Back in Toronto for a visit. The women are still cold.


Independent Escort
Apr 11, 2010
How am I being self centered? I'm a really nice person. I only offered my opinion. Even an alternate one. I didn't claim either as right or wrong. If this is how women in Toronto are treated all the time I can understand why they might be intimidated by men. There is a harsh vibe in this city and I don't know why people feel the need to act like that.


Independent Escort
Apr 11, 2010
Its interesting you say there's harsh vibe in this city, what makes you say that? (I agree btw)
This is what I've noticed:
Everybody's (men and women) always in such a rush. Life is compartmentalized into 15min appts and because of that no one has time to stop and smell the roses. I feel I'm being rushed by people constantly. Its like saving the 2-4mins until the next train is more important than being a nice person.

Its incredibly difficult to meet people socially. People are closed off and rushing to get to their next destination. They look you off because they don't have time for you, regardless of how cute or well dressed you are. The only way to make friends is at work or a club you sign up for, which is at a specified time of course.

People spend way too much time commuting to jobs they hate, so they can buy houses and brand names they can't afford, and are too cranky and tired to enjoy their lives. They're so tired and stressed on the subway ride home they do not feel like flirting. It slowly chips away at them hence the negative vibe.


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
Selfcentered = the post was not about you, but you took it to be about you personally.

You offered an opinion that specifically targeted me in a derogatory light : high strung, angry and holding a grudge against Toronto, but coyly wrapped it with "but that's my perception, not intended to offend." That's laying judgement, and leaving an exit to wiggle out of. When next you listed to the local media, you'll notice they do this too, its one technique used to create a story, where not much of a story exists. Politicians use it as well. I am not saying you had this intention, but I am saying that type of communication jades perception, as it is not open, it is veiled.

I'm just calling you on that stuff, I am not offended, and I'm sure you are a really nice person.

Its interesting you say there's harsh vibe in this city, what makes you say that? (I agree btw)
Interesting debating style you have. Your post #22 was mostly about Kelli. First you quoted her, then you dismissed her opinion are irrelevant because she is not from here and because her opinion is apparently worthless compared to statistics you carry around in your head. When Kelli commented that your dismissive response to her opinion made her feel defensive, you called her judgmental and self-centered. The best part, of course, was when Kelli asked how you could be accusing her of being self-centered and judgmental, you gave her a definition of the first term (as if she were an idiot) and then patronized her suggesting that she was being emotional and you were just pointing out the facts.

Basically, Kelli's opinion doesn't matter to you and you're prepared to emphasize that with a whole series of ad hominem (ad feminem?) attacks. Nice work.


New member
Aug 20, 2007
Poorboy : just go ahead and see Miss Chloe Croft!!
You'll forget everything else!!


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Hmm... food for thought.

So maybe if men stopped acting likes dogs in heat and make it harder for a woman to get fucked, they'd have to change their attitudes wouldn't they?
Isn't it the guys that don't act desperate and act a bit aloof that get more of the women.

Remember this article from a couple of weeks ago?
Hmmm, looks like I'm gonna have to change that smile to an evil grin or snicker etc.


Independent Escort
Apr 11, 2010
I was thinking of the exact same thing Ms. Raven :) . Where's Rub when you need him.
The funny thing is I wasn't trying to win an argument at all. I was only offering my unique female perspective which might shed some light on this behaviour which seems to bother and/or confuse men. Just a take it or leave it kinda thing. What a hassle trying to help the OP turned out to be.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
After a few nights in Washington DC a few weeks back I found the gals in Toronto much more friendly.

Fucken DC 1/3 of the white gals will not even look at you. They pretend not to notice you. One gal I almost yelled out Bitch to, as I biked on past. She seen me quickly riding on the wide DC sidewalks and quickly turn her head and was talking to this other white chick. Bitch blocked my path--was 97 degrees outside, I'm shirtless and I don't wax my chest, ha ha

and nope she wasn't hoping I say HI , it was towards the end, she was just another one of those rich powerful people down there. i seen enough of them during the earlier night they go home to the subs and leave downtown.

90% of those gals have their toenails colored, I seen a salon in a busy mall, almost every chair was taken of those gals having their toenails painted (yeah they can't do it)

Yeah go to downtown DC, you see some real sweethearts, ha ha

(for the first time I could really see why some dudes rape--I'm sorry but some of those gals were so stuck up it was sick)

The color people were super hip and friendly--I swear. So cheerful and happy and nice to speak with. Never seen that before.

I took the late evening Megabus to Toronto and checked out of my hotel earlier, was just hanging out across from the hotel with no luggage--hotel had it. I was on New Jersey st, near a homeless center. One of those tall 20 something black dudes will long ass hair comes around yelling HI to everybody he knew/seen just bumming around. I was way up these steps just sitting down--he spots me and throws his hands out and yells something--like whats up--they all have a very heavy black accent.

He yells out again to me so I shout back, "I got nothing to do" my hotel kicked me out, I was too cheap for them" he spins his head around and sees 2 white women in a parked Volvo..hey hey he yells, here is something to do, come on and waves me on over. I was already standing and head on over, the car speeds off.

He laughs to me, awe you were too slow, if they seen your nice face they would had stuck around--they just seen mine and got scared--he was just laughing away.. it was funny. Its almost more fun to harass those women then to flirt with them


New member
Feb 22, 2009
OP, I think people in Toronto are actually pretty nice if they're not riding the TTC. I'm pretty much like that too. I can talk to anyone I just met, but once I hit the subway/streetcar I just avoid any sorts of conversation(even to a hot girl). The only time I'll talk in the ttc is when I'm with friends or when I'm offering my seat to an olderly/disabled/pregnant lady/woman with kids (No, I don't give up my seats to hot women or women in general because of equality...I wanna sit too). I think most people who rides the ttc just want to listen to their music, read their metro news/books, and get to their destination as fast as possible. Meeting new people on the ttc is probably the last thing in their mind. If you want to meet girls in the summer, try hit up some patios. They're all friendly there and if you invite them to your party later on that night, they'll usually come over.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
OP, I think people in Toronto are actually pretty nice if they're not riding the TTC. I'm pretty much like that too. I can talk to anyone I just met, but once I hit the subway/streetcar I just avoid any sorts of conversation(even to a hot girl). The only time I'll talk in the ttc is when I'm with friends or when I'm offering my seat to an olderly/disabled/pregnant lady/woman with kids (No, I don't give up my seats to hot women or women in general because of equality...I wanna sit too). I think most people who rides the ttc just want to listen to their music, read their metro news/books, and get to their destination as fast as possible. Meeting new people on the ttc is probably the last thing in their mind. If you want to meet girls in the summer, try hit up some patios. They're all friendly there and if you invite them to your party later on that night, they'll usually come over.
Yeah, just very few times strangers chat, it happens but not very often..

I was eating an ice cream cookie from coldstone, just walking down Bay st alone, I got checked out good by some decent looking lady. That never happened at all in DC, people were just so stuck up.

But give up on the TTC, the sidewalks are better it seems
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