BBBJ Not Popular Outside Vancouver?

BBBJ is good

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Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
I was reading the web page of one of the members.

" I also do not see clients from Vancouver or the Lower Mainland. This is because a number of local gentlemen see escorts who do *not* use condoms for oral sex."

I guess, using her logic, a number of local gentlemen in Toronto (and Montreal) who see escorts, definitely do not receive bbbj`s. Toronto and Montreal do not have a poor section, with crack hos and meth addicts. Therefore it is safer to see people from Toronto and Montreal.

I did a search on terb and it seems that bbbj is quite common in Toronto and even more so in Montreal.

Is it just me or is her logic flawed?


New member
Jul 16, 2005
The impression I get from PERB is that GFE is very rare in Vancouver and Victoria, even less than Toronto and Montreal (the king). Surprisingly enough, I had awesome GFE in Seattle though (fond memories). :D


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
I've found that as you go further West, the restrictions increase. Generally speaking YVR is a lovely place but the service from SPs leaves much to be desired. We've got it good here in Toronto, though not quite as good as our friends in Montreal.

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Hey Papi

Grow some cojones and ask me directly next time.

Vancouver's Downtown Eastside has had and still most likely has a horrifying rate of HIV and an alphabet's worth of hepatitis among IVdrug-using street prostitutes.

CONCLUSIONS: HIV infection among survival sex workers in Vancouver is associated with risky drug use patterns, inconsistent condom use, and early age of initiation into sex work. Given the high levels of mobility along with inconsistent condom use, there is a growing potential for HIV transmission to clients in other parts of the city. With 26% of women already HIV positive, there is an urgent need to expand HIV prevention and care strategies that address the multiple risks faced by these women as well as the serious public health consequences of continued neglect.
With an estimated 26% already infected with HIV, and the well-known cheapness associated with Vancouver pooners, I will set my business guidelines as I feel fit.

Thanks anyways for trying to tell me how to do my job. Now blow me. I'll supply the condom. :)

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
With an estimated 26% already infected with HIV, and the well-known cheapness associated with Vancouver pooners, I will set my business guidelines as I feel fit..
Let me tell you cheap bbbj's are avaialble in Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton. All have "poor" areas with high rates of communicable diseases. The only reason that Vancouver pooners seem cheap is because they are allowed to post reviews about street girls on perb.

HOw you do your business is your call. I just got a laugh when I read what I quoted from your site.

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
The only reason that Vancouver pooners seem cheap is because they are allowed to post reviews about street girls on perb
Really? I thought they were cheap from when I was stupid enough to still bother with them.

HOw you do your business is your call. I just got a laugh when I read what I quoted from your site.
Really? Because I thought you took the trouble to go to my website, scoop copy from it, post it on a public board, make a poll about it and then said;

Is it just me or is her logic flawed?
You challenged the logic of my policy. Sounds like your whole point was to solicit input on my policy. You're busted, dude.

Y, oye! Donde está el bj mio? Esperando...:)

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Yep. I like it that way. It's educational...see my boobies and read backwards. my quest for providing life long learning, I'd give you guys the shirt off my own boobs. Because...I care, dammit!

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
BTW everybody, whatever you NOT go look at my website now. Do not go, "Huh, I wonder what else is on that website Papi visited and was compelled to make a poll about?" I'm begging you, BEGGING YOU not to go look at my website. You'll see...things. Sinful, sinful things.

I'm so ashamed. Hold me!


New member
Feb 10, 2005
I think you should include your voice in your sig, it's so damned sexy! :p


New member
Mar 7, 2005
Papi Chulo said:
I did a search on terb and it seems that bbbj is quite common in Toronto and even more so in Montreal.
yeah but keep in mind bbbj is mostly common with "survival" sex workers,

there are still plenty educated escorts available who choose not to play russian roulette over a couple of hundred bucks and there are still plenty of clients who don`t wish to contract an STD

I`ve been in the business long enough and I`ve never had to perform bbbj!!!


New member
May 30, 2005
I hate to admit it, but ...

Those of you who read one of the other current threads to which VFF posted would know that I am no fan of her histrionic attempts at wit and sagacity. But on this topic she is absolutely correct and has every right to limit her clientele for the sake of her health.

The downtown east-side is an unusually dense miscellany of drug use, infectious disease, and poverty. Nothing like it exists in any other urban centre in Canada (crack whores and meth addicts included), and although the Aboriginal neighbourhoods of Saskatoon and Winnipeg may resemble it somewhat they never achieve the same scope and severity.

I freely admit that I don't know the Vancouver scene and, therefore, the amount of client "crossover" between the East side streets and higher-end SPs like VFF. And maybe I'm naive to think that there is much less of this crossover going on in Toronto. But if VFF has reason to believe that her local clients frequent this area as part of their hobbying, she is wise to avoid them as the likelihood of seeing an infectious carrier is much higher than the average for her profession. Forget about the small players like chlamydia or gonorrhea, we're talking about high prevalences of killers, like hepatitis and AIDS, that are unheard of in other Canadian cities. It's an infection rate that you'd expect to see in Africa or Asia, for pete's sake.


Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Those of you who read one of the other current threads to which VFF posted would know that I am no fan of her histrionic attempts at wit and sagacity.
Gee. I'm crushed. How will I find the strength to go on? :)

I had no idea that questioning somebody's degree of full of it was the dictionary meaning of "histrionic attempts at wit and sagacity". I am now enlightened! Yay me!


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Tell me VFF

Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
Hey Papi

Grow some cojones and ask me directly next time.

Vancouver's Downtown Eastside has had and still most likely has a horrifying rate of HIV and an alphabet's worth of hepatitis among IVdrug-using street prostitutes.

With an estimated 26% already infected with HIV, and the well-known cheapness associated with Vancouver pooners, I will set my business guidelines as I feel fit.

Thanks anyways for trying to tell me how to do my job. Now blow me. I'll supply the condom. :) you think these women made sex worker their profession as a strategic decision driven my financial gain?

If so, then I now understand your POV from a few threads ago - we just have different definitions of what "choice" means...

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Vancouver you think these women made sex worker their profession as a strategic decision driven my financial gain?


That's what I think.

Because I'm retarded.

Or maybe my argument, as I've stated ad nauseum is that the percentage of these ratings-bait addicted streetwalkers is not nearly as high as it's portrayed in the media. Since when does not as many as portrayed mean none?

I'll say it again, as clearly as humanly possible;

Abused crackwhores make good tv. Boringly discreet escorts in the biz by choice don't. How do I know that? Because not once, but twice, I've been approached by tv producers wanting to do a little expose of my abused and addicted/fabulous jetset lifestyle (they seem to bounce from one stupid cliche to another) and both times, I told them I was real doubtful they'd get what they wanted from my boring reality. They agreed, and presumably went onto the next ad in EROS.

Abused crackwhores make excellent "Just Say No" ammunition for an increasingly anti-sex, anti-civil rights, pro-religious United Clusterfuck of America.

Abused crackwhores make great victims. Great objects of the smug pity patronizing fundamentalist fuckwits love to bestow on their 'inferiors'.

Abused crackwhores are a much better representation of how America really feels about the poor, about drug abusers, and about those with a limited education than myself and many, many other escorts. And how does America feel? Arrest them. Let them be murdered by one another. Bang on a pulpit. Good morning New Orleans!

When something becomes a symbol, its portrayal in the media is no longer tied to reality; it's tied to those who need that symbol to promote a point of view. Unless you know what that agenda is, you won't understand the context of the information presented.

Without context you get Oprah. You get is "I saw it on TV; it must be true". You get fifty years of cultural progress circling the fucking drain.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Vancouver Femme Fatale said:

That's what I think.

Because I'm retarded.

Or maybe my argument, as I've stated ad nauseum is that the percentage of these ratings-bait addicted streetwalkers is not nearly as high as it's portrayed in the media. Since when does not as many as portrayed mean none?

I'll say it again, as clearly as humanly possible;

Abused crackwhores make good tv. Boringly discreet escorts in the biz by choice don't. How do I know that? Because not once, but twice, I've been approached by tv producers wanting to do a little expose of my abused and addicted/fabulous jetset lifestyle (they seem to bounce from one stupid cliche to another) and both times, I told them I was real doubtful they'd get what they wanted from my boring reality. They agreed, and presumably went onto the next ad in EROS.

Abused crackwhores make excellent "Just Say No" ammunition for an increasingly anti-sex, anti-civil rights, pro-religious United Clusterfuck of America.

Abused crackwhores make great victims. Great objects of the smug pity patronizing fundamentalist fuckwits love to bestow on their 'inferiors'.

Abused crackwhores are a much better representation of how America really feels about the poor, about drug abusers, and about those with a limited education than myself and many, many other escorts. And how does America feel? Arrest them. Let them be murdered by one another. Bang on a pulpit. Good morning New Orleans!

When something becomes a symbol, its portrayal in the media is no longer tied to reality; it's tied to those who need that symbol to promote a point of view. Unless you know what that agenda is, you won't understand the context of the information presented.

Without context you get Oprah. You get is "I saw it on TV; it must be true". You get fifty years of cultural progress circling the fucking drain.
...we agreed on most of that (though it does annoy me every time a Canadian decides to lecture on the hows and whys things happen in the United States. It is not only arrogant - a more and more common trait amongst Canadians I've come to notice...but it is also getting boring. Though I guess for the small minded it could be continually amusing. But that is another thread...I digress).

That wasn't my question.

My question - and I admit I didn't spell it out plainly - was if you would call THESE women ones who have made "a strategic financial decision".

Because if 26% of sex workers in Vancouver have HIV (and I checked - the quote said "sex workers", not "street walkers") I'd say there must be something pretty desperte drving them to put themselves at risk.

I'd say that if these women have "risky drug use patterns" and had an "early age of initiation into sex work", then they probably don't actually have tons of "choice" in the matter, by my definition. That if you only know of one way to feed, clothe and provide shelter for yourself, and you really only have one skill for providing these thigns for yourself, there is nothing "strategic" about the decision to turn tricks in order to make ends meet.

So - back to that debate - my premise remains that the VAST majority of sex workers are not like YOU. That they do so out of desperation....whether they practice their trade from a street corner in Vancouver, or from an apartment in Mississauga that they share with multiple kids that they schedule their tricks around while they (again) lament where the food and rent money will be coming from this month, because (again) the father of their children is not to be found (at least financially).

I would argue that these circumstances somewhat remove any pretense of "strategic" from the clearly financial decision made.

Back to my bottomline - the vast majority of sex workers do not do as well, or come out of it as well, as yourself. Hence there is in fact value to "shock TV" or however you wish to label it, if it deters even one young woman from pursuing sex work, or spurs one parent to get more involved in their daughters life in order that they not be so vunerable to the seduction of silver tongued pimp (be that pimp a man, a needle, or just a fucking over priced purse).


New member
Dec 18, 2005
I Don't agree!!

xarir said:
I've found that as you go further West, the restrictions increase. Generally speaking YVR is a lovely place but the service from SPs leaves much to be desired. We've got it good here in Toronto, though not quite as good as our friends in Montreal.
I'm in Vancouver several times a year. Have seen a number of girls - and not crack ho's, mostly well known even here on TERB and they all offered BBBJ without asking - in fact a number were CIM with the odd one swallowing. The level of safety for all other acts was the same as anywhere else - ie. NO BBFS


New member
Aug 20, 2003
MLAM So - back to that debate - my premise remains that the VAST majority of sex workers are not like YOU. That they do so out of desperation....whether they practice their trade from a street corner in Vancouver said:
Is this the same reason black people sell drugs because they have no other choice ?
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