I’ll call her what she wishes to be called
As long as I am cuddled, sucked and hauled
Headlong into the Promised Land, where eyes
Are locked on mine: those moist, mischievous spies
Who hack the password to drive D:\desired--
Suddenly all the software feels hardwired
(O.K., so I’ll spare you the pop-up simile)
Come on, come on, come on, crash all of me. . .
A red diamond hides and waits to shine.
Wetter and better and warmer than red wine.
To hell with “room temperature” and “light chills”,
Let them share space with those who call us shills!
Angel or Goddess? Can’t tell them apart
Without my glasses. Know a human heart
Though, when I feel one. Felt one today.
Rare experience. You want unique? Okay,
Try rising from bed, and, while half-dressed,
Half-self, half-someone singularly blessed,
Watch ***** propose marriage to another man
Who will do better for her than you can.
As long as I am cuddled, sucked and hauled
Headlong into the Promised Land, where eyes
Are locked on mine: those moist, mischievous spies
Who hack the password to drive D:\desired--
Suddenly all the software feels hardwired
(O.K., so I’ll spare you the pop-up simile)
Come on, come on, come on, crash all of me. . .
A red diamond hides and waits to shine.
Wetter and better and warmer than red wine.
To hell with “room temperature” and “light chills”,
Let them share space with those who call us shills!
Angel or Goddess? Can’t tell them apart
Without my glasses. Know a human heart
Though, when I feel one. Felt one today.
Rare experience. You want unique? Okay,
Try rising from bed, and, while half-dressed,
Half-self, half-someone singularly blessed,
Watch ***** propose marriage to another man
Who will do better for her than you can.