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Belinda Stronach Turns Liberal


New member
Oct 22, 2004
hjwolf69 said:
... if Stephen Harper voted for the budget and Belinda Stronach was still a member of the Conservative Party, would Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party be in a stronger or weaker position today?
If Harper hadn't allowed the Liberal drop in popularity to seduce him into making such a transparent power grab, Martin wouldn't have had to do the deal with Layton so I think the budget would have been a better one. Harper had already indicated his intention to support the original budget so he would have, IMHO, gained support for not playing politics, especially with such an important bill. If he'd simply followed the line that Canadians expected this minority gov't to get to work, that they're not ready for another election, that Martin was innocent until proven guilty by Gomery, and that it looked downright subversive to be teaming up with the Bloc to defeat the elected government just because they'd dipped in popularity, I think Canadians would have viewed him as a responsible parliamentarian.

Harper's problem is that people in Ontario are still skeptical about him. Until recently, they suspected him of having a hidden right wing agenda but now they'll add lousy judgement, disrespect for the work of parliament, ignorance or disregard for the rules of parliament, impatience, blind ambition etc. to his list of faults.

If Belinda hadn't left and if she'd voted against the Liberals, Harper would've toppled the Liberal minority so he'd have looked like a winner until the next election. Then I believe the voters would have pummelled him for his obstructionist stance in parliament and for forcing an unnecessary election. Most Canadians wanted to wait for Gomery but Harper, with his usual paternalistic zeal, just couldn't respect that. And now, with the departure of Belinda, he also appears intolerant of moderate voices in his party. It is almost irrelevant whether Belinda left or not because he'd put himself in such an awkward place, he'd get fucked either way. He made all the wrong choices on gay marriage and he did the same thing this time. He needs a good strategist and a swift kick up the ass.


Rebmem Roines
Jan 20, 2004
Harrad College
ice_dog said:
It is a moot point to ask so many 'what if's' because IMO, Harper is just too obssessed with bringing the government down, and Stronach was a big fish in a small pond. Just my opinion, and you dont' have to agree.
slowpoke said:
If Harper hadn't allowed the Liberal drop in popularity to seduce him into making such a transparent power grab, Martin wouldn't have had to do the deal with Layton so I think the budget would have been a better one. Harper had already indicated his intention to support the original budget so he would have, IMHO, gained support for not playing politics, especially with such an important bill. If he'd simply followed the line that Canadians expected this minority gov't to get to work, that they're not ready for another election, that Martin was innocent until proven guilty by Gomery, and that it looked downright subversive to be teaming up with the Bloc to defeat the elected government just because they'd dipped in popularity, I think Canadians would have viewed him as a responsible parliamentarian.

Harper's problem is that people in Ontario are still skeptical about him. Until recently, they suspected him of having a hidden right wing agenda but now they'll add lousy judgement, disrespect for the work of parliament, ignorance or disregard for the rules of parliament, impatience, blind ambition etc. to his list of faults.

If Belinda hadn't left and if she'd voted against the Liberals, Harper would've toppled the Liberal minority so he'd have looked like a winner until the next election. Then I believe the voters would have pummelled him for his obstructionist stance in parliament and for forcing an unnecessary election. Most Canadians wanted to wait for Gomery but Harper, with his usual paternalistic zeal, just couldn't respect that. And now, with the departure of Belinda, he also appears intolerant of moderate voices in his party. It is almost irrelevant whether Belinda left or not because he'd put himself in such an awkward place, he'd get fucked either way. He made all the wrong choices on gay marriage and he did the same thing this time. He needs a good strategist and a swift kick up the ass.
both nicely put, thanks ... :)


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Mrs Dithers, More B.S. from B.S.

B.S. sent out letters to her constituants, explaining why the government had to be stopped, because of the corruption. But, and a BIG BUT, the letters weren't received until after she crossed the floor.

It has been question, why she gets to do an ethics job, when she is so green, and because of her wavering, will she fail to deal with the results of the Gomery Inquiry, or fail to make polititions more accountable. Former PM Jean, had a puppet as his ethics comissioner. Does Paul have one too?


New member
Mar 20, 2005
I haven`t read the entire thread, so I apologize if somebody else already mentioned this, but all week the columnists in the conservative Sun Media chain have been calling Stronach a "turncoat" and talking about how unethical it is to leave the party you were a member of when elected to join another, especially when you ran for leadership of that party the previous year.

Well remember a few years ago when several PC MPs left Joe Clark to join the Reform/Canadian Alliance, including Brian Pallister, who had ran against Clark for the PC leadership. They were never called turncoats. They were never criticized by the conservative media. What`s the difference?
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