Being nice doesn't pay. lol


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
I think your other two examples are truly class acts and our society woudl get along much better, and faster if more people were like you.

However my friend, saying "You're welcome" in any voice, especially a raised one is classless. For may reasons, not the least of which is that some people have social anxiety and would actually become stressed over what they would perceive as an act of aggression. As for the other people, they would either just feel uncomfortable or that you are a creep.
That's okay, I'm an equal opportunist "thank you sir" for those that open or don't open the doors.
I don't discriminate. Let these people feel stupid, let them realize that in this country,this is how it's done.
Pussy footing around, being "nice" isn't gonna do anything, get in their face, make them realize what's going on, they'll get it eventually.
Boot Camp for Doors.

If it truly is an act of kindness on your part, then leave it at that. A true act of kindness satisfies the giver, and needs no acknowledgement from others.

I recall one definition of having "class" is one that treats everybody with respect and can make anyone comfortable from the Duke to the 'dustman' (garbageman).

So... as much as I hate the saying..."Keep it Classy"![/QUOTE]


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
There already exists a set of traffic rules. Follow them and you should have no problem.
If you want to be a good Samaritan by creating anomalies to the traffic rules so that you can make yourself friends, you will just piss off drivers that have no idea what the fuck you are doing.
Stick to the rules of the road, and make friends elsewhere.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Doing good deeds isn't about the rewards. I think you have to just laugh it off when someone freaks out like the driver did to the OP. That person's life must be miserable. It takes a certain type of person to get that angry over something so small. Typically those types of people have very negative outlooks which is why they have conditioned themselves to road rage like that. IF that person didn't freak out at you, I'm sure there was 20 more things on the way home that would have set them off.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2004
There already exists a set of traffic rules. Follow them and you should have no problem.
If you want to be a good Samaritan by creating anomalies to the traffic rules so that you can make yourself friends, you will just piss off drivers that have no idea what the fuck you are doing.
Stick to the rules of the road, and make friends elsewhere.
+1, good advice


Jan 31, 2005
A similar thing happens when a pedestrian wants to cross the road when there's a gap in traffic. I have often stood on the curb intending to cross just after a car passes, in a gap that is available. But the driver slows and I have to wait to be sure he's stopping by which time the gap in the other direction is no longer available.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
There already exists a set of traffic rules. Follow them and you should have no problem.
If you want to be a good Samaritan by creating anomalies to the traffic rules so that you can make yourself friends, you will just piss off drivers that have no idea what the fuck you are doing.
Stick to the rules of the road, and make friends elsewhere.
So that was you in the passenger seat licking the window with the crazy glare.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
Doing good deeds isn't about the rewards. I think you have to just laugh it off when someone freaks out like the driver did to the OP. That person's life must be miserable. It takes a certain type of person to get that angry over something so small. Typically those types of people have very negative outlooks which is why they have conditioned themselves to road rage like that. IF that person didn't freak out at you, I'm sure there was 20 more things on the way home that would have set them off.
You're probably right, hair trigger for anything. But it was funny as hell to see the Jack Russell bouncing around from the back to the front at both driver and passenger looking as if to say "wtf is going on, where's the action???" lol


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
So that was you in the passenger seat licking the window with the crazy glare.
It definitely wasn't me.
I'm actually a very calm, alert driver. I try to anticipate the fact that drivers like you may create anomalies to the traffic rules. I'm very seldom caught off guard by drivers like yourself and haven't found a reason yet to get upset.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of drivers like you doing the unexpected, and not everyone on the road is as good at dealing with it.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
I think your other two examples are truly class acts and our society woudl get along much better, and faster if more people were like you.

However my friend, saying "You're welcome" in any voice, especially a raised one is classless. For may reasons, not the least of which is that some people have social anxiety and would actually become stressed over what they would perceive as an act of aggression. As for the other people, they would either just feel uncomfortable or that you are a creep.

If it truly is an act of kindness on your part, then leave it at that. A true act of kindness satisfies the giver, and needs no acknowledgement from others.

I recall one definition of having "class" is one that treats everybody with respect and can make anyone comfortable from the Duke to the 'dustman' (garbageman).

So... as much as I hate the saying..."Keep it Classy"!
Very nicely said...


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
It definitely wasn't me.
I'm actually a very calm, alert driver. I try to anticipate the fact that drivers like you may create anomalies to the traffic rules. I'm very seldom caught off guard by drivers like yourself and haven't found a reason yet to get upset.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of drivers like you doing the unexpected, and not everyone on the road is as good at dealing with it.
If you're calm and alert, you shouldn't have any problems then. I love the irony.
More unfortunate is that there are more assholes on the road than there are drivers who are truly aware of their surroundings.

I'm gonna guess you never thanked someone for letting you in, when they really shouldn't have.
Good job.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
Yes, I am gracious when someone lets me in. The appropriate time for this to happen would generally be when lanes merge. Traffic tends to run smooth when drivers are courteous and do what is expected.

You seem to have a fascination with doing the unexpected and wonder why you get funny looks or why other drivers fail to thank you for your unpredictable courtesy.

Try and stick to the rules of the road and I am sure you will get thanked at the appropriate time.

If you're calm and alert, you shouldn't have any problems then. I love the irony.
More unfortunate is that there are more assholes on the road than there are drivers who are truly aware of their surroundings.

I'm gonna guess you never thanked someone for letting you in, when they really shouldn't have.
Good job.
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