I don't recommend ever starting with hi how are you dear, or just hi, just hey, etc. It's hard to distinguish if you're a time waster or not. I can tell you that 90% of the guys who just send me a hi/hey/u avail/how are you text are not looking for a booking, they're bored and texting everyone, looking to compare cheap rates/service, or not experienced in booking at all. I always ask guys to send me an intro and when they're looking for or else I can't tell them from the other time wasters. I'm honestly shocked why you'd say it's so well received. I guess the providers I know don't appreciate extra back and forth before you get to know what someone is contacting you about. The dear, babe, baby, hun, stuff has to go too, it's just not genuine and weird to get from a grown man who's a stranger.
"Hi my name is Bob I'm 43 and I'm looking for an appointment at x for y amount of time" - cuts to the point and doesn't waste time. I actually respect and respond to a guy who's serious about booking me and then we can discuss. Guys who seem like they just want to see if they get any reply or chat for free drive me crazy.
Too many questions and texts and most are too busy to answer. You'd be surprised some take 5 minutes to type out or respond to each text, so the more direct and to the point the better if you're REALLY interested. If you text me hi how are you I'm not even going to answer, any time I do and ask who they are and what they're looking for they don't even reply.
I don't get why guys dick around indies, but if contacting an agency they are more direct "hello i'm looking for an appointment today around 1, could you tell me who's available?" as opposed to "heyyyyyyyyy how's biz today? how are you? hmm it's been a long time, how's the weather? Oh why am I messaging? I uh wonder who's available today"