Wow ,, some of these are really great.
JJWILSON.... thanks for the in-site and faith in me with this , i AM planning to take this thing pretty far and big.
I now have a confirmed partnership with our own beautiful extremely talented
so now we are trying to come up with a name that promotes us both.
Every lady that is interested in helping us out with any aspect of the party
would be great .. Im sure you will have a great time doing it as well
as benefiting all of us lol
Ok Terbies.... lets see what we can think of , as well do any of you have any good memories form that night , we can add to the site ?
Once its up there will be a section as well for commenting
We are just putting together some basic content for now until we see how well this fly's . Thanks again for all your input and Support
Its you Terbies that have made this successful