Banana Republic 101: Welcome to Turkey


Active member
Jul 17, 2007
Treason! Lawmaker Discovers It's Bad Idea To Accuse Erdogan Of Supplying Sarin Gas To ISIS

The Ankara Chief Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation into Republican People's Party (CHP) İstanbul deputy Eren Erdem for “treason,” following his claims on the Russia Today (RT) TV station that radical groups used Turkey as a transit route for the shipment of sarin gas.

Turkish media reported on Wednesday that the Ankara Chief Prosecutor's Office will send a summary of proceedings to the Ministry of Justice on Thursday. If the summary of proceedings is sent to Parliament, the process for stripping Erdem of his parliamentary immunity will begin. Erdem might be prosecuted over treason if Parliament votes in favor of the removal of his parliamentary immunity.

In a written statement on Tuesday, Erdem defended himself by saying that he has been subject to a smear campaign against him over statements he made during conferences in Parliament. He maintained that he based his statements regarding Turkish businessmen's procurement of sarin and chemical weapons for radical groups such as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on an investigation conducted by a Turkish court in 2013.

According to Erdem, the Adana Chief Prosecutor's Office, in an investigation coded 2013/139, arrested five Turkish citizens while a Syrian was prosecuted for procuring ingredients for radical groups in Syria for the production of chemical gas. However, those who were arrested as part of the investigation were released a week later, Erdem added.

Just another day in paradise for NATO's partner in crime.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
The fact that Europe is dangling EU membership in front of Turkey if they can stem the tide of brown people making it to Europe I think shows how corrupt both are.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
And here is an even bigger mistake: arrogantly ignoring Turkish pleas to stop bombing ethnic Turks and thinking nothing would happen.

Now that Russian blunder has guaranteed that their mission in Syria will fail by pissing off a must-have ally and turning them into an enemy.

Putin really fucked this up. Catastrophically. He is a joke!
lol! The shoot down brought in long rang anti air missiles and guaranteed Russian air superiority over the area. Unless Assad dies, there is now no possibility of removing him. Oh, yeah. Russia learned that NATO will not bleed for Turkey in this conflict. And all Putin had to pay was one old plane and one dead pilot.
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