tboy said:I don't know if JMW was for or against the cops being equipped but as for my opinion, give the cops whatever they need to do their job effectively.
As for an AR, not the best weapon for a frontline officer to have. The 223 round is so light it probably wouldn't go through a door. I know in Vietnam that soldiers were complaining that it would hit a twig or small branch and deflect away from the target.
Now sub-machine guns like the MP5 or MP7, they are spray and pray weapons. Because of the high rate of climb when on full or semi auto after the first two shots, you're lucky to be shooting anything but the ceiling.
DQ can speak to the 'Nam use of the .223 , we used the FN 7.62mm which packed a mean punch. In combat training where you are encouraged to always be alert in your surroundigs for potential cover. The effectiveness of each weapons potential to penetrate different materials was demonstrated. The .223 would get lodged in a small tree but the 7.62 round would go thru and be a bloody wide slug coming out the other side. Same with water barrels. Cong used to fighting Americans were in for a big surprise when they later encountered Aussies with the FN.
As to full auto climb, thats why you are taught three shot bursts.