Are you a religious Terbite?

Are you religious?

  • I am Christian

    Votes: 27 32.9%
  • I am Muslem

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • I am another orthodox religion

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Agnostic - we have no way of knowing if God exists

    Votes: 12 14.6%
  • Atheiest - there is no God so be happy

    Votes: 27 32.9%
  • I believe in a universal intelligence, or Godhead, but I do not adhere to any orthodox religion

    Votes: 14 17.1%

  • Total voters

Dark Chimera

Nobodies business if do
Feb 18, 2009
I am intrigued to learn more about what a Terbite is.

I have heard they live in the dark and eat the slough that molts from humans.

Best way to find out is to take a poll (they are so easy to do , informative and nutritious as well.)

So here goes:

Are you religious and, if so, how do you justify being a Terbite?

When some asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was he replied:

There are only two commandments:

1 Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, all your mind, etc

2 Love thy neighbour as thyself.

That is it. No conflict there.

Mr. Lucky

♫♫$$ ♥
Apr 19, 2006
I am catholic but that does not mean I go to church all the time.
If I want to pray I do it at home.Other people I know of other religions
after they come from a church they go out for a 24 beer in the park and enjoy life.

Justify being a Terbie?

Well I am an ARIES so we love to party and enjoy life to the fullest!


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Dark Chimera said:
I am intrigued to learn more about what a Terbite is.

I have heard they live in the dark and eat the slough that molts from humans.

Best way to find out is to take a poll (they are so easy to do , informative and nutritious as well.)
I am a Virgin Terbite -- hence my alias Virgin John.

Darn Chimera said:
So here goes:

Are you religious and, if so, how do you justify being a Terbite?
Yes, I am a Christian. I just go on this discussion board and get off on the pics and descriptions of people's reviews of escorts. The concept here is that I'm going on a head-on collision with for chastisement for this path since I'm in a depressed state of mind. The Bible says the Lord loveth whom He chasteneth and corrects. I await to see what such chastening will be if a path of deliberate sin is pursued, because I already feel chastened on the fact I don't have a girlfriend because of my c0ckblocking parents. So, I'm responding to that by coming on sites like this and doing what I'm doing.

Darn Chimera said:
When some asked Jesus what the greatest commandment was he replied:

There are only two commandments:

1 Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, all your mind, etc

2 Love thy neighbour as thyself.

That is it. No conflict there.
If you love the Lord your God then you will not have sex with other women you are not married to since you are commanded to be married to whomever you have sex with. Big conflict.

I have failed here because I exist here. While not having sex with anyone, I'm lusting after reviews and pics and using a fleshlight (debatable violation of Matthew 5:28 -- not to lust after women -- but debatable). However, I have life very hard with women and therefore self-pity myself and have, out of pity, allowed myself to exist here as a release for the frustrations in normal life.

Will God still love me and understand me while I'm on here? The only variable sins is masturbation and viewing pics I'm not supposed to look at. This is not as serious as going with anyone. It's light stuff. After all, I have needs and cant get married to anyone -- even the Bible acknowledges that people have needs and should get married -- but if you cant get married, then what?

So yeah, my existance represents a struggle between sexual repression, issues of faith, and extremes such as viewing reviews between escorts and clients and seeing pics.

It's good you mentioned this thread. I was just masturbating on escort Cheryl. She's really good doggie-style, I like seeing her breasts move as I hump her from behind and slapping her butt. I hear from her reviews she loves doggie-style too. Then I saw this thread here -- so this is why I did this.

I also pray to God to remove my sex-drive sometimes, so that I wont be interested in porn. He has not answered those prayers. It's my fine-print. At least I'm trying.

Dark Chimera

Nobodies business if do
Feb 18, 2009
Cycleguy007 said:
I worship the Female body (at every available opportunity)! :)

I didn't see that on your poll...

So, what did you vote?

Seriously, I quickly realized if tried to include all options the choices would go on forever.

I tired to be inclusive

Last one best suits you I would think


Govt Designated Pervert
VirginJohn said:
Yes, I am a Christian. I just go on this discussion board and get off on the pics and descriptions of people's reviews of escorts. The concept here is that I'm going on a head-on collision with for chastisement for this path since I'm in a depressed state of mind. The Bible says the Lord loveth whom He chasteneth and corrects. I await to see what such chastening will be if a path of deliberate sin is pursued, because I already feel chastened on the fact I don't have a girlfriend because of my c0ckblocking parents. So, I'm responding to that by coming on sites like this and doing what I'm doing.
You poor bastard. I do have a question for you though... your cockblocking parents? How old are you anyway? Unless you're not old enough to be on this board, your parents should not be dictating what you do. Assuming you're an adult, at some point you have to stop blaming others and have the balls to live your own life, unless you enjoy this and plan to continue the rest of your life this way. Nothing will change until you do.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
I am an atheist, brought up as a Roman Catholic. My whole life I had a problem with a group of people, or a god telling me what rules I had to follow. Despite how good I tried to be, the expectation was unachievable and I was forever in guilt. I found that for myself, this was not a healthy way to live. It is for this reason I came up with my own set of commandments, that work for ME, and are ones that I can live up to and not feel guilty about.

a 1 players commandments

-Thou shalt not be an asshole without just reason
-Thou shall try me best to treat all people with respect unless they prove otherwise
-Thou will admit when I am wrong and apologize when necessary
-Thou shall try to lend a hand when I am able
-Thou shall not fuck anyone over
-Thou shall try to leave the world a little better than it was left to me

To me, these work just fine.

Pope Benedict XVI

Ich bin der Papst.
Apr 22, 2005
I'm Catholic. It's kind of hard being Pope without being Catholic.

I partake in the 7 holy sacraments (lap dance, Breast sucking, HJ, BJ, DATY, FS, Climax) as often as I can.

I grant myself absolution every time I log off of terb.

Dark Chimera

Nobodies business if do
Feb 18, 2009
VirginJohn said:
If you love the Lord your God then you will not have sex with other women you are not married to since you are commanded to be married to whomever you have sex with.

No. It is my understanding Jesus said there are only two commandments.

If that is so, then the discussion is over. There is only two. Period. Jesus said so.

Do want to go on a thelogical debate here.

But, IMHO if the bible was written by God then it should be perfect in such a way that all answers to life should be found with a clarity that is mystical.

Instead, it can be interpreted in what seems like an infinity of ways.

HHHHHHHHMMMM, sounds like a human wrote it to me.
Well Said!

a 1 player said:
a 1 players commandments

-Thou shalt not be an asshole without just reason
-Thou shall try my best to treat all people with respect unless they prove otherwise
-Thou will admit when I am wrong and apologize when necessary
-Thou shall try to lend a hand when I am able
-Thou shall not fuck anyone over
-Thou shall try to leave the world a little better than it was left to me

To me, these work just fine.
Well, I have never verbalized it in such as eloquent a fashion as our fellow terb A1P... but those are the same rules I live my life by! (Hey Player, Mind if I borrow this?):)

Dark Chimera

Nobodies business if do
Feb 18, 2009
rockl said:
Atheist. Spell check op.

Oh yeah. Did not mean to offend any.

Curious though, almost half are atheist at this point.

Good time to ask an Atheist question.

How can you be so sure?

Seems agnostic would be the way to go, but atheist ?

Were does such eternal knowledge come from?

Can't be God obviously .

Quite curious about this actually.


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Mikehorn said:
You poor bastard. I do have a question for you though... your cockblocking parents? How old are you anyway? Unless you're not old enough to be on this board, your parents should not be dictating what you do. Assuming you're an adult, at some point you have to stop blaming others and have the balls to live your own life, unless you enjoy this and plan to continue the rest of your life this way. Nothing will change until you do.
My life is just a mess (not a moral type of mess), I cant move out from home, that's all I can say.
I'm 33 years old. Have lots of money, but don't have the confidence I can make it in this world since I don't have a stable source of income or a job.

My cockblocking parents aren't that bad anyway -- it's not bothering me to the extent where I would actually go all the way and use an escort. Just bothering me enough to look at softcore porn, which could include escort pics (and hardcore with Jazzmine's website - only exception to hardcore stuff).


Crack Addict
Jan 15, 2004
East end suburbia
Dark Chimera said:
Good time to ask an Atheist question.

How can you be so sure?
By having eyes, ears, and the capacity for logical thought? How can the religious be so sure that whatever brand of religion they have chosen to follow is the right one?


Active member
Dec 1, 2005
Dark Chimera said:
No. It is my understanding Jesus said there are only two commandments.

If that is so, then the discussion is over. There is only two. Period. Jesus said so.
Those are an umbrella. The Bible says to only serve God, not to take the name of the Lord in vain, and not to make idols and worship them. The Bible also says that a Christian's body is not their own but is the property of the Lord's. So, if you do anything that's unauthroized or offensive to God, then that's like violating that commandment.

It's just like saying, if you love your wife, you wont cheat on her and go with an escort, or do a mirade of things that may be offensive to her.

Similar, anything that offends God, violates the commandment of loving Him with all your heart, mind and soul. In essence, virtually, everyone on this board is in breach of that commandment. since everything on this board is virtually a sin. Except for the redeemable souls on here. God hates the sin, but loves the sinner and came to save the sinner.

Dark Chimera said:
Do want to go on a thelogical debate here.

But, IMHO if the bible was written by God then it should be perfect in such a way that all answers to life should be found with a clarity that is mystical.

Instead, it can be interpreted in what seems like an infinity of ways.
I do not think so.

Dark Chimera said:
HHHHHHHHMMMM, sounds like a human wrote it to me.
The Book, 66 books in total are consistent and are clear and to the point from beginning to end. The Bible is infallable.

Dark Chimera

Nobodies business if do
Feb 18, 2009
Entropy said:
By having eyes, ears, and the capacity for logical thought? How can the religious be so sure that whatever brand of religion they have chosen to follow is the right one?
It is called faith.

How does logical thought lead you to you conclusion

Most physists believe the universe is so strange there is some intelligence out there

They have eyes, ears, and the capacity for logical thought

Not all though, but the majority

Some are quite religious actually
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