Being nice doesn't pay. lol


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
I'm driving south to visit a friend on Mississauga Road. I notice the lights ahead of me are red and I won't get anywhere anyways.
Traffic is crazy as usual at this time - 5:00pm.

I notice a car, in the the northbound lane, waiting to turn left, I figure, I'll stop and let them go since I won't be going anywhere.
The people in the car behind me FLIP THE FUCK OUT, going mental. They went even more crazy after I did :der: to them.. lol... their Jack Russell is jumping around because they're screaming. Funniest shit ever.
The woman (I noticed after I drove by) that I'm trying to give the chance to turn, is clueless and I guess too scared to turn. Geez.

Car behind me pulls up around me, gets in front of me and hammers on the brakes to piss me off, doesn't work.
I get around them, buddy has his faced PEELED to his passenger side window with this crazy death stare, I laugh (sure that pissed him off more)... I drive up and they get caught at another red. LOL

This "pay it forward" stuff sometimes doesn't pay.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I'm driving south to visit a friend on Mississauga Road. I notice the lights ahead of me are red and I won't get anywhere anyways.
Traffic is crazy as usual at this time - 5:00pm.

I notice a car, in the the northbound lane, waiting to turn left, I figure, I'll stop and let them go since I won't be going anywhere.
The people in the car behind me FLIP THE FUCK OUT, going mental. They went even more crazy after I did :der: to them.. lol... their Jack Russell is jumping around because they're screaming. Funniest shit ever.
The woman (I noticed after I drove by) that I'm trying to give the chance to turn, is clueless and I guess too scared to turn. Geez.

Car behind me pulls up around me, gets in front of me and hammers on the brakes to piss me off, doesn't work.
I get around them, buddy has his faced PEELED to his passenger side window with this crazy death stare, I laugh (sure that pissed him off more)... I drive up and they get caught at another red. LOL

This "pay it forward" stuff sometimes doesn't pay.
Road rage is everywhere. It is a good thing a cyclist wasn't there or else he would be blamed for everything.


Jan 4, 2005
A few times in the last couple weeks I held the door open for some people, and they didn't acknowledge it. I always thank the person.

It's not a big deal, but a few kind words would be nice.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
A few times in the last couple weeks I held the door open for some people, and they didn't acknowledge it. I always thank the person.

It's not a big deal, but a few kind words would be nice.


I really exaggerate a thank you if someone holds the door for me, simply because it doesn't happen very often and I do appreciate it.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
A few times in the last couple weeks I held the door open for some people, and they didn't acknowledge it. I always thank the person.

It's not a big deal, but a few kind words would be nice.
Was this in Scarborough?
Many immigrants do not understand this courtesy.
Thats not how it worked where they came from & need to be taught that they are in Canada now.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Agree GWW.
Yep, really raise the voice on that one. Make them feel stupid where an kind kindness was taken for "granted".
For most of them ( new immigrants ), they simply would not understand what you were doing.
So no,they wouldn't know the sarcasm or insult .
Just the way it is in much of Asia & the Middle East.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Sometimes people get pissed off on the road and I have no clue why they are mad. If I am ahead of them I proceed on my way at regular speed and then let off on the gas so that the gap between my car and theirs is closed a few feet, then I speed up to usual speed again. Since I am not hitting the brakes to slow down they see no brake lights.
Do this a few times and they usually pull around and speed off.

Today a kid dashed across the street in the middle of the street, this does not bother me but his buddy was behind him and crossed slowly on purpose in defiance. As my car approached I hit the horn. A BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP is more effective than one long BEEEEEEP. He jumped out of the way and cursed, his buddies laughed their heads off. The little scumbag will not be doing that again soon.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Ever been to Rome?

I've been several times. It's one of the most amazingly beautiful cities in the world.

Driving in Rome (or being a pedestrian) is chaos . The rules of the road that we North Americans subscribe to are not even a consideration in Rome. There is only one rule there, drive like you're the only thing that matters. Pedestrian? Counts for shit in Rome. They will just run you right over. Drivers, scooters everywhere, narrow winding streets with buildings right on the corner.

But here's the weird thing. No-one seems to get upset or worked up like they do in North America. I see road rage every day in Toronto. Hell, in the US, people get shot over it on a daily basis. But in Rome they just don't seem to get upset. It's one great big "meh" . I still don't want to drive there, but you have to respect the calmness of the Roman commuter.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Agree GWW.
Yep, really raise the voice on that one. Make them feel stupid where an kind kindness was taken for "granted".

I think your other two examples are truly class acts and our society woudl get along much better, and faster if more people were like you.

However my friend, saying "You're welcome" in any voice, especially a raised one is classless. For may reasons, not the least of which is that some people have social anxiety and would actually become stressed over what they would perceive as an act of aggression. As for the other people, they would either just feel uncomfortable or that you are a creep.

If it truly is an act of kindness on your part, then leave it at that. A true act of kindness satisfies the giver, and needs no acknowledgement from others.

I recall one definition of having "class" is one that treats everybody with respect and can make anyone comfortable from the Duke to the 'dustman' (garbageman).

So... as much as I hate the saying..."Keep it Classy"!


Mar 31, 2009
I was in the Beer Store when I noticed my bike outside full of groceries and other stuff had tipped over. I left the store and noticed two young (black) males were gathering all my stuff and returning them to my bike. I offered to buy them some beer but they politely declined and went on their way.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Ever been to Rome?

I've been several times. It's one of the most amazingly beautiful cities in the world.

Driving in Rome (or being a pedestrian) is chaos . The rules of the road that we North Americans subscribe to are not even a consideration in Rome. There is only one rule there, drive like you're the only thing that matters. Pedestrian? Counts for shit in Rome. They will just run you right over. Drivers, scooters everywhere, narrow winding streets with buildings right on the corner.

But here's the weird thing. No-one seems to get upset or worked up like they do in North America. I see road rage every day in Toronto. Hell, in the US, people get shot over it on a daily basis. But in Rome they just don't seem to get upset. It's one great big "meh" . I still don't want to drive there, but you have to respect the calmness of the Roman commuter.
Exactly. Even in Bangkok, they rarely beep their horns. I was surprised because many times I have seen drivers behave in a way that says "I do not give a shit!" and yet others did not react as if it happens all the time.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I think your other two examples are truly class acts and our society woudl get along much better, and faster if more people were like you.

However my friend, saying "You're welcome" in any voice, especially a raised one is classless. For may reasons, not the least of which is that some people have social anxiety and would actually become stressed over what they would perceive as an act of aggression. As for the other people, they would either just feel uncomfortable or that you are a creep.

If it truly is an act of kindness on your part, then leave it at that. A true act of kindness satisfies the giver, and needs no acknowledgement from others.

I recall one definition of having "class" is one that treats everybody with respect and can make anyone comfortable from the Duke to the 'dustman' (garbageman).

So... as much as I hate the saying..."Keep it Classy"!
I concur. Keep it classy or just don't lower your standard because others are rude or inconsiderate.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I was in the Beer Store when I noticed my bike outside full of groceries and other stuff had tipped over. I left the store and noticed two young (black) males were gathering all my stuff and returning them to my bike. I offered to buy them some beer but they politely declined and went on their way.

Good thing you came out when you did or your groceries AND bike would have been gone!



Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Was this in Scarborough?
Many immigrants do not understand this courtesy.
Thats not how it worked where they came from & need to be taught that they are in Canada now.
Many Canadian born here or long standing residents need to be taught the same thing.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Was this in Scarborough?
Many immigrants do not understand this courtesy.
Thats not how it worked where they came from & need to be taught that they are in Canada now.
Sorry pal, but you're fucking full of shit. Nearly all road rage I've encountered has been from white born in Canada Canadians. Maybe some of us are well mannered, but many are not. Moreover you sound like you could be a racist prick. Fucking wise up.


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Sorry pal, but you're fucking full of shit. Nearly all road rage I've encountered has been from white born in Canada Canadians. Maybe some of us are well mannered, but many are not. Moreover you sound like you could be a racist prick. Fucking wise up.
Learn to read .
I was talking about holding doors open.
I have encountered many ,many times where they do not hold an elevator door, or partially open a door in front of them, squeeze through & let it start closing directly in front of you, like you did not exist.
If YOU have not come across this, then I can only suggest you rarely leave from under the rock you crawl out of.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The woman (I noticed after I drove by) that I'm trying to give the chance to turn, is clueless and I guess too scared to turn. Geez.
If the other car pulled around you, I imagine it was a four lane road at that point? As the left-turning vehicle, her view of the right lane may have been blocked by your car and she didn't feel safe making the turn. I've seen dangerous situations like this almost cause a collision multiple times. Usually it's because the guy behind you assumes you're an idiot and tries to pass you on the right at the same time the other driver is making their left.

There's definitely a right time and a wrong time to do the nice thing here. The right time is when you otherwise would have been stopped in the left-turning vehicle's way or when you're on a regular, two-lane road where little danger exists. The latter of which may have been the case for you anyway!


A few times in the last couple weeks I held the door open for some people, and they didn't acknowledge it. I always thank the person.

It's not a big deal, but a few kind words would be nice.
I usually say " your welcome " when that happens usually sparks a response
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