
At the Half Way Point


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
Well for those of you that have been following, or care, you might remember as my New Year's Resolutions thread, I said I wanted to attend to my mental health and weight issues. Shortly into the new year, I posted Wow...Damn It, about the dropping weight as well.

About a month later, I posted in the same thread that my doctor would like to see me down to 210 by the 10th, and ultimately down to 180, and that we would be trying an antidepressant called Cymbalta.

Well 5 weeks later...

Well I dare not say that Cymbalta is awesome, but it is something else alright. The first week on it was side effect heaven, dealing with waves of drowsiness and nausea, with a side of dizziness and insomnia for good measure. But those passed in about a week. But then there was the difficulty ejaculating. To put it bluntly, where I could cum in about 5 minutes masturbating, it was now taking 30+. That too has passed, for better or worse.

Now do I say I feel terrific or even amazing? No, not really. I have ingrained thought patterns that need dealing with. But gone is the anger, frustration, guilt and pointlessness that haunted me nearly day in and day out. I don't know how describe how I used to feel without sounding like some goth art fag. It used to feel like all my thoughts were being dragged through an inky black mist before they came to the surface, so they were always dark, dirty and tainted (and not in the Terb way of dirty either). When it came to negative thoughts, my head was like an echo chamber, in that they would just resound and resound, and kept getting louder, I don't feel that any more. I still get angry, frustrated and feel guilty, but it doesn't have that resonance that it used to.

Now I was also having concerns about my sex drive. I haven't heard anything back regarding the blood tests taken on my last appointment. It would be best to say it's flickering. It's there rolling about, flaring up and fading down. Doing a little better than it was a month or so ago, but still nothing compared to those of other posters...

But now on to the physical...
Well my diet has improved, though could be better. I won't go into it, because it does involve cheating (chocolate and ice cream). But I figure cheat a little to keep the cravings happy, or run a greater risk of just straight out collapsing to them. It's definitely not an extreme diet, like Atkins or the Caveman Diet. Just closer to the Canadian Food Guide. I'm still not eating enough fruits and veggies, nor drinking enough water, but it's getting there. Coke is almost completely gone from my diet. Down from 3-4 cans a day, to 2-3 a week...And when I do drink it, it's either Diet or Zero. Only downside I'm experiencing is do I have a lot of gas.

Now some have asked what did I weigh when I started...And honestly, I do not know. I got speaking with a gentleman that used to work where I did, and he has similar health issues as me. He guessed I was about 250lbs. So we can use that as a reference point.

When I saw my doctor last, I weighed in at 229lbs (or 233 according to his scale). He said he'd like to see my drop 10% by my next appointment, or down to about 210lbs. As of yesterday, I'm 214lbs. I doubt I'll make the 210 mark by next Wens, but I'll be damned close!!

But to think, if I did start at 250, and the Dr would like to see me down to 180...At 214, I'm half way there!! And this is the lightest I've been since I went to university, at least.

I'm really not noticing the weight loss. I can see my cloths are starting to hang on me. And my stomach looks like a new kind if hell, with the rolls of loose skin (sexy isn't it?). I still have my love shelf and man boobs. But neighbors, coworkers and customers are now commenting to be about the change in my appearance. Back in December, I was wearing a 44 belt, I'm not half way through a 38. I've gone from a 3XL work shirt to an XL, and am considering dropping to an L.

And while I'm still fat and floppy, I can actually say I'm probably in the best aerobic shape I've been in since childhood!! I can partially accredit it to the exercise and lost weight...But really I want to blame it on two things...When I was growing up, my asthma was never under control. Until I started to university, I was never medicated for my asthma. So I exert myself and I'd become winded. Now I'm on an inhaler, and while it's a pain in the arse, I can breath so much easier. Secondly, I used to focus on what I was doing when I exercised...I now focus on my breathing. If I can keep my breathing under control, I can keep going. I can do the treadmill and elliptical for an hour now at a decent (not blistering) pace (about 5-5.5mph) and not get winded. I never could before.

My motivation? Basically, I'm sick and tired of looking at the fat dough boy in the mirror. And to think all this got started with getting laid....Had I known that, I would have tried to get laid ages ago. But I think it's finally "My Time". But I am also using a little carrot on the end of a stick as my added motivation...

Those in chat already know what it is....I'm abstaining from hobbying until I get my weight down, and am happy with it. That's right, no nooky for me until I'm 180 or less. I'm not headed to the Blue Balls Express, I'm already on it!!

Now I do have a few ladies in mind to celebrate with, but I'll keep their names close to my chest. But any ladies who venture in here, and might like to offer to celebrate with me can either post here, or PM me. *wink* (Yeah right)

*Whew* That went a little longer than expected, but tells you how god I feel about it.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
If you can take the elliptical for an hour you're more than half way there, so far I've yet to break the 40 minute threshold.

You may be at your ideal weight now, how tall are you? Your doctor may want you to get to 180lbs but unless you become a vegetarian, cut out all fried food and drink only water, your chances of achieving that goal are slim to none. If you can stay at 210 lbs you've won the battle and it perfectly acceptable to cheat on your diet (I'm on one myself) it actually replenishes your energy reserves.

How much anaerobic work are you doing?

If you are doing both cardiovascular and anaerobic do the cardio first. That will use up your body's supply of glucose, when you hit the weights your body will use it's stored fat for energy. I neglected to mention that I used to weigh 260 lbs I'm now at 215.


Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
That's impressive Dave! You sound like a determined guy once you have goals established.

As a bonus, getting healthy has a major payback in feeling better about yourself which you've discovered. You're right about needing to change those ingrained dark thoughts, let's not hear you write about yourself in any negative ways from now on, okay?


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
Keep at it man..a few more months. you'll look and feel better just in time for spring and then summer.

Stay positive...


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Kick ass post!!! Being fit changes your life. You have SO much more energy and you feel so much better about yourself. Keep it up though. The trick, I have always found, is to make exercise a part of your daily ritual. Go from work straight to the gym with no stops in between, so you have no choices to tempt you away. As for food, drinking shitloads of water keeps you from wanting to munch on crappy calories. But....stick with whatever's been working for you 'cause it sounds like its working well. Congratulations and good luck.


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
and hope there are a number of TERB ladies who will help you celebrate!
*sigh* No offers yet, beyond Madison's congratulations.

If you can take the elliptical for an hour you're more than half way there, so far I've yet to break the 40 minute threshold.
The rec center has a 30 minute time limit on their cardio equipment, that I do honour....So on my cardio days I'll do 30 minutes on one, and hop onto another for 30. So today it was the treadmill and elliptical.

You may be at your ideal weight now, how tall are you? Your doctor may want you to get to 180lbs but unless you become a vegetarian, cut out all fried food and drink only water, your chances of achieving that goal are slim to none.
Well at 5' 10", most of the BMIs I've seen say I should be 170 at most, as I read them.

How much anaerobic work are you doing?
A little over an hour's worth about 3 times a week. I shoot for 5 sets of 15 reps. A little high on the number of sets I know, but...

That's impressive Dave! You sound like a determined guy once you have goals established.
...As long as I don't loose interest in them...

You're right about needing to change those ingrained dark thoughts, let's not hear you write about yourself in any negative ways from now on, okay?
Well I'm enrolled in a course for Dealing With Problem Thoughts, or something to that nature...But basically it's to deal with problematic thinking patterns...

As for self depreciation, I frequently do use it as a source of humour. I mean I get to see so many on line claiming to be these 6'2" ripped 1% body fat kung fu master/SEAL/neurosurgeons, that saying I'm short, fat and balding throws people off. :p

And thanks to everyone for their support!


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
*Sigh* None of the lovely terbettes seem to be interested in celebrating with me. *sigh*

Well it seems that none of the ladies are interested in letting me enjoy their warm, delicious curves once I get down to 180. I guess if that's the case I'll have to look else where.....*sigh*

Good thing I'm inclined to seek out back up plans. And if there's no ladies wanting to share their curves with me, then maybe this will be more than willing to....


Sep 15, 2006
Keep it up, Dave! I'm totally digging your back up plan. Buying a new guitar always puts a smile on my face.


Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
*Sigh* None of the lovely terbettes seem to be interested in celebrating with me. *sigh*
You're doing it wrong, even slimmer guys have to ask them. Trust me - it works better this way, you get to choose!

The guitar would probably be more honest in its feedback though. ;-)
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