ASA Sadie - A Partial Review


Everyone needs a hobby!
Sep 28, 2006
Golden Horseshoe
I'm calling this a partial review because I'm going to take this opportunity to vent more than review.

Sometimes I wish I could just say no. Today would have been one of those days that it would have served me well. I tried to line up something special to kick off the new year so I called ASA on Monday of this week to book for today. I wanted an interactive duo with Karli and Katrina, but the availability didn't work (jeez, some of you guys book way in advance!). Plan B was two hours with Karli, and she was available at my preferred time, so the countdown began. All week I was thinking about how much fun I was going to have in those 2 hours. I had pretty much played every scenario over in my head which kept me aroused for 4 days. So off I went this morning eager for some fun. I tried calling ASA at 10:00 to make sure everything was good, but no answer. So I kept driving until I was half way there and called again around 10:30, and Hammertm confirmed it was a go. Fifteen minutes later came the dreaded call back. Nothing good ever comes from a call back from an agency or SP. Sure enough, Karli couldn't make it and no one else was coming in until later, but Sadie would be available an hour after my scheduled appointment. I figured WTF, I'm almost there, might as well keep driving and kill an hour checking out some stores in the neighbourhood. I had seen Sadie last May and had a great time. I wrote a very favourable review and believe I said I would see her again, so I thought now was as good a time as any. Here's where I should have just said no, because plan A and B were both out the window, and on top of that now I was going to be an hour later than planned. But no, the blood had already rushed from my big head and redistributed itself throughout my body, collecting mainly in the groin region, so I was delirious and couldn't think straight and continued onward.

Sadie was just as lovely as I had remembered her. Very pretty, great breasts, beautiful skin. The differences started to reveal themselves as soon as I leaned in for a kiss and she backed off. Oops, something different there. Then I tried to repeat some of the things we had done the first time we met with all the goodies I had brought, but that went flat pretty quickly. So after getting a little frustrated I decided to speed things up and went down for some deliciously shaved kitty, and as I went in for closer contact she pulled away. Ok, this definitely wasn't the Sadie I remembered. So I resigned myself to the fact that it was going to be a long two hours and tried to make the best of it. I finished just past the hour mark and when the blood recollected back to my big head I wondered why I didn't book just an hour. Of course it was too late to think about that, so Sadie and I talked for 45 minutes. She is a sweetheart, and I really do like her, but I was expecting more contact and intimacy. I asked her what the change was all about and she explained a few things that I won't repeat, but suffice it to say that she has become quite restrictive since we first met.

So here I am back home now drinking too much wine and wishing things had gone differently. This is the first time hobbying that I wish I would have just turned around and gone home after the cancellation call. This really highlighted what I dislike most about this hobby, namely, having to book in advance and then be at the mercy of whatever circumstances arise. Makes me appreciate why there is a market for MPs.

So instead of being happy, as in "Happy New Year" I'm disappointed, frustrated and wishing I had stayed home. Of course all will be forgotten with the next great experience. That's the nature of the game. Happy New Year everyone!


New member
Dec 17, 2008
Hey Ed ... sorry to hear that, I too had a similar situation but was able to say no :) But ya, those cancellations will kill ya man ! Keep on keepin on though bud !


New member
Nov 2, 2004
Yup. I too tried to ring in the year and was met with a certain degree of disappointment.
As with regular life, magic cannot be planned and just rears its beutiful head when it sees fit.
This year, I plan to do a better job of just going with the way things unfold and accept outcomes for what they are.
Happy new year.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Great Review

THANK YOU, ed_v. Very much appreciated. I have long planned to make the drive to KW specifically to see Sadie, as her pic in Hammer's previous sig line was very tempting, and most reviewers, although giving her so-so write-ups, raved about her beauty. But, no kissing and no DATY means no drive to KW. The imagery of her pulling away when you went in to kiss her is a show-stopper. Way to kill the ambience of a visit.

She's free to do as she wishes so I've no issues at all with her restrictions, I am simply glad to know about them in advance. Thanks for saving me a day and a few hundred bucks.


Everyone needs a hobby!
Sep 28, 2006
Golden Horseshoe
CapitalGuy said:
But, no kissing and no DATY means no drive to KW.
Just need to clarify here. When I said she pulled away, I didn't mean there was no kissing or DATY. It's a matter of degree. Let's just say that it wasn't enthusiastically welcomed.

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
ed_v said:
Just need to clarify here. When I said she pulled away, I didn't mean there was no kissing or DATY. It's a matter of degree. Let's just say that it wasn't enthusiastically welcomed.
I would rather she said no. Nothing worse than uninspired acts or acting. YMMV rears it's ugly head.
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