Average Joe Hawaii


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
Has anyone been watching this show? I've now watched both of the Average Joe shows and while I was disappointed in the result of the first show, this ending really made me sick! I can honestly say that I have never, ever been more disappointed in the ending of a reality tv show than I was this time. That proves it beyond a doubt... the average joe will NEVER win out over a hunk, NEVER! The only retribution is that Larissa was dumped after telling Gil about her ex-boyfriend. Brian would never have given a damn about that!

Big Yellow

Banana envy
Aug 21, 2002
In a perpetual funeral
I think it was a perfect ending for average joe. She chose someone based upon their looks, and in the end he dumped her because she dated Fabio before.

I feel sorry for the average joes, they dangle a beautiful woman in front of them and give them false hope that they could end up with her. These guys pour their hearts out to this woman who inevitably ends up picking a hunk who just wants to bang her and nothing more.


Jan 17, 2004
Poor Brian Worth. He was truly a nice guy.

I still don't really understand why Gil dumped Larissa because she dated Fabio. What was the big deal?


Active member
meee: "That proves it beyond a doubt... the average joe will NEVER win out over a hunk, NEVER!" WHat, you just found that out. ;)

Guys...you know this show is a crock of shit. You know that none of those "average joes" has any real chance. It was ironic that the guy she chose dumped her because of her last BF. Not much of a consolation for the other guys since she broke 25 hearts and he only broke 1, hers.

She even said "...now i know how Brain feels." Good...now multiply that by a couple of hundred and you'll have a small idea of how you make guys feel.


Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
I'm just glad that I'm a hunk, so I'll never have to worry about being rejected by good looking women.

Stop laughing at me!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I thought the chick from the first show ended up getting dumped by her "hunkaroo" and ended up going out with one of the average joes.

Could be wrong, haven't watched the show, but I was told this to be the case.

Anyone know if this is indeed the case or not.


Aug 29, 2001
Fabio is (was) some cheesy male supermodel back in the 80's.

But frankly, what's the big deal with her dating Fabio in the past? That was then, this is now.
I think the reason behind the break up was something else. The producers added that info in and made the ending more easy for Brian supporters to swallow.

You could tell, so much of the dialogue was scripted. Especially when it came for Larissa to make her decision.

Mustang Jack

Swollen Member
Jan 9, 2003
james t kirk said:
I thought the chick from the first show ended up getting dumped by her "hunkaroo" and ended up going out with one of the average joes.

Could be wrong, haven't watched the show, but I was told this to be the case.

Anyone know if this is indeed the case or not.
The chick from the 1st average joe picked the hunk despite the average joe (Adam) being a great guy who ended up being a millionaire due to his abilities on Wall street. Now he is going to be the focus of his own reality show with lots of chicks to choose from.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Babe chose Jock? Nothing's new...

Spiker said:
That dudes confidence rocketed during that show! Ironicaly, he had a 100 times the personality of the hunk. the hunk didnt really sem to give a shit if he got picked or not.

Brian will land on his feet and some great girl will scoop hime up.
Watching Brian evolving from a shy man to one with greater confidence was interesting in itself. Saw his interview on Leno last week, what a difference compared to the " brian" in the first AJ Hawaii show.

Larissa ? Definitely yummy material, but com'on now, Brain deserves better. She's just a pretty T & A actress/former Miss whatever for the job, but is far from being a genuine type.

Her part seemed to be heavily scripted, then again, what's new. The only true stars were the batch of regular folks, they made the show shine.

The kid that looked like a golden retriever with glasses, and that big Vietnamese guy, Fuk, they were big fun to watch.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
You may also remember Fabio from the "I can't it's not butter" commercials"


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
Or you might remember Fabio from the time he was riding a roller coaster at the Ex on a promotional visit to Toronto and got dinged in the forehead by a seagull. I wonder if the girlfriend riding with him was Larissa?

I did a google search immediately after the show to explain to my kid who Fabio is. The main two sites had crashed, so I guess the world has mostly forgotten about the king of romance novel covers and everyone was checking out who he was and why Gil would dump her over it.

I agree though that the real reason for dumping her was . . . he got what he wanted. She said several times that he didn't seem too into the emotional side of things and that had worried her, but then she chose him based on 'following her instincts' which told her to look deeper. I guess she followed he wrong instincts.

Each week I felt worse and worse for Brian, and the others that fell so head over heels for this woman. You could see the difference in how she kissed the models and the average joes. There's nothing worse romantically then someone who will lead and tease, knowing the hurt they are about to inflict.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
I was LMAO at the end of this show. At first I was ticked off because Brian I think really did sweep her off her feet. But in the end he just wasn't good looking enough for her. I didn't think he was a bad looking guy at all, not a supermodel but definitely not as goofy-looking as some of the other so-called "average joes".
She got what she deserved. She went for a guy she really felt no connection with other than looks and found out what goes around comes around.
He had sex with her and then dumped her. I guess to the "hunk" she was just an "average jane."

sexy lady

Nov 28, 2003
toronto, Ontario
hey but didn't the tell her that he was only looking for an acting gig. but she chose him anyways, what was she thinking.
U know what it is not that counts it is the person inside, Hunks can really be jerks or assholes. How long do u think that his looks will carry him, he will just get bored of her and fine someone else
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
sexy lady said:
hey but didn't the tell her that he was only looking for an acting gig. but she chose him anyways, what was she thinking.
U know what it is not that counts it is the person inside, Hunks can really be jerks or assholes. How long do u think that his looks will carry him, he will just get bored of her and fine someone else
Sure, but let's face it, all of these geeks who are hoping that the pretty girl will see past their outer dorkiness to their beautiful inner soul have it coming. The only reason they're after the good looking girl in the first place is because, well, she's good looking.
This woman had the personality of a cardboard box and all the intelligence God gave Fabio. Any geek who had her heart broken by her got what he deserved.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2004
Larissa got what she deserved!

But, if Brian had been a better kisser or had more experience with women, maybe she would of picked him. IMO, he was not a bad looking guy!
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