They aren't equal in penis length, unless we are referring to you.Arabian Guy said:Equal in Status, rights.
They aren't equal in penis length, unless we are referring to you.Arabian Guy said:Equal in Status, rights.
I am not debating, just having some sick fun. Think of the time and energy he devotes to “revealing” to us the hypocrisy of religious text when one applies a literal interpretation. He thinks this is somehow profound. Obviously anyone with two brain cells understands that the only important interpretation of religious text, is the one that is acted upon. For instance, if your religion contains passages that literally say kill or convert all non-believers, but the common interpretation of “kill all or convert all non-believers” is to try and peacefully convert them, then no harm done. Now if this passage instead causes its followers to kill non-believers in the name of some religion, then we have a problem. I assume this moron is trying to equivocate the absolutely reprehensible behavior of many of the followers of Islam with “his” literal interpretation of the bible. Not sure why he thinks this is relevant or interesting. The proof of the pudding (religion) is in the said:why debate this fellow?
I'm too lazy to find the source but somewhere I remember reading that women control something like 70% of discretionary spending. They give birth, raise children and live longer in addition to spending the money - it's a woman's world.DonQuixote said:Nor is yours or mine. We speak American - similar but certainly not the same as
English.In matters of the hearth women certainly control. If mama ain't happy,
ain't noone happy. Mama is the ultimate power in the residence. That's why God
created basements and garages - somewhere for the husband to be lord and master.
No he can't be, Jimmy Swaggert liked girls. Remember his tearful, " I have sinned" complete with tears when he got caught. The real reason he was crying was the millions in donations he was about to lose.mrpolarbear said:Is Arabian guy Jimmy Swaggart ?
You guys haven't figured it out yet?DonQuixote said:Could be. I have my doubts if he's an ethnic Arab.
He's too knowledgable about scripture to be a casual
reader of the Testaments.
OOps Don i just realized i did not quoteDonQuixote said:Please explain???::
Interesting... So you were my guardian angel to know this?Elguapo2004 said:You guys haven't figured it out yet?
AG was abandoned by his mother at a very young age in which his father sodomized him but surprisingly he enjoyed. Then he became an altar boy where he was also sodomized by the monks and priests.
Now as an adult he is a full blown homosexual but can't afford a sex change operation. His inner anger for his situation now evolved and now he has homocidal pedophile tendencies...
Yet AG needs redemption and so he tries to justify what he is (A gay, homocidal pedophile) by trying to blaspheme the bible.
This explains his:
1. "knowledge" in scriptures
2. Hatred for Christianity
3. Recurring theme of being gay/being a woman
4. Recurring theme of killing children
Poor AG, if only he knew how right his mother was when she called him "special" and "different"
You deceive yourself with your denials....Arabian Guy said:Interesting... So you were my guardian angel to know this?
Are you high on something? or are you explaining to us your life story?
Both you and I agree that the Bible Is sowing shit, and shit is what it is reaping. AMEN TO THATElguapo2004 said:You deceive yourself with your denials....
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap
You've been sowing shit, and shit is what your reaping.
You should really work on your comebacks, very lame..... Are you sure you're not a grade school dropout? You make the highschool dropouts look like scholars!
We? More than one of you in there?Arabian Guy said:We let the Bible Speak Its Mind
(F)AG is delusional isn't he? now he talks to himself...Asterix said:We? More than one of you in there?
i mean we as in me and the terb member i was replying to in that postAsterix said:We? More than one of you in there?