

May 12, 2008
An amazing movie! I haven't seen a movie like this since the original Matrix where I was like WOW!


True Looser
Dec 30, 2004
Awesome Special effects, does make you believe they are real. I walked out saying, Yeah it was good entertainment. But nothing more.

I found this removie a remake of "Dances with Wolves", a movie which when plays today still gets me hooked even playing from the middle.

I don't think I'll be watching "Avatar" over and over again. Sorry just my opinion. I just could not connect with it. No depth in the movie.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
This movie's target audience is the same as a typical hollywood summer blockbuster. If you want depth (story-wise), this ain't it. If you want to be blown away visually, this is it!


Jun 6, 2009
Took the plunge the afternoon. One of the advantages of being self employed . I had picked up the tickets yesterday. The IMAX theatre was only 40% full, no kids.

In short the movie was very good, not great; classic plot, good dialogue, good acting (no oscar winning performances though), and GREAT special effects. It took a while for the eyes and brain to catch up to the 3D effects, but eventually maybe half way through you get in sync. The dynamic colourations were amazing. Whatever those animators were on to come up with the flora and fauna, I want some now. Truly mind boggling.

The 3D technology was really good but stats to show flaws in fast action or close-up shots. The panoramic shots were mind blowing.
The technology is still in it's developing stages. possibly mid way, but it has improved in leaps and bounds

I give it an 8/10 and plan to see it in Blu-Ray when it out to see the difference.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Took the plunge the afternoon. One of the advantages of being self employed . I had picked up the tickets yesterday. The IMAX theatre was only 40% full, no kids.

In short the movie was very good, not great; classic plot, good dialogue, good acting (no oscar winning performances though), and GREAT special effects. It took a while for the eyes and brain to catch up to the 3D effects, but eventually maybe half way through you get in sync. The dynamic colourations were amazing. Whatever those animators were on to come up with the flora and fauna, I want some now. Truly mind boggling.

The 3D technology was really good but stats to show flaws in fast action or close-up shots. The panoramic shots were mind blowing.
The technology is still in it's developing stages. possibly mid way, but it has improved in leaps and bounds

I give it an 8/10 and plan to see it in Blu-Ray when it out to see the difference.

Did they give you 3D glasses on the way into the theatre and if so did you have to give them back at the end or did they let you keep them.
Also, if you don't bother to wear 3D glasses do you still get any 3D effect or is it totally lost without the glasses.


Jun 6, 2009
I have yet to watch Avatar. I plan to watch it while it's still in movie theaters.

Blackrock13 you should have invited an escort to be your date!
Well, you might have a point there, big dark empty room full of strangers, scary place, but I did have company yet she'd be upset if you referred to her as an escort; bodyguard maybe. Remember someone else's comment about fetching a stick?


Jun 6, 2009
Did they give you 3D glasses on the way into the theatre and if so did you have to give them back at the end or did they let you keep them.
Also, if you don't bother to wear 3D glasses do you still get any 3D effect or is it totally lost without the glasses.
I still got both pairs and yes you do need them. They didn't ask for them in person, but had a sign and a bin suggesting you recycle.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Okay, thanks.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I have not seen it, and do not intend to, not my thing. Of all the hype about it, the part I liked the most was the number of cases of people being depressed, some suicidally so, because they wanted to leave our world, and join the Navvi world. And they were so upset that it was just a movie. Depression in general is not funny, but being depressed because you can't live in a movie is funny.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Incredible indeed.

But no so much when the prices are adjusted for inflation (as all movies should when ranked against others from different years)
This perspective is lost
The higher cost of admission brings in more money obviously

The True Rank of Avatar - Adjusted for Inflation

Avatar - 34, Dark Knight - 27, All the star Wars are ahead of avatar..even Jurassic Park - 17
It would make a lot more sense to measure number of tickets sold, not sales. But they would rather have each year be bigger than the last.


Jun 6, 2009
It would make a lot more sense to measure number of tickets sold, not sales. But they would rather have each year be bigger than the last.
That may sound logical, only the backers don't care about the number of bums in the seats. They only care about the money. there are plenty of films that won't come anywhere near this kind of numbers, take '7" for example. The dollars is just the most common way to measure success. How do you measure DVD sales and rentals then and they haven't even begun to do that yet. More money to come yet. If you count bums you have to compare the size of the population etc etc etc.

Oh, by the way Avatar is now #1 in sales now, just passing Titanic and still climbing. Hey Gayass, why don't you give your expert opinion on this, since you seem to have had it covered from both sides? first you panned it, it would make it's money back and thought anyone you thought different was cracked and then you thought it was an amazing film. Give us your expert opinion(s) now.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I saw the movie on Saturday night at the Imax. Wow. I went in with such low expectations but left being quite taken by the movie.

I see that none of you caught James Cameron's salute to the Niagara Region of Canada (where he was born and raised). There was a pilot in the movie named "Wainfleet". There is a Wainfleet Ontario near Port Collborne Ontario in the Nagara Region which is often times referenced by locals in a joking fashion. (My relatives are all from the Niagara Region and they often reference Wainfleet in some humourous way.)

About 10 minutes into the movie, the pilot (who later joined the other side) calls out, "Hey Wainfleet"

Anyway, I thought it was cool. Don't know if it's a fact or not, but I suspect so. (Given that Cameron wrote, directed and prodcued Avatar.)



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I have not seen it, and do not intend to, not my thing. Of all the hype about it, the part I liked the most was the number of cases of people being depressed, some suicidally so, because they wanted to leave our world, and join the Navvi world. And they were so upset that it was just a movie. Depression in general is not funny, but being depressed because you can't live in a movie is funny.
I think every 12yr old boy since 1977 is pissed he can't have a light saber.......



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
No acting nominations for the Oscars. Hollywood still refuses to take CGI movies very seriously. I'm glad Cameron is voicing his opinion on this.


Jun 6, 2009
The movie was great. The director as genius but a jerk. I read inn the papers he and his fifth wife are going head to head in the Oscars for best picture. Five wives, he'd better make a few bucks. I still remember the stories from techs who worked on Titanic in Mexico. He ruin the farms and the surrounding countryside and then walked away saying, 'sue me'. He'd promised to bring the farmland back to its initial condition for the farmers, but screwed them. Of curse we all know how good the court system is in Mexico. The one farmer never farmed again.

They made 10 selections this year just so more films can say they were nominees in their ads, even though only three might have a chance of winning. The academy was hard pressed to pick 10, but had to.
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