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Arrested for being black in Starbucks


Sep 20, 2010
Is there discrimination in Canada - sure there is. Do we have systemic discrimination in the Canadian criminal justice system - I do believe it exists to some extent.

Young men commit crimes at a disproportionately higher rate than most other groups and as a result more young males are incarcerated. Only about 20% of the prisoners in Canada are over 50 years old. Does this disparity automatically prove ageism? How many 50 yr olds play in the NBA?

The Aboriginal murder rate in Canada is 7 to 8 times higher than the overall rate. In Toronto, where Black people are 4% of the population, they account for as many as 40% of murder victims. Most of those murders are committed by Aboriginals and Blacks.

Is it really a shock to see that there are so many people who succumb to prejudice and racism? Especially the police and courts who have to deal with the disproportionately high number of certain groups committing crimes?

Thomas Sowell: Discrimination and Disparities

full interview here



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
There were no guns, batons or hog tying at Starbucks, so I really don't know what you're referencing. Just two men, who wouldn't leave semi-private property after being asked politely to leave, three times. They knew the consequences of refusing to leave the premises, and accepted them. They were handcuffed, arrested and taken out of the building without incident. They were trying to make a statement, which they did. The police did their job. If you and your friends want to shit on the Manager, go ahead. But stop the police bashing will ya...its like the kids in school now, saying their bisexual, not because they are, but because its the new cool thing to say and be. It's cool to bash the police, everyone does it. They have a very tough job to do....of course it's easy in your mind....just "gently physically remove them"....lmao.
Problem is we don't know why they were asked 3 times in the first place. That is the key point.

If they had been disturbing the peace, threatening people etc then I would expect that the police chief would have have backed up his officers. But that's not what happened. Because if there was a valid explanation of why they were cuffed and arrested then the chief would have provided that.

The other key point was why were these guys not allowed the standard courtesy of being allowed to order when their friend arrived?

As for police bashing I think there's a case for it because it appears like they escalated the situation. Much like the cop who arrested the van driver I'm sure there are plenty of cops who have escorted people out of a store without incident. So are there good cops? Yes absolutely. The ones in question...... not sure.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I read the guys settle with the city for $1 and a promise of 200K to help young entrepenuers

Classy move
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New member
Dec 24, 2013
we have a similar problem here in Toronto, go to this Tim Hortons
updated coffee shop, superb busy location, easy chairs etc.

Several very clear signs reads 20 minutes maximum at tables Please, think of other customers.

I spoke to a friend whom is an assistant manger, told me , a certain minority group comes in daily ( 7/13 ) orders a coffee (only ) and they commanders three or four tables, others join most never order anything ,they spend their morning and afternoon there, some leave , new arrive , always full tables, (their private club house ) talking in their native language waiting for their refugee checks , some with several wives loll , IMHO

sign's are ignored, they spend hours at these tables ,

nope local Management cant ask them to leave ,nor read sign . under orders from the top ,
costing an unknown amount of profit and customer complaining no tables !!!!

Only In Canada U Say


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
we have a similar problem here in Toronto, go to this Tim Hortons
updated coffee shop, superb busy location, easy chairs etc.

Several very clear signs reads 20 minutes maximum at tables Please, think of other customers.

I spoke to a friend whom is an assistant manger, told me , a certain minority group comes in daily ( 7/13 ) orders a coffee (only ) and they commanders three or four tables, others join most never order anything ,they spend their morning and afternoon there, some leave , new arrive , always full tables, (their private club house ) talking in their native language waiting for their refugee checks , some with several wives loll , IMHO

sign's are ignored, they spend hours at these tables ,

nope local Management cant ask them to leave ,nor read sign . under orders from the top ,
costing an unknown amount of profit and customer complaining no tables !!!!

Only In Canada U Say
I think the top office doesn't care because a large part of the money comes from take out orders. If sit down orders was a big part of their profit they would pay a kid minimum wage to keep track of how long people sit at the tables.


Feb 23, 2017
I think the top office doesn't care because a large part of the money comes from take out orders. If sit down orders was a big part of their profit they would pay a kid minimum wage to keep track of how long people sit at the tables.
And top management also has the common sense to pick and choose its battles. You start kicking out a minority group from a Canadian iconic establishment, even if the reason is valid, and you will be killed by social media and the press. Granted some more money could be made but unless (1) customers are complaining and/or (2) profits are down, it's not the biggest issue.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
And top management also has the common sense to pick and choose its battles. You start kicking out a minority group from a Canadian iconic establishment, even if the reason is valid, and you will be killed by social media and the press. Granted some more money could be made but unless (1) customers are complaining and/or (2) profits are down, it's not the biggest issue.
Not only that if you frequent Tim Hortons they all have their "regulars" who buy one coffee and stay a long time and depending on where you are the racial make up varies.


Active member
May 22, 2011
In modern day, social media will kill anything that looks bossy. Even if someone decides to sit in a corner and go to sleep, the manager will likely still get grilled in some form if he asks him to leave.

Too many babies out there.

People should respect businesses. And that is buy something and spend a reasonable amount of time to finish your meal. And if you come in and browse and aren't interested in buying something after all, then leave.

It's a matter of respect.

1. A customer should come in, not cause trouble and have a purpose of browsing or buying. After they are done, leave so it's not loitering and it gives other customers a chance to sit and eat.

2. A business should show respect having a clean place an serve quality food. It's the manager's job to keep it orderly.

Problem is you can have asshole customers loitering, and asshole managers going too far. Pick your poison because you will never eradicate 100% of them.

Since I don't own a business and am your usual customer, I don't see why it's that hard to respect the business, do your transaction and leave shortly after. Hanging around all day buying nothing or milking that 1 coffee for 6 hours seems like over staying your welcome. They know it. And we all know it.

Just because a business has tables and chairs doesn't mean you can treat it like a daily hotel and sit there all day doing nothing.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
Just because a business has tables and chairs doesn't mean you can treat it like a daily hotel and sit there all day doing nothing.
Why are so many people completely failing to comprehend the issue?

If a business wants to have a customer-only policy for their tables and washrooms that is their choice. However, if they allow white customers to wait at tables without ordering but they don't let black customers do the same, they are practicing racial discrimination. It's really pretty unambiguous. What don't you understand??


Active member
May 22, 2011
Why are so many people completely failing to comprehend the issue?

If a business wants to have a customer-only policy for their tables and washrooms that is their choice. However, if they allow white customers to wait at tables without ordering but they don't let black customers do the same, they are practicing racial discrimination. It's really pretty unambiguous. What don't you understand??
I understand perfectly well. If you read my post, the respect comes from the customers end as an overarching etiquette, regardless of whether it's a hyperactive store manager or not.

Whether a store manager wants to keep a customer in the store or kick them out doesn't matter.

To me, any customer shouldn't overstay their welcome. It's basically loitering and takes up seats which other customers trying to find a table can't use.

You should read the whole post.


Active member
May 22, 2011
I did read it. You are blaming the victim. In civilized society, we understand that this is wrong.
Since you don't get it, read post #10.

The point of my post is an overarching opinion based on someone sitting there all day. These guys were not there all day, and were waiting for a friend who did arrive.


A little underutilized
Jun 30, 2007
Bloor and Sleazy
The point of my post is an overarching opinion based on someone sitting there all day.
The point of this thread is to discuss a specific instance of racist behaviour by a Starbucks employee.

You are entitled to your opinion on unrelated topics but those opinions are better expressed in an unrelated thread.

When you respond to people who are actually talking about the topic of this thread and you make an inane statement like: "Just because a business has tables and chairs doesn't mean you can treat it like a daily hotel and sit there all day doing nothing" you advertise your ignorance. Again, your privilege to do so but find somewhere else to change the topic.


Active member
May 22, 2011
The point of this thread is to discuss a specific instance of racist behaviour by a Starbucks employee.

You are entitled to your opinion on unrelated topics but those opinions are better expressed in an unrelated thread.

When you respond to people who are actually talking about the topic of this thread and you make an inane statement like: "Just because a business has tables and chairs doesn't mean you can treat it like a daily hotel and sit there all day doing nothing" you advertise your ignorance. Again, your privilege to do so but find somewhere else to change the topic.
If it makes you feel better, read post #10 again.

Understand the posts in a thread, not just the most recent post.

Kadie Lux

Aug 14, 2016
Mississauga, GTA, Ontario.
I heard about this story on a couple different news channels and I think its just ridiculous!!! The men didn't even seem to have done anything in this Starbucks location - not very surprising considering what it's like in the states. Just awful though. Now they have to get a lawyer etc etc just for asking to use the bathroom. Sometimes I wonder what has this world come too?!
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