the asian is hot,the rest or not
star trek sucks--get out of your parent's basement you 40 year 300lb virigins[/QUOTE.
While that stereo type holds true, I can attest from personal experience that at every convention there is a nice little sub-set of hotties and partiers. Especially now more than ever with sci-fi in general in the mainstream.
Basically you get a lot of mid-20's dressing up in slutty outfits staying in a hotel for a weekend drinking and their guard down. You get the tortured artist type, goths, shy ones until the costume up, wanna be writers and yes trekkies who are in the closet except at conventions.
In my younger days before going with my SO it was great. Remember that if you are normal, decent looking and hygenic you STAND OUT compared to the sloths. I didn't even have to work at it. Just get a room, stock with booze and and feign interest(with a passable knowledge of what they are a fan of) and you are good to go.........