to WWII. I thought it was '39 but yeah, it was '36. I saw a documentary on this very subject (sounds like you saw the same one?).

Wasn't that the year that Jessie Owens beat the "superior race" in the 1500 m race? I remember seeing the film of Hitler shitting his pants when that happened lol


Dec 18, 2005
tboy said:
Wasn't that the year that Jessie Owens beat the "superior race" in the 1500 m race? I remember seeing the film of Hitler shitting his pants when that happened lol
Yes. Zat infuriated Za Fuhrer.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I always wonder in these countries (like the old soviet union) where an athlete MUST win their event and what happens to them if they don't?
Jul 4, 2002
Steely said:
I watched it in bed with my Chinese girlfriend I had my own Chinese opening ceremony and tried real hard to cum at 08 08 08 08 08 but getting right down to the second was kind of impossible But I deserve the Gold metal for trying.
Steely, did you go back to your "gf"? How could I have missed this. What gives? Wasn't her husband coming to town?


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
tboy said:
1) Ron Mclean stated a couple of times about how china is an economic powerhouse... couldn't help think: yeah, it's easy to get rich selling crap to us
Who's the bigger fool, the one who makes the crap or the one who buys it?

One way or another, China's been kicking the world's ass throughout history. Inventions? Check. Global trade? Check. Gold medals? Check. Welcome to the new era.


Aug 8, 2008
gentle_lover said:
I say it was the best Olympic opening ever in the history. 10 thumbs up for China!
Yes it was, it simply awed me. It seems all these asian communist countries are good at putting these kinds of shows.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
mmouse said:
Who's the bigger fool, the one who makes the crap or the one who buys it?

One way or another, China's been kicking the world's ass throughout history. Inventions? Check. Global trade? Check. Gold medals? Check. Welcome to the new era.

thats the real olympic spirit. faster, higher, and kicking the world's ass


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
mmouse said:
Who's the bigger fool, the one who makes the crap or the one who buys it?.
Definitely the people buying the crap. I will admit that I have bought some "utility" paint brushes at the dollar store......

mmouse said:
One way or another, China's been kicking the world's ass throughout history. Inventions? Check. Global trade? Check. Gold medals? Check. Welcome to the new era.
As for inventions. I was thinking of that during the opening ceremony. Funny thing about inventions though is one really can't say they are "better" than anyone else because they came up with it first. As with most things, eventually someone would discover it.

I mean, really, you gotta respect the first person to look at a live lobster and say: Man, that would taste good with melted butter lol...(they were one brave soul I tell ya lol).

I mean for all their "great" discoveries, you can detract a lot from their status. I mean hell, they invented food that makes you hungry again an hour after you eat it lol (not the best way to feed a billion people hehehe).


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
tboy said:
I mean hell, they invented food that makes you hungry again an hour after you eat it lol (not the best way to feed a billion people hehehe).
They also invented spaghetti and you aren't hungary again after an hour, but don't tell the Italians that, they think Marco Polo did. :D


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
tboy said:
I mean hell, they invented food that makes you hungry again an hour after you eat it lol (not the best way to feed a billion people hehehe).
Lol, that's the food they invented for foreigners.
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