Best Hangover Cures


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
Last night......

Well our designated driver bailed on us, so I became designated driver. So I couldn't really drink. However, we had a truly awesome time... we have been working so hard lately, there has been no play time lately, so we spent the night partying with a great bunch of friends. I didn't drink, but I still crawled though the door at 4 AM.

Bottom line - I have great friends and I hate to neglect them, so I really needed this fucking night.

BTW- I still felt like shit in the morning - maybe I am just not a morning person.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I don't get hangovers, but here's my battleplan. Eat a good meal before hand, with water, stick to one type of drink drinking the occasional glass of water and some food. Drink large glass of water before bed plus have water beside the bed. No problems.

And if you find draught beer doesn't agree with you then drink something else. Friend of mine can drink bottled beer forever w/o getting a hangover but one pitcher and he's puking and hungover to the nines the next day.
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