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As a Guy, has a Woman ever Aggressively Tried to have Sex with You?


Feb 23, 2017
Only my wife when she wanted another kid. She figured out exactly the date she would be most fertile, and she would not give up that night until I gave in. She let me know several weeks ahead of time this is what she wanted, and basically she wouldn't take no for an answer.

A few years later when she thought she might be preggers again, I said to her quite plainly I was not going to feed another mouth, and if it turned out she was preggers, basically she'd have to pick the new kid or moi, because I would not stick around. She was visibly shaken by this stance, and the next several days were uncomfortable for us, until it became clear she was not preggers. Then I got a vasectomy.

This was by far the most aggressive a woman has been with me.
Award-winning attitude - can't wait for the day I find myself threatening to leave a woman that I impregnated...WTF!

Yep for me as well. A married woman who wouldn't take no for an answer. Even when her hammered "boyfriend" showed up at the place and promptly passed out. She was good looking and I capitulated when she jammed my cock all the way down her throat. The sex was great she was multi-orgasmic.

Anyways, one of the worst mistakes for me as she holds this secret as power. I can't hang out with my old friends as the dude has become a good friend with them (and is still with the lady). I'm sure she'd start shit if my family were there as well. From that experience, I got a vasectomy and now see SPs... and I now desire 'aggressive' women.

Am I a victim?
Let me think...NO! You make your bed, you lie in it.

What I will say is thread does highlight a double standard. If a man is aggressive towards a woman to the point of not really taking no for an answer, it's assault. Other way around, it's technically assault but nobody will ever complain (or be taken seriously if they do).


New member
Oct 6, 2017
In my early twenties there was a girl that used to travel in my social circle, average looks and a well above average body. After a night of mild drinking we shared a cab to a mutual friends house where we were both spending the night. Before that cab ride we'd spoken only a handful of times, mostly to exchange pleasantries. The three of us were in the kitchen enjoying a nightcap when our friend retired to bed.

She didn't wait long to start coming on to me but I just wasn't in the mood for sex, not because of performance related issues due to drinking, but because I just wasn't feeling turned on. She began with several lines that left little doubt as to her intentions. I laughed them off as if them off as if we were just joking. Probably thinking that I was just dense, she moved on to less subtle attempts like pressing her breast against me as she was pouring herself another drink front the bottle in front of me on the counter. I moved away and she followed, leaning up against me and putting her hands on my body. I told her I had a girlfriend, which was a lie, and it didn't phase her, "she'll never know". I moved away again and she pursued me groping my butt and crotch as I shooed her hands away. I don't remember how long it went on but I finally had enough when she tried to put her hand down my pants. I forcefully pushed her away and told her I was going to sleep.

At the time I remember being quite flattered and only mildly annoyed. A nice ego stroking that would make for a boastful story. Thinking back on it I don't know how I would have felt had I not been able to just force her off me. If she was bigger and stronger would she have respected my no. I can't say but I imagine I would have been far more concerned, maybe even scared rather than feeling flattered and in control.


Sep 30, 2008
Once in my early 20s, I went out West for a hookup with a woman a few years older than me. Met her at the airport, and everything was going swimmingly and we checked into the hotel I had booked. As soon as we were in the elevator and the door closed, she jumped me - rather unexpectedly and had her hand down my pants and yadda yadda. I was a little shocked, coz up to that point while I knew we were to get it on - just not right there and then. So anyways I rolled with it and we ended up in the room and I still haven't been stripped off by a woman and mounted as fast as she did. But that's the only one.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Few occasions. One time stands out. A woman, friend and coworker, drunk at a work party. Our respective SOs not there. As she becomes more drunk she is spending more time hanging around me. Getting clingy. Getting in the way when other women try to talk to me. Every time I sit somewhere she’s beside me, as she get drunker, often playing with my shirt, hair. I’m starting to get annoyed, and further more it is really inappropriate as there are lots of our coworkers there, most subordinate to one or the other of us. I’m getting embarrassed, and also as she’s my friend, worried that she is going to make a fool of herself and be office gossip topic for the next year. Anyway finally I say I’m going. She’s drunk enough I don’t want to leave her there so I offer to cab home with her. Waiting for the cab, she’s grabbing me, trying to kiss me. I keep politely dodging her advances and finally have to push her away. She finally gets the message and is of course hurt. We ride home in silence and the evening ends.

The whole thing made me really uncomfortable and pissed me off. She took my kindness and friendship as a sign it was ok to come on to me in a very inappropriate way, compromising not only her but also my work reputation. Now I’m 5’10 and 175, she 5’1, 130 ish. There is no way I felt physically threatened, always knew that worst case scenario, I could just physically remove her from my space. At work we are both equal “rank”. I imagine what if the roles were reversed. I was her 45 lbs less, easily overpowered, and or she held my career in her hands. It was a bit of an eye opener really and also made me think that this happens to women a lot, and unlike me, they actually need to worry about
More than social/workplace embarrassment. They actually have a reasonably threat to their safety.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love a relatively aggressive approach, if I’m into the woman, and time / place are reasonable. Eg, pick up my FWB in my car, and befor I can say hi, I’m unzipped and in her wet mouth. Or arrive at a fave SPs place and before I can get my shoes / jacket off, I’m pinned against the wall, she's grabbed my hand and put it under her skirt and on her ass, grinding against me and her tongue is half way down my throat. That’s cool by me. But I’m those situations I think consent is implied.


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
When I was 12, I was going up the stairs when my uncle's wife who was at the top told me "I want to show you something."

I stopped and she started to take her clothes off. She was left with only her thong, when I finally unfroze and said "my mom has the same ones" I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in, until my parents got home.

I never stayed alone with her again and never told anyone.

She had a killer body, but all I felt was scared.


May 5, 2011
I'm still looking for an aggressive SP.
In time you may find one. My first encounter with an visiting SP, she was pushing me down on the bed, within 5 minutes of arriving. Later when our time was almost up, I stared to get up. Only to be pulled down, with her telling me, she would let me know when I had to leave. Even when I was getting ready to leave, she kept moving forward, wanting to kiss. Aggressive may be to harsh a word, as that might imply something improper. Just determined to get what she wanted, would be more suitable for mine, and others mentioned here. That encounter with her, was a three hour appointment, that ended up going 4 and half hours, before she released me.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
Only my wife when she wanted another kid. She figured out exactly the date she would be most fertile, and she would not give up that night until I gave in. She let me know several weeks ahead of time this is what she wanted, and basically she wouldn't take no for an answer.

A few years later when she thought she might be preggers again, I said to her quite plainly I was not going to feed another mouth, and if it turned out she was preggers, basically she'd have to pick the new kid or moi, because I would not stick around. She was visibly shaken by this stance, and the next several days were uncomfortable for us, until it became clear she was not preggers. Then I got a vasectomy.

This was by far the most aggressive a woman has been with me.
Award-winning attitude - can't wait for the day I find myself threatening to leave a woman that I impregnated...WTF!
Perhaps I should have been more clear. Well before we got married, she said how many kids she wanted, and we had that many. When this happened I thought she was on the pill, because she had been previously. When she made the announcement to me, it was clear to me that I was being shit tested. (youtube has lots to say about this), so I put my foot down, with no ifs, ands, or buts. Everything has a price.
FYI, we still get along great (except for the occasional disagreement), and although all of our kids are now young adults-who I am not legally required to support, I still have no problem saying goodbye to my wife if I thought I'd be happier. Admittedly, I call this the 'nuclear option,' but I have not given it serious consideration for many years.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2008
It happens all the time; as soon as I give her the envelope, she would act super aggressive


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Yes. But never did it.
1 was a nut job and a co worker. She kept wanting to go to my place.
The 2nd one was really nice. Model looks and body, but i was seeing someone at the i think back...i was so stupid.


Oct 18, 2015
Visiting friends overseas, we were at a party and one of his female friends was rubbing against me on the dance floor, shimmying all around. One of the guys relayed a story that another bloke had hooked up with her, coming home with claw marks all over his back. I was a bit prudish, tho, because I didn't find her attractive at all. We ended up walking back to her place and she was not hiding her intentions whatsoever, but I made up a story about a GF at home that I was loyal to, gave her a hug goodnight (she squeezed my ass hard, just to make it CLEAR what she wanted!) and I jetted out of there. No regrets!

Another time, back at home on a first date, the woman and I were sitting in her car to say goodbye and she said "What, no kiss??" So I leaned over to kiss her and within seconds its DFK and she's rubbing her hands all over me. I was a little older and less prudish and more horny so I went with it, tho I wasn't attracted to her at all. Eventually, a security guard around the parking lot knocked on our window and broke the mood! 2nd date, I'm feeling none-to-keen (her personality and looks just weren't for me) but she invites me back to her place, we're upstairs in an empty room, and we re-start kissing then have a quickie (before her roommate comes home). Instant regrets on the way home! A day later, I let her know I had a date with someone else (half-truth) and she was quite peeved; I never saw her again for years. I ran into her a few years later and she had totally let herself go. <shudder>


Jun 8, 2009
I must have been around 20-22 back in the mid-90s. Was standing at the bar when a woman came up to me, grabbed my hand and dragged me outside to a taxi that took us to her place where we fucked like maniacs for about an hour. I went back to the bar afterwards to catch up with my friends who were wondering what happened to me (no cell phones back in those days). I have to say it was a wonderful experience to be approached by an unknown woman whose sole greeting was "I'm taking you home now to fuck my brains out." Even in porn there's usually some small talk, lol.


Feb 23, 2017
Perhaps I should have been more clear. Well before we got married, she said how many kids she wanted, and we had that many. When this happened I thought she was on the pill, because she had been previously. When she made the announcement to me, it was clear to me that I was being shit tested. (youtube has lots to say about this), so I put my foot down, with no ifs, ands, or buts. Everything has a price.
FYI, we still get along great (except for the occasional disagreement), and although all of our kids are now young adults-who I am not legally required to support, I still have no problem saying goodbye to my wife if I thought I'd be happier. Admittedly, I call this the 'nuclear option,' but I have not given it serious consideration for many years.
Fair enough. Thanks for clarifying - I would not have written my comment had you provided details / context.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
Oh maybe once or twice... funniest was with a buddy at a bar during Carnival in Brazil the bitches ripped our shirts off & practically raped us! Who would of thought two, tall blonde blue eyed guys would be such a novelty there
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