Ok, here is my take. Keep in mind my background is asian, and yes I have dated many white & black girls in the past.
First, I think asians are the most racist bunch on the planet. Gwai low this gwai low that. Come on. I remember my mom freaking when I brought home my first white gf. She also told me never, ever date/marry a black girl. I, for one, happen to like black girls. Indian girls ROCK (Am I the only Chinese guy to drool over Indian girls?). Anyway, this is not unique to my family, I've hear comments like philipino or lighter all the time. I understand that everyone wants to preserve their cultures, but you are in North America and cultures WILL mix. Drop the racist bs and show some respect.
Good jobs do not equal girls. Asians, in general are very money focused. There is so much to life than money. Yes, it does make life a little easier, but it is not the end all. Stop being so materialistic! Studies show that the BMW does not get the girl. You may think that the BMW make you look cool, but at the end of the day, you are still that same dull guy with a nicer car. I've never driven anything more than a Civic. I like to spend my money elsewhere, like self improvement. You will be surprised at how a few classes will make you more interesting. I've taken everything, from dance to cooking. You can also learn a new language...big coolness points there. I spent an entire year in Nice, France to learn French and it was money well spent. In fact, last year, a couple of girls from France was asking me for directions in very broken English. Imagine their surprise when this Chinese guy replys in French. Huge points. The goal is to become multidimentional.
There is a big difference between Canadian born and FOBs. I think Canaidian born has a much higher success rate of hooking up with white. I find FOB asians, in general, quite boring. This includes girls as well. The asian accent may be a problem as well as it totally lacks charm. I have to say, even though I am asian, I have very few asian friends.
The posts above about asians lacking confidence. For the most part, totally true. I think it has to do with upbringing. Asian parents in general put a lot of pressure on kids to excel in school at a very early age. Even when they do well, it is never good enough. How can you have confidence when you are brought up that way? I fortunately did not have that problem as was always the class clown and coasted by with a solid D average.
Also, this is hard for me to say, but some asians have a personal hygiene problem. I know you all know what I mean. It's this medicinal BO smell, kinda like moth balls, but different. Also, for some reason, many asians like to shower at night, so they sweat in their sleep and then BO creeps in my 10am. That my friends is a turn off.
Finally, some asians, especially non-Canadian born, are very closed minded and like to hang out with their own kind. Even when it comes to food, they go for Chinese/Sushi or nothing. How many times have you seen a chinese couple or family go out for something like Roti. Almost never. And if you do see an asian in a place like Real Jerk, it's probably me. If you don't venture out, how do you expect to meet girls of other backgrounds?