Basketball fans


Active member
Hi everyone,

Just a simple question fro all you b-ball fans out there.

As an avid viewer and once player in basektball (in high school), I'm sure the thought has crossed your mind ever since his bout with the injury bug. Should Vince Carter be traded and for whom?

note: this is just a question, i am NOT starting a trade rumor for Vince Carter.

Look forward to hearing your opinions.



Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
carter trade? hmmmm...

Let's consider the options. Carter is a solid all star and #1 vote getter. Has excellent court vision and a great perimeter shot. Solid on the dunks and acceptable perimeter defense. But....known to be soft on the inside D, injury prone and has a substantial contract. I think we have 3 options for a Carter trade , if it were to happen:
1. Carter for #1 picks in sucessive years plus cash - would suck because the Raptors would have to accept the fact they're rebuilding, plus they're lousy with thier history of number 1 picks (more losers than winners so far)
2. Par trade - maybe Pierce for Carter
and finally 3. plug trade (plug the holes) A legitemate center plus a pick for next year (maybe pick up a small forward with a touch)

Personally....a Carter trade would kill the Raptor fanbase - it was bad enough they let Stoudamire go (ok, ok he was a heat score degenirate), TMac was also poorly handled (he could have been Carters' Pippen, as in Jordan/ Pippen....TMac /Carter). Camby?! i dont even want to comment on that lame, soft, injury prone &$%#^@# !

Whatever happens either keep him and retool or trade him and rebuild.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
The trade deadline came and went, and some people were speculating that Kobe Bryant was going to be traded by the lakers. Given his legal troubles, it would not have been a good decision, however, without it, I think the raps would have done it within a blink. If we could just unload some big contracts that we have like Jalen Rose(13.5 mil this season), Lammond Murray, (10 mil 2 years) and get ricd of Hakeem's paycheck, we could make a run for kobe this summer. We would have enough salary cap room if we didn't spend it on players like antonio davis, jerome williams, and alvin (although I am a big fan of a.w).
Possible chemistry problems coudl arise between v.c and kobe, but I think V.C is less of a personality than shaq. On another note, Emaneul Ginoboli is a restricted free agent this summer. He plays small forward for the spurs, but if got him somehow I'm sure we would use him as a point guard. I think it could work, he has the blal handling abilities and he can penetrate off the dribble, something any of our point guards lack.


New member
Sep 6, 2002
Between 1 and -1
There is really no sense in hoping for a quality free agent signing.. MSLE are a bunch of cheapskates working for the Ontario Teacher's Pension Plan, who don't give a rat's ass about winning.

Think about it, the last time the Raptors spent big bucks on free agents was the year they signed VC, AW, AD, JYD, and Hakeem. They had no choice but to, otherwise VC would have jumped ship.

It's been all downhill since then :(


New member
Sep 10, 2001
It could be worse you guys. you could be Bulls fans.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
"It could be worse you guys. you could be Bulls fans."
haha.. I feel much better now.


Active member
Thanks for all the valid points guys but i thought there would be a lot more responses. I guess T.O is still a hockey town. (That is not a bad thing)

Now for the rebutal:

Nic Frenchy: Trading T-mac for Vince would be very bad for the team. Just look at Orlando. You would trade an all around player for a ball hog who is only interested in him self. He wanted to leave T.O and look where it got him. Now he;s thinking what would have happened if he never left. Either way, I don't want him back. JMO

Healer: Good points man but Vince being an all star and #1 vote getter is irrelevant. Thats just a popularity vote. There are a ton of players that deserved to be in the all star weekend that didn't make it simply because they don't get enough exposure on national T.V. The coaches are the ones who know who's an all star and who isn't. BTW, who would YOU trade Vince for?

Cosine: Your right, Bosh is the future. When he adds about 30-40 more pounds, he will be a force to be dealt with. If he develops into the player i think he should become, we've got another Garnett in our hands. And if Vince stays healthy and Grunwald makes smart moves (re-signing Charles Oakley is not one of them) we can make it to the championship.

Big E: Peja would be a great addition but not for straight up trade for Vince. I wish we still had Vachon Leonard.

Lee Cum Gay: Again, AI would be a great addition but not for a straight up trade. Those two play wicked together.

Smart Alek: I think you're right, if Kobe didn't have his legal problems, and wanted to go to the east, the trade would have been one and done. Also, there are a couple of contracts that are ending this year and a few more end next year. That frees up the cap room for us to sign better players. I say keep Rose and get rid of Murray. Rose has passion and attitude that is sorely missing from the team. They're getting pushed around and they have to get tougher. Murray was signed for the sole purpose to SCORE. He isn't doing that so thats why he's benched, possibly also a bad attitude.

MRpolarbear: "It could be worse you guys. you could be Bulls fans." Now thats funny.

Now...heres another question for ya?

Should Glen Grunwald be fired? Does his good moves out weigh the bad trades and moves? Do you think he's a good GM?



Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Hey Incognito, thanks for the personal replies, can't believe anyone actually reads and takes everyone's points into account! j/k

I think Donnyell Marshall was a real steal for us. He has a nightly double double it seems, and is consistent. He's not a big mouth in the media but fills his duties night in a night out. If only Mo pete could be that consistent, because he can be a scoring threat if he wanted to, plus he plays solid defense with energy and a scrappiness that vince does not. He brings more athleticism to the table than Lammond Murray does. If we some how were able to bring in Allen Iverson as our point, whoa man, watch out! When another superstar comes into town, it just makes the one already there more competitive, which will be good.
On Bosh, I could see him being very good, although he doesnt have the size of Kg, length and height wise, as KG is 7'2, and call defend any position on the floor, as well as play any position. Bosh and Jalen both hate losing, which I really admire. they are not on the bench smiling and ready to shake hands and joke around with the opposing team.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
I;ve heard comments that he was over 7 feet tall, just that he doesn't want to be listed as a 7 footer, so he says he;s 6-11..hah, i remember watching the allstar game at my friend's house and wondering aloud, why does the court look so small? The West had Tim Duncan, KG, Yao Ming, Shaq and I think kobe on the floor at one time, maybe it was Dirk. A bunch of seven footers on the floor and the court looked tiny when they were running it.


Active member
LCG - Why would you trade your best player for 2 - 3 not so good PLAYAZ. Where is the logic in that trade. We're gonna become a team of nobodys who can't finish. Just look at last nights game or the sacrameto game. We need a star to close the scoring gap, take responsibility and kick ass.


Active member
LCG: Do you know why philly sucks the bag this year when last year they made the playoff's. Its called a COACH which philly does not have.

In Indiana, O'neil was already an emerging player with definate talent but undisciplined. Oh and if you add up the point average in indi, If 4-5 guys average 12-18 points a night you will win. How many on the raps average in double digits. Also depends on the coach and his style of play.

The Grizzlies do have a star...his name is Gasol. I would love for him to come to T.O.

Your right though, some stars will not gel with a team no matter how good they are.



New member
Nov 23, 2003
There was a rumour not too long ago that McGrady had expressed interest in returning to Toronto. If he can put his money-hungry greed aside, I would love to see the one-two punch that never materialized.

AI for Vince? No way. Can't stand the guy. Complete ball-hog.

We definitely should not have let Voshon go. He was a great pickup like Donyell.

Lamond Murray is a definite dissapointment. Being the leading scorer on the Cavs, you would expect more from him. But he really hasn't had many opportunities here ...
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