Obsession Massage



Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
"the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry." (Burns) Truer words have never been spoken.
I finally got some free evening time as my family was away. Mel isn't around Scarlett is absent from the scene and I am in need of this type of female interaction. I have had my eye on Avery's pics @C&E and because of the void in the Durham scene of this type of girl I hesitantly go for it. I confirm , the night in question if she is available, and she is. At this time I broach the subject with a female phone person (I believe it to be Terrie) about the poor service and price gouging I have read about on some review boards. ( I did not state that I was a part of any boards) This sort of thing should not happen, you pay your fee upfront and anything more is a no no, she assures me. If this happens give her a call right away. I am feeling better with my decision with going with C&E. Avery arrives and I am definately pleased with what I see. She is exactly as described on the website and is a good looking girl, just my type.
We greet each other with a hug and exchange small talk for about five minutes. During this time I bring up my past disapointments with C&E especially the price gouging angle. I feel relieved when she says something to the effect that that is inapropriate and that her focus, especially a first meeting, is on making a good impression. I feel things will go great this evening and I tell her so. I also let her know that if I am pleased with the first hour I will keep it going for 2 hours and she seems pleased with this.

She gets a condom lube out and puts it on the bedside table, strips down to her t-bar and I remove my shirt. She apologises for such small breasts and I assure her that they are just fine. Avery starts licking and kissing my nipples, which I find to be a real turn on, and I tell her so. I am starting to get hard and she lays on the bed as do I. She again starts with my nipples as I rub her perfect little ass and the backs of her legs. Avery is also kissing my neck and rubbing up against my now hard cock and my hands are roaming too.
By now we are only into about ten minutes into the visit, which is great because I hate wasting time, and I tell her some of what I like and expect. I let her know that I really like starting things off with a bj for my 1st sog and she smiles at me and says that oral will be another $80. To this I say that I have already paid my fee and she assures me that this is standard and that all girls charge extra per service. By now I am loosing my wood and I tell her that no, no they don't charge extra and that the top agencies and girls have an all inclusive fee scale. She continues to take me to school over the issue and tells me that on a normal evening she makes between 500 per call and 1500 in a night and nobody has a problem with paying what she asks for and sounds indignant that I am not paying it. I tell her that recently I have been to a well known T.O. agency (Mirage) and my fee was all inclusive and that included msog by different means, and she this is not true and that those girls are seeling themselve short. Maybe they can send someone else over she says as she will not lower herself to this. I decline.
By now Avery is out of the bed and is putting her clothes on, I do the same. She then tells me she is keeping the whole $170 fee for a walkout charge. I tell her that she has only been here for 15minutes and that I would be willing to part with $50. She then threatens me with having her muscle (Shane) come and I can discuss the issue with him. I said that would be fine as I will not put up with threats, at this point she calls and discusses the issue and ends up giving me back $90.
She decides to give it to me again saying I saw her nude, she say me nude and she touched my cock and I her body and the $170 should be all hers, I tell her to leave. I call C&E and I am on an adrenal rush and am pissed and tell them how disapointed I was, phone guy doesn't no what to say, I ask for Terrie and am told she is unavailable. I shot her off a PM when I got home and have not heard back from her.
Room rate, $74. 15 minutes of a visit $80. All in all a great waste of time and money. I know I should have known how this would turn out as I have been burned by C&E girls in the past and have read others poor experiences with them.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
My gut instinct told me to get a room in T.O. and use one of the well known and well reviewed agencies like Cupids, but I thought by laying the cards on the table, so to speak, that there would be no funny stuff.

Lover Of Brunettes

Juliet Worshiper Forever
Jun 25, 2005
Sorry you had a bad experience Dirk. I've been down that road once or twice myself.

There's always just been something "in the wind" about this agency and I've never gone near them.

Thanks for confirming my gut instinct.


New member
Dec 30, 2003

think I had the same experience when she was Michelle (not sure about the name though). Everything was more and more. Any other SP I've seen from there was ok though. However, after playing with Montreal SPs, I don't know that I can go Durham again. Good way to kick the habit I suppose.


Class & Elegance
Aug 23, 2001
Durham Region
I have sent you two pms in your box. I can assure you I will address this with Avery this is the 1st time of me hearing of this. Like I mention in the pm my days/nights on phones are only Mon/Wed/Sat. Shane is a full Partner and covers Tues/Thurs/Fri we both alter Sun. I am 100% postive you didnt speak to me this paticular night. I will pm and see what I can do once I speak to Avery & Shane.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Thank you for your post. Even if Terri does make it good for you that is not enough to induce me to ever try C&E. Pickings are slim here in the east but that does not excuse this behaviour.

C& E = Officially and forever crossed off my "to do" list. Who needs this type of crap when so much better is available?


New member
Feb 3, 2006
just a shot in the dark, terrie will come back saying she was told (by avery and probably the 'muscle'" that you (dirk) offended her or grabbed her or was rude to her, and she will come back with every excuse in the book saying how it was your fault.

long ago.. before this nick, i used C&E and almost the same thing happened, and nothing ever was offered as payment....


Retired from the Hobby
Dec 17, 2002
West End
Good customer PR on C&E's part would have been a much faster reply. It took her 5 days to reply to your post and now 2 days later there is no final resolution.

Would expect that a reputable agency would have already made more progress in resolving this issue.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Well I just got back here today, 23 Jan, and have read her pm. As I stated to her, I pmed her the night of question(a thursday) and I did not write the post until Monday morning. I have just sent her back a pm.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
How do they stay business. I have never read a positive review about them. Terrie always has a comeback blaming the customer though.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Terrie has responded to me via pm. She has apologised and has offered something in return, I am not sure what, for my misfortune in this. I will keep you posted as to what I am going to do.


New member
Mar 18, 2007
My 2 cents: Women trying to get more out of you than you ever offered is standard for women from Durham region, whether it be an SP or not (nobody ever dated a girl from Durham?).

You need to put your foot down and unfortunately, walk away as soon as anything seem shady, I understand how girls like it, the whole envelope out for them or whatever but really I think as men who want what we want we need to take this back a lil bit and talk about what we want before we give the SP what she wants.

This is a give and take relationship, it is not just one way. SPs wouldn't be SPs if they werent getting something out of the deal. Don't take bullshit from any woman not just an SP, end your interaction as soon as the bullshit starts. Just my 2 cents.
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