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Astrology...does it play into sizing up a mate or friend?


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
wetnose said:
Any real astrologer will tell you that 12 signs is barely skimming the surface - everybody's horoscope is more like a fingerprint, rather than a product of a machine press. Depending on the day and time of your birth, you may actually lean toward more of another sign than your supposed birth sign.

My personal observation is that I tend to find Aries, Pisces, Leo, Scorpio and Sagi girls in the profession. Very rarely do I find Taurus, Cancer and Virgo girls doing it. Agency owners, what do you think?

Sagittarius here.....


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
I think astrology has great value. It allows the easily deluded to pair up, leaving people who can actually think for themselves for the rest of us.


New member
Jun 2, 2007
wetnose said:
Any real astrologer will tell you that 12 signs is barely skimming the surface - everybody's horoscope is more like a fingerprint, rather than a product of a machine press. Depending on the day and time of your birth, you may actually lean toward more of another sign than your supposed birth sign.

My personal observation is that I tend to find Aries, Pisces, Leo, Scorpio and Sagi girls in the profession. Very rarely do I find Taurus, Cancer and Virgo girls doing it. Agency owners, what do you think?
wetnose very true. sun sign astrology is not really that useful in terms of relationship analysis, and fyi most of the sunsign columns in newspapers are written by journalists and not qualified astrologers. the only notable exceptions that i have come across are rob brezny who does the astrology column for now magazine, as well as michael lutin who writes for vanity fair.

along with having a sun sign, you have a moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter and saturn sign (along with outer planets) that all have a bearing on your psychological makeup, each planet representing a specific type of energy in your overall energetic flow. so as wetnose said, you could be a taurus, but have a preponderance of planets in gemini, which would give you a geminian undertone to your overall approach to life and mode of operation. this is a huge oversimplication of the way that astrology works but for the sake of brevity i'll just stick with that.

any self aware individual who is interested in the real questions of a relationship (why am i drawn to this person, why do we work on some levels but not others, what is the meaning of this relationship and what am i to learn from it ) would benefit from a synastical analysis, as these are the types of questions that astrology can help answer.

its always funny how people who are the biggest disbelievers of astrology (and any esoteric art or esoteric approach to considering reality) are usually the people who know the least about it. there is a great book called "cosmos and psyche" which any skeptic who really wants to learn more should check out. EDIT: celest i just noticed your ref to this book, definitely pick it up. if you want to get a little deeper into the workings of astrology, take a look at Liz Greene's work, specifially "The Inner Planets" or "The Luminaries". as a Jungian, she takes a wholly psychological approach to Astrology, I think you will really like her.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
The problem is a lot of women take this astrology shit seriously. They have a preconcieved notion of which signs they get a long with and which signs to stay away from.

So, they treat men from “good” signs radically different that men from “bad” signs because of their astrological prejudices.

As a result, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. They get along with men from their good signs and they have problems with bad sign men.


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Cinema Face said:
The problem is a lot of women take this astrology shit seriously. They have a preconcieved notion of which signs they get a long with and which signs to stay away from.

So, they treat men from “good” signs radically different that men from “bad” signs because of their astrological prejudices.

As a result, it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. They get along with men from their good signs and they have problems with bad sign men.
i am definitely not one to condone any kind of prejudicial behaviour (and btw I have never met a woman who was more concerned with a mans sun sign than whether the man was honest, caring, attractive, intelligent), but to be perfectly honest, astrology has been been an integral tool for humans to understand the cosmos and our relationship with it since the dawn of man (and was even a compulsory subject up until a couple hundred years ago), so to dismiss it as "shit" seems a bit...obtuse?


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Monty Python said:
... until scientific discipline called 'astronomy' emerged.

Claims that astrology makes yet have to be proved using scientific method. In other words, there is no scientific evidence for astrological claims. It's rather the opposite. People tend to see only things that support their beliefs and completely ignore those that don't. It's not only the astrology, it can be seen virtually everywhere.
actually, astronomy and astrology were synonymous and integrated, and taught as one subject up until the industrial revolution.

and in regards to astrology not being able to be substantiated by scientific method - astrology is a symbolic and mythic language that cannot be assessed by contemporary checks and measures. astrology embraces the philosophy of wholeness in the universe, and that everything works in harmony, that there is no isolation between things - an example being the idea of a butterfly flapping its wings in indonesia having an effect on the rate that your grass grows on your lawn.

the planets in a natal chart are a symbolic and archetypal representation of the energies in the individual - the planets do not affect us physically, and this is the major point that skeptics who are always arguing against astrology don't get, probably due to the fear of having to accept that we do not live in a mechanistic and "solvable" universe.

scientific method is based around the idea that anything can be dissected into its smallest parts to determine the functioning of of the whole - astrology is about wholeness and integration of all of existence and cannot be measured by man-made tests, because we just dont have the capacity at this point to design a sophisticated enough test due to our general lack of awareness of the true functioning of the universe.

Monty Python said:
People tend to see only things that support their beliefs and completely ignore those that don't.
kind of like people who assert that if something cannot be measured by scientific methods, then it couldnt possibly be valid? ;)
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