Ashley Madison

Barefax Dancers


Jun 21, 2015
If the club payed the dancers, the club would have to enter that as an operating expense in their books. Then they would legally have to issue the dancers a T4 slip. This would identify every dancer to the CRA. The CRA would hit each of them up to pay taxes on what they made doing lap dances ( based on what the CRA estimates an average lap dancer makes). Quite a few dancers would not like that. They do not want to be identified to the CRA.
i'm suggesting that dancers receive a wage AND keep private dance money.

sure, they pay income tax on their hourly wage; it's still a net increase to their income. some dancers, after the dj fee, lose money...after working for 5 hours. that's ridiculous to me.
their income from dances, well, as it is today, it is something that "ought to be" declared but i don't recall ever being handed a receipt :)


New member
Jul 30, 2017
i'm suggesting that dancers receive a wage AND keep private dance money.

sure, they pay income tax on their hourly wage; it's still a net increase to their income. some dancers, after the dj fee, lose money...after working for 5 hours. that's ridiculous to me.
their income from dances, well, as it is today, it is something that "ought to be" declared but i don't recall ever being handed a receipt :)
If the dancers were identified to the CRA, their lap dance money would be taxed in the same way a waitresses tips are. The CRA would impose an average wage on them, that is what the CRA thinks a waitress or lap dancer usually makes. In some cases the amount imposed can actually be higher than what the dancer actually made and she would have to appeal if she wanted a lower tax.

Some dancers do have regular jobs as well. I know of one young woman who works at a well payed technical job , four shifts a week, takes university courses, and dances three times a week. How she manages all that is a tribute to her smarts and stamina. She pays taxes on her well paid regular job. Does she want the CRA to impose a tax on her dancing and risk having them over estimate what she makes? I do not know for sure but probably not. What the club might pay her for a few turns on the stage could be more than erased by increased taxes. A lot of women are in similar situations. Also if the clubs paid a wage to them, they might try to compensate for this expense by bringing in more business by lowering the price for a private dance. If the clubs do decide to help out the dancers, a better way is for the club to pay the DJs more and eliminate the DJ fee the dancers have to pay.

Features do get paid by the club and therefore issued a T4.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Yes lunch after the noon hour at Barefax but no Supper between 5 to 7. For that you can go to Pigale to have the best roast beef-Salad in town.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
A large number of very pretty ladies last night at Barefax and considering how selective I am when it comes to looks then this statements says something for sure. Not that many patrons. At 11:0 when I left about a dozen and a half patrons and 2 dozen ladies about half falling into very pretty category. Most of the ladies were not making enough money and it was heart breaking to witness that. I don't know where else gentlemen rather go on a Saturday night when there are so many beautiful ladies here. I did my part to help out though as much as I could.

Dahlia - What a very pretty innocent face. She danced on stage and then I had to see her. She was tired as she has another full time job. A very angelic face. She has a very innocent face with brownish blondish reddish hair and big green eyes. Facially beautiful indeed. Sadly I was her first after her being there for hours.

Stacey has been reviewed before (though I misspelled her name as Stacy). She is very friendly and with short blondish hair and cute face and very slim body though tonight she kept her underwear on to the end of fifth song. I didn't mind as our time involved lots of hugs and kisses. She is usually super busy at Barefax but tonight even Stacey was not very busy.

Tiffany from Montreal when she danced on stage I realized that she has a very sexy kitty so when she came to me I took her to the Champagne room.

Daisy reviewed before. Very pretty face and wearing a very sexy underwear. When she danced on stage and she took off her panties and dance on stage next to me, her partially unshaven very sexy kitty almost stopped my heart. She was a heart stopping experience. She is very friendly.

Stephanie - Is Stacey's friend. I didn't get the chance to have private dances with her (also she didn't come to me) but I still review her, She has long dark hair and very pale skin that I love in combination with pretty face. She doesn't smile much though.

Maya - Very cute face with long black and somewhat tanned skin.

Malika - A sexy underwear and cute face and a bit of tanned skin.
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New member
Jul 30, 2017
H-K wrote

Stacey has been reviewed before (though I misspelled her name as Stacy). She is very friendly and with short blondish hair and cute face and very slim body though tonight she kept her underwear on to the end of fifth song. I didn't mind as our time involved lots of hugs and kisses. She is usually super busy at Barefax but tonight even Stacey was not very busy.
You probably kept her so busy with the hugs an kisses that she simply forgot to take her panties off. :behindsofa:

Notes----when a dancer is quite willing to exchange kisses with you I call it "The GFE SC Style

---When a girl has danced for you before and this timegets her panties off as soon as the music starts, I take it as meaning that she likes dancing for you and wants to please you. I may be reading far to
much in this.
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Active member
Mar 16, 2017
H-K wrote
You probably kept her so busy with the hugs an kisses that she simply forgot to take her panties off. :behindsofa:

Notes----when a dancer is quite willing to exchange kisses with you I call it "The GFE SC Style

---When a girl has danced for you before and this timegets her panties off as soon as the music starts, I take it as meaning that she likes dancing for you and wants to please you. I may be reading far to
much in this.
Yes I think you are reading too much into it but you are correct about me keeping her too busy with hugs and kisses that she may have forgotten. Just to clarify though I meant the comment as positive and I was very pleased with the time I spent with her. She is the most popular dancer everywhere she works because of her very cute face, work of art body, and unique short blondish hair and friendly personality. She made up for the panties part afterwards while on stage she gave a very exotic demo just for me only with her panties off.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Actually, she told me (and Clem22): half Russian, half Japanese, to which I may add 100% sexy.
Actually we are all correct in our posts. This info comes directly from the source tonight.
Minx is half Russian and a quarter Japanese and a quarter native. But regardless the important part is that she is very pretty and a sweet doll.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Tonight started very quiet at Barefax. At 8:00 pm I counted about 6 ebony ladies and Stacey and four patrons!!!!. It was quiet till 11:00 may be about a dozen patrons at 10:00 and a large number of very pretty ladies. At 11:30 I would say it was about half full. I noticed though most ladies were making money. Not a lot but not bad. They all were working real hard and I was happy to see them walking up to Champagne rooms.

What bugged me at the end was a confirmation by one of the ladies I know for long that a manager (a A hole in my book) at one of strip bars (not Barefax, Not Barbs and not Pigale or anyone that I am frequenting so thank God) is asking girls to come to his home using of course his authority/position. Another favorite at Barbarellas told me the same thing a few weeks ago that made me mad. He is not paying though so C36 is not applied to this case. Another flaw with C36 that consenting adults who engage in paid sex (just because they pay!!!!!) are painted criminals but not if the guy uses his authority/position and don't pay!!!!!!.

I did have dances with a few favorites, but I didn't see anyone tonight that I haven't reviewed already. When I left at midnight it was a good crowd then. Very likely as we speak this bar (Barefax) has the prettiest girls among all strip bars in NCR.
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Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Btw, lets spread the word about the new strip bar section to dancers we meet that TERB (, Ottawa forum, strip bar section) has a new strip bar section/forum that it is becoming increasingly active and popular with patrons and bigger everyday. Some appear to know about the other board because its strip bar section has been around for a decade (I pushed and lobbied hard for that strip bar section in 2008 with their mod and eventually succeeded in creating one and a few years later they paid me back in their usual ungracious way) but not about this new section understandingly because it is only a couple of months old so gentlemen please lets spread the word.

Kilt Boy

Jul 12, 2017
Moncton NB
Don't forget that today is the LOLWFTBBQ Customer Appreciation Day! Lots and LOTS of ladies, good food, great times.
I'm bringing the mortgage money, so I'll be homeless by this afternoon.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Tonight (Saturday) was kind of strange. It was dead at 8:00 pm when I arrived and it remained dead for full hour. If it wasn't for expensive parking which I had paid already I would have left at 8:15 but I wasn't about to drive out of the parking I paid for so much. Then suddenly at 9:45 it became very crowded so that I was afraid of leaving my seat so that I may lose it and have to stand and then at 10:15 I was even afraid to leave my seat to go to the bathroom for same reason. And then suddenly at 11:00 it got emptied again!!!!. When I left at midnight it was crowding over again. In spite of crowd most girls were not making money and it was sad to witness that.

The only new person apart from regulars who i saw tonight was Stephanie. She has the palest and in my view the most beautiful skin but even to my low expectations she was very conservative in the CR and I respect that is always the ladies' choice so I kept her for only two songs even though touching that beautiful skin was a total pleasure but at the very beginning before dances start she made it clear no kissing of any kind (maybe it was YMMV) and as I said I respected that so I got half of what I usually hope for (just hugs but no kisses). But it was worth it. Stephanie also has a very pretty face and soft long dark hair which is a great combination with her very pale skin.

I also had a chance to converse at length with Minx and we talk about each other's lives and that was great chat before I took her upstairs for our usual CR time. My other favorite Stacey was not working tonight as I heard from her friend Stephanie that she has hurt her knee. Poor girl. I wish for a quick and full recovery. I was sad though not seeing her cute face and work of art body and miss the kissings tonight.


New member
Jul 6, 2009
The timing likely coincides with people getting done with the fireworks.... Best guess at least.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Another quiet night at Barefax tonight until 11 pm even when I left. Less than a dozen patrons however, I am anticipating that starting next week there will be a sharp and sudden boost to crowd as of next weekend. Apart from my regulars Minx and Stephanie both already reviewed (another long chat with Minx. The girl is so sweet) I met and had dances with a new girl (new to me), her name is Kiki and she has the cutest face (or beautiful may describe her face better) though neck down tanned and average. Kissing that beautiful face though only a few times was an absolute joy. She is half Irish and half native. I am guessing that she could also be high mileage from vibes she was sending in the CR which were not responded back. She also needs to improve her maths skills a bit.

After Barefax I checked out a couple of night clubs nearby as I left early at 11 pm (which reminds me maybe we should lobby for a section on night clubs as I have no idea what or where they are in Ottawa). A lot more girls in those clubs than Barefax. The second club down the road was called Whisky. A good sized bar with cool stuff who served me two drinks for free because they were non-alcoholic but $9 cover charge for the bar entry which is not much compare to SC expenses) and most women there were more beautiful than those in Barefax too and this particular night most women were blonde. Though unfortunately I couldn't go to Champagne room with them!!!.

On an occasion one very pretty blonde (I estimate half my age likely) came and talked to me and asked me why I am just standing next to bar and don't join their fun on dance stage. My response was I am too tired right now but maybe later and she left without insisting with what appeared to be a very surprised face. Yeah I have been spoiled by years and decades of frequenting strip bars where there is only a $20 bill between me and the girl I want and most girls are persistence. So in summary if I wish to have any luck in a dance bar I need some serious attitude adjustments to do. The side effects of easy catch in strip bars past 20 years!!!!!! though I have always been a shy person (or not aggressive for sure) which may have been the reason as why I started frequenting SCs 20 years ago at the first place because of the ease of the catch where I don't even have to raise a finger. Though as some of you may have noticed I am in a transition period to dance bars from strip bars though I am doubtful how fast I can make this transition if ever.
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Kilt Boy

Jul 12, 2017
Moncton NB
maybe we should lobby for a section on night clubs as I have no idea what or where they are in Ottawa
How about grocery stores, too! I see girls in mall food courts sometimes.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
That was intended as a joke. I never thought someone may take it seriously!!!.

It is clear that the forum is for whenever money is exchanged for services. No rules about mentioning night life but a new section would be too much even though we do have sections on politics, sports, buy and sell, health etc. but not limited to one small city like Ottawa.

ps - I did ask for info on best dance bars in Ottawa on 411 forum of terb a couple of months ago and don't recall many responses which clearly indicates Ottawa terbies never or very rarely frequent dance bars or least interested.
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Active member
Mar 16, 2017
She may have counted more songs than they actually were. This used to happen sometimes at Barbs but not often at Barefax. Sorry for the confusion.


May 11, 2009
I have noticed this basic math deficit more often than not in the transient dancers who are only there for a day or two before moving on.
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