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Becoming too undesirable even for hobbying?


Jul 12, 2005
5 Hours From Toronto
Ever feel that you even have bad luck even when it comes to compensated companionship? My dating life has subsided (in quality as well as quantity) greatly in the past few years. I have also noticed that even appointments with SPs don't go as well as they used to, last one left with over 25 minutes left in a one hour appointment.

Anyone think that it is possible that even if they are paid for it that professional escorts can be repulsed by you, even if you are clean cut, courteous and don't come off creepy? Should I just keep my money in my pocket and give up this pleasure in life as well?


Jul 12, 2005
5 Hours From Toronto
can you describe yourself more?
Single, professional, early 40s, very clean that its almost unreal, not overweight, good sense of style and humour, I like to believe as others do say that I am a fairly dynamic person.

I am pretty much straightforward and basic on my requests or demands (for the want of a better word) during any appointment. I have been hobbying since 2002 and the experiences have been great until the last year or so.

Does that help? :) lol


Jul 12, 2005
5 Hours From Toronto
It's like everything else these days, "all about the money and only the money". People go to work to get a pay and really care nothing for the work itself now that's fortunately not everyone but just seems that way.
Although I still like my own job after several years at it, that's is pretty much the philosophy i have about my career (in business) at this point. So I can definitely relate to and fathom that saying.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Single, professional, early 40s, very clean that its almost unreal, not overweight, good sense of style and humour, I like to believe as others do say that I am a fairly dynamic person.

I am pretty much straightforward and basic on my requests or demands (for the want of a better word) during any appointment. I have been hobbying since 2002 and the experiences have been great until the last year or so.
my booked dates are still very good, but civilian dating is fucking impossible...I am unable to spend on a woman more than few hours:( I get bored and overwhelmed by thoughts of how better it would have been if I just booked someone.


Apr 24, 2005
Almost all the guys come on the Board to brag that every escort falls madly in love with them, and they had to virtually force the women to take the money. Surely, they are not all telling a fib.


Can't Touch This
Apr 9, 2010
Wandering Aimlessly
Single, professional, early 40s, very clean that its almost unreal, not overweight, good sense of style and humour, I like to believe as others do say that I am a fairly dynamic person.

I am pretty much straightforward and basic on my requests or demands (for the want of a better word) during any appointment. I have been hobbying since 2002 and the experiences have been great until the last year or so.

Does that help? :) lol

You might want to think back to a year ago, perhaps something happened that somehow triggered this change.

Or, you've been doing this for eight years, maybe you just need a break for awhile. It happens...sometimes even variety becomes routine if you have enough of it.


Apr 6, 2010
If women are repulsed by you, then YOU ARE CREEPY. reminds me of George Sodini who went on shooting rampage because he could not get dates with women...
You sound like you are depressed, better seek professional help from a psychologist or what not before it gets any worse. Just look at your user name "deep blue", so depressing.. women generally don't react well to "deep" or "blue" sentiment. they like playful and funny guys. try to lighten up a bit.


Jul 12, 2005
5 Hours From Toronto
If women are repulsed by you, then YOU ARE CREEPY. reminds me of George Sodini who went on shooting rampage because he could not get dates with women...
You sound like you are depressed, better seek professional help from a psychologist or what not before it gets any worse. Just look at your user name "deep blue", so depressing.. women generally don't react well to "deep" or "blue" sentiment. they like playful and funny guys. try to lighten up a bit.
George Sodini ? Ouch.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I don't see any reason you'd have problems with escorts, you might have just got unlucky with a few who weren't very professional. There are several who take pride in giving good service and they're used to seeing guys who aren't ideal - like me for instance.
Were they well reviewed in general?


Jul 12, 2005
5 Hours From Toronto
Yes, I have always prided myself on making a good choice every time. Maybe it was just bad chemistry and it was just my turn to experience a lukewarm session. I would assume most hobbyists get a bad one every once in awhile. Or I just chose such great ones that it elevated my expectations too high !:)

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Ever feel that you even have bad luck even when it comes to compensated companionship? My dating life has subsided (in quality as well as quantity) greatly in the past few years. I have also noticed that even appointments with SPs don't go as well as they used to, last one left with over 25 minutes left in a one hour appointment.
Deep a true professional escort will not leave with 25 minutes left in a 1 hour appointment unless something is totally off.

My question to you is in the last year how much hobbying have you been doing?

HG Hunter

Active member
Jun 27, 2005
Time for you to repeat with someone whose company you really enjoyed.
If things go as well as with previous visits, then maybe you're having a bit of a slump with new providers.
If things don't go nearly as well as with previous visits, then you may have to dig a bit deeper to find what the root cause is.


Active member
Jul 18, 2007
Yes, I have always prided myself on making a good choice every time. Maybe it was just bad chemistry and it was just my turn to experience a lukewarm session. I would assume most hobbyists get a bad one every once in awhile. Or I just chose such great ones that it elevated my expectations too high !:)
Hey bud, I hear ya, I`m 40 ish, fat . I can repulse some sps lol, but I had some hot ones that I had a great time with and they seemed to enjoy me. I found with me its all about how you come off to them, treat them with respect, talk and actually listen to them and try not to low ball them lol

good luck


Aug 29, 2004
This is just my opinion but why not go away for a bit. Take a vacation. Maybe you are just giving off a bad vibe and don't even notice it. Go to Thailand for a week and you'll come back way happy and confident. Also you will have a nice story to break the ice with.


Nov 14, 2005
You left out your height in the description ...... & we get SHORTER as we age!!!! :)

Bill the Pirate

Nov 26, 2002
First of all I think that Deep needs to be more careful in who he books, then he should book less often so he is more "up" for his meeting and lastly attitude goes a long way. If you think you can show up and just be serviced then that is all that will happen. You need to go into your encounters with enthusiasm.

idk bro if you're not overweight or very ugly facially you should be ok- I've seen some reaaaallllyyy "different" people walk out of places and unless you are redicuously far gone in the looks department you should be fine lol.


New member
Sep 12, 2006
Certainly no expert, but I find this thread interesting.

One thing I know making my living off sales is that people in general, and women in particular, have a natural ability to detect confidence or a lack thereof.

I don't know you in person OP but I have been through a phase in my life where I felt less attractive, not as desirable becomes projected and people can sense it. My income dropped because sales went down. Not because I was doing something different but because I honestly believe that clients could feel/smell the "stink of self doubt" that I was giving off.

Even as pros, I think that SP's need to feel like they're at least a little into the client, if a girl feels like you're giving a bad vibe she might take it as her fault too and feel that you in fact WANT her to leave early.

Just a thought based on personal experience.
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