AVOID!!...Jetset Escorts...and whatever else they call themselves!


Oct 1, 2005
Ok, I've friggin' had it with these useless goddamn agencies in Ottawa...waste of time and money...no more for me, regardless as to whether they have smokin' babes or not...

For those who haven't been following miscellaneous threads...lets pull it all together right here and now!

A ways back this useless scum of an agency was advertising as "Jetset Escorts", then they "apparently" went away depending on which girl you talked to. They spam ads on CL daily and have put entries into E-C. Now they have (3) phone numbers associated with them...the last 4 digits of each are: 0854, 8118 and 3250. Typically they will rotate those numbers across the ads for various girls...typical B&S operation.

I had previously seen a girl here (Sandy) a couple of times and had a really good time and great service...however, dealing with the phone operations, the young dimwits on the phone and the games/BS they play on the phone is a complete joke. Others have documented some of this BS in other threads recently.

I had pretty much had my mind set that I wouldn't use this place except to see Sandy. Then after a review posted the other day for this new girl "Zoe" who was completely new and the review said the service provided was ok (other than the phone BS and the late arrival crap). So I had some time today and I thought I would check out Zoe...big mistake...HUGE! :mad:

So I arrive at the stated time, I'm told to wait another 5 minutes before coming up...fine, no prob. Then when I go up, I knock on the door the girl that answers looks NOTHING like the pics of Zoe posted on CL...this girl isn't even a redhead. I looked at her and said "I had an appointment with Zoe". She says "Yeah, that's me...my hair is no longer red though and we airbrush my tattoos off the photos". Geeeeeez...gimme a fuckin' break! She couldn't have looked any more different than Zoe...anyway, I looked at her with a strange look as in "You are not Zoe, gimmie a break" and she kept toeing the line that she was Zoe the new girl. So I said, whatever...bottomline was that she was not bad looking and all...minus the gawdy tattoos which do nothing for me...but whatever. She sits on the dresser and says "That'll be 200", so we get that out of the way.

Edit: I'm pretty sure the girl that I saw trying to impersonate Zoe is referred to as Brandy in an earlier CL ad as it looks like her except she had a few more pounds than the pic and there was a big ass eagle tattoo on the side of her tit which is omitted in the angle of the pic...in this ad: http://ottawa.craigslist.ca/ers/492040850.html

So I approach her to kiss and I get the head twist to the side kinda thing and then I say "Ok, I guess not the GFE service that I asked for?". She says "Oh GFE is $40 extra", to which I wasn't impressed but then went along with it...but she didn't ask for the cash right away. So then she approaches me and gives me a peck on the lips. No LFK/DFK...just a peck or two, then pulls me down to her neck/shoulder...where I give her a kiss and then she giggles and says "I'm ticklish" and then pushes my head further away down her shoulder.

All this is screaming at me in my head saying "Bail...this is a joke"...but my little head was saying "Stay, I don't care...I want in that". So we got undressed, laid on the bed. My hands go to her breasts and to caress her nipples, she pulls away and says no...they're sensitive. Ok, no problem...I can be gentle...I go to lick/kiss them...she pulls away again...no they're too sensitive. Ughh, ok. She then moves down like she is gonna give me a BJ, so I lay back...but she doesn't and just rubs my thighs. She grabs a rubber and sets it next to us saying "that's for when you are ready". I'm like...well, work it (with the headgames so far...I'm hardly in the mood and she has zero sensuality...cold). So she's like sitting there watching my dick waiting for it to get hard on it's own so she can put the rubber on and give a CBJ. I'm like whatever, here swing your hips over here and let me give some DATY which will have me hard in no time. She's like "No, I don't do that...you can look though". Geez, she straddles my chest giving me a view of her while her hands simply rub my thighs. I don't know what she uses for cleansing products, protection or hygiene...but she's got this white-ish colored creme and powder all over her lips and inside which REALLY did not look flattering...and actually kinda gross.

So I'm like..."Ok, please get up...this ain't happening". I'm just pissed now but am still cordial and polite. I look at her and said "Look, it's not you...it's me...your service is really not GFE, which is fine but it's not working for me". She said..."Yeah it is...I'm kissing and touching...that's GFE!". It had only been 20 minutes, so I said...keep $ for a 30 min session (140) and give me back the rest please. She looked at me for a moment...then agreed and I got dressed and she cleaned up. Then when I was ready to leave, she gives me 20 back (from 200) and says "You owed me 40 for the GFE extra service". Now I'm getting aggravated...I said "THAT was not GFE service" and even at that I got 3 maybe 4 pecks on the lips and that was it...otherwise we didn't DO ANYTHING. She says NO other girls allow DATY without any sort of protection here at Jetset Escorts (I'm sure that was a slip...but confirms that they still are that agency).

I said "Well Sandy gives full GFE and great service that I've had previously". She says..."Yeah, that's probably why she isn't here anymore...Jetset Escorts doesn't endorse that unsafe behaviour and that's called PSE"... ROFL, my gawd...totally clueless twit!! (even funnier still when you factor that saying Sandy didn't work there anymore and they put up an ad for Sandy with the 8118 number late last night on CL... LOL...worthless scum of an operation I tell ya...

So she says I'll cut that in half...and give you a total of 40 back. We argued a bit over it and then knowing that is just an utter waste of my time and knowing there are two or three of her associates in the adjoining room which I could hear and saw briefly at the start when the door was slightly ajar...I took the 40 and told her how pathetic their service was and left. She was like blah, blah, blah...throwing insults as I left...yeah...whatever.

I tell ya...what a friggin' joke. I should have known better than to go back there, but given the Zoe review...I though I'd chance it, my stupid fault. No more agencies for me...with the exception of the main ones in Montreal that know how to run such an operation and have never let me down to date.

So be forewarned everyone...when you see those ads on Craig's List or on Escorts Canada site, correlate the phone numbers as listed above so you know to stay FAR FAR away from...if not, take your chances but you can't say you were not warned!
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Horny B

New member
Nov 13, 2007
Thanks for the advice hywman ! Unfortunately as many who will read this, many
more will not be aware of it and will fall into the trap. These supposed Agency work under the Old American saying. " There's a Succer born everyday "


New member
May 24, 2006
Thanks for the heads up. Is Sandy going solo now?


Jul 13, 2005
I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same people who were running Pink Kitty. The customer service seems to be about the same.

I think whoever is the "brains" behind the whole thing is definite going for volume over quality. At some point they are going to run out of customers.

That's why a place like TERB is so great.


Oct 1, 2005
ottawaguy03 said:
Thanks for the heads up. Is Sandy going solo now?
I don't know, I doubt it given her ad was up on CL last night...and don't really think I care to ask her if I ever talk to her again...given that she had told me that she owned it operation now and it was just her and one other girl. As others have said, the other girls spouted similar things to them...

Just a quagmire of lies, deceipt and fraud from anyone in that agency... I want nothing to do with anyone associated with that crap...


New member
Jul 14, 2007

Don't know how known this is, but the other day I called Fancy and I got the machine; it referred to the 8118 number. I guess they are 1 in the same.


Nov 2, 2006
Too bad, because Sandy is nice and likes to please. Come on Sandy, go solo.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
Hmm sounds like a Ray Wolfe in wolf's clothing!!!
Look out Lil bo-peep........cuz they re gonna shag your sheep!!


The Northern Swordsman
Feb 5, 2006
I too had a terrible time with this agency. Called booked a girl. Get to the condo call up and am told to wait 10 mins. I wait call back they tell me to come up. I get up there and lo and behold there is no girl there some older guy who tells me to come in and she will be there shortly. Offers me a magazine and a glass of water goes into the next room picks up the phone and I hear the following "where are you? ya he is here.... I thougth he would be a no show so I did not call you..... Do you not want to work anymore?.... fine I will call some one else" He then calls another girl...."hey want to work I have a guy waiting and girl 1 (forgot her name) is not comming.... see you soon. Guy comes back into room says she will be right here her cab is stuck in traffic. I say " I heard you call 2 different girls so obvisouly the girl I wanted is not the one comming" He says no same girl. I am fairly new to this hobby and too horny to leave. After 30 mins girl shows up.... Very attractive however no GFE as promised very mechanical.

My advice stay away.


Oct 4, 2007
Thanks Hwyman,

Tough break about your "zoe". From your description there is no way that this is the same girl from my review. The zoe I met looked 100% like her pictures on the web.

You can recognize her by two stud piercings she has in her lower lip.

But besides the appearance thing, the girl I met did all the things that this girl says she refuses to do.

You're right. As I have said repeatedly, this agency is a total piece of cr@p.

I'm not saying I'll never use them again. But if I do, it'l be because I happen to be in the neigborhood anyway. I'll make it 100% clear what I want, then ask if I'm there in ten minutes, is there are girl who will do all that. Then when I get there, I will clarify in precise detail what is going to take place, before I agree to hand over any cash.

Oh yes, and for someone who posted about Fancy, Sandy and Fancy are the same person.


Oct 1, 2005
northern_bear said:
Tough break about your "zoe". From your description there is no way that this is the same girl from my review. The zoe I met looked 100% like her pictures on the web.
np...it wasn't even close to being the same girl...it was the one that goes by the name "Brandie"...and looksie here, there she is this afternoon with a post on CL advertising "100% GFE!!!" (with the 3250 number)


...don't be fooled by that girl...it's not even close to GFE...more like F-GFE...(fake/faux/fraudulent - GFE)


New member
May 17, 2006
Additional Info

Well, I was looking at CL just this afternoon and a 2 or 3 posts went up about this girl who is very much in the mood and looking for fun at a very good rate. One of the ADS say her name is Alexis and the number ends in 6853. After doing some investigating she has a voice message saying to call her at a number which ends in 0854. On that number the message says her name is Ashley and to call the other number. Wondering if this is one to staw away from as mentioned up above.


always the quiet ones...
Sep 28, 2002

the_hwyman said:
...don't be fooled by that girl...it's not even close to GFE...more like F-GFE...(fake/faux/fraudulent - GFE)
How 'bout WE (Wife Experience)? If all the jokes about marriage are true and you can't get those services from your wife either! :D


Oct 1, 2005
impossibledream said:
Well, I was looking at CL just this afternoon and a 2 or 3 posts went up about this girl who is very much in the mood and looking for fun at a very good rate. One of the ADS say her name is Alexis and the number ends in 6853. After doing some investigating she has a voice message saying to call her at a number which ends in 0854. On that number the message says her name is Ashley and to call the other number. Wondering if this is one to staw away from as mentioned up above.
I would think it's the same then because of that number that it boiled back down to, although the ads today for Alexis were posted as located in Gatineau (whether that's ultimately true or not when you make your appt is another story). Two more things to help you identify if an ad is from this place:

- their main incall location is in the Rideau & Chapel area of town
- I've noticed that typically when they spam ads on CL, they do it over 2 shifts...morning (9ish) and late afternoon (4ish). They'll usually post 2 or 3 ads in the morning (ads are for the same girls, but the girls on dayshift though) within 30 minutes of each other and 2 or 3 more in the late afternoon (again ads are each for the same girl, but the evening shift...ie. different girls than the morning ads) within 30 minutes of each other.

So as you mentioned...today's CL ads had one from Brandy/Alexah at 8:58am and again at 9:18am (20min apart), same girl and same pic...slightly different wording in the ad...same 3250 agency number. Then the Alexis ads you refer to were posted at 4:00pm and 4:20pm (20min apart), same girl and same pic...slightly different wording in the ad but a different than normal # (which could be her own cell, which they sometimes post instead of the agency #). But overall the MO appears the same as the morning ads...

So I couldn't say for sure...but my gut says it's probably the same place and the using a different # which then gets you to call the agency #s is just another way to confuse people into thinking it's someone/someplace new...


New member
Sep 27, 2006

I actually called and she said she was in Gatineau near Greber and Maloney - did not see her because thought same number as mentioned here therefore stayed away.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
impossibledream said:
Well, I was looking at CL just this afternoon and a 2 or 3 posts went up about this girl who is very much in the mood and looking for fun at a very good rate. One of the ADS say her name is Alexis and the number ends in 6853. After doing some investigating she has a voice message saying to call her at a number which ends in 0854. On that number the message says her name is Ashley and to call the other number. Wondering if this is one to staw away from as mentioned up above.
Hey I pm'd you about this. If anyone else has the full number for 6853 and any more info about the ad (description, etc.) I would appreciate a pm. The ad doesn't seem to be on CL anymore.

Is it this Alexis? http://ottawa.craigslist.ca/ers/515326525.html
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