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Are white clients less likely to be problem clients?

Is racial profiling an effective way for SP's to avoid bad clients?

  • Yes, some racial groups have a higher chance of being bad clients

    Votes: 134 48.4%
  • Yes, but there are better ways to screen out bad clients

    Votes: 38 13.7%
  • No, race has nothing to do with chance of being a bad client

    Votes: 105 37.9%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
This is Racism! to the core! Race has no barring on whether a client will be good.

Racism has no place in this country


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
D-Fens said:
This is Racism! to the core! Race has no barring on whether a client will be good.

Racism has no place in this country
How so??????

Define White


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
Mongrel4u said:
I'm just laughing at this now; its entertainment.
What gentle lover stated is true. This site is 80% white and 20% other. I didn't know that until I saw that thread on the demographics of TERB. Of course when these threads about racial profiling comes up, it's going to be bias.


May 27, 2005
Frosty said:
What gentle lover stated is true. This site is 80% white and 20% other. I didn't know that until I saw that thread on the demographics of TERB. Of course when these threads about racial profiling comes up, it's going to be bias.
I know.. I agree with GL. What I meant was, I'm just laughing at the thread now because its funny to see these guys defend her to the dieing breath (simply because she got their rocks off)


New member
Apr 11, 2007
What happened to the demographics of terb thread? I tried searching for demographics, and then all threads started by gentle lover but nothing came up


Jan 31, 2005
Is it racist if it's true?

I don't believe in "race" but I believe that certain cultural groups have significant social problems that result in them being responsible for a lot of the violent crime in this city.

While race is not the cause of this behavior, race is correlated with it well enough that racial profiling works.

gallo negro

Active member
Dec 17, 2004
gentle_lover said:
Ariel Sanchez said:
The reason why no one else has complained about her ignorance is because most of members here are white. Of course they dont mind.

As for Tina, when you do a cowgirl with your white clients, do you scream "white power"?


Now if the tables were reversed bet you the majority would be bitching and screaming...



Active member
Feb 24, 2008
Racial profiling

I've talked to many SP's and they told me that they do turn down certain types of race and prefer white guys. Now, i'm not saying that's okay but i believe it's very common in the SP's industry. At least from my 10 yrs of experience talking to SP's...For customers it's different, pussy is pussy. Whether it's white, asian, brown or black we don't care, we just want pussy...


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Ultimately, racism or not, wouldn't any one of us prefer to see someone who feels comfortable with us?

I'm reminded of the old joke about the union rep in Nevada.

He goes to the first brothel and inquires about the financial arrangements. On being told that the house gets 70% and the girl gets 30%, he proclaims that he couldn't possibly use such an unfair service, and turns on his heel and walks.

He goes to the next brothel and inquires, and learns that their arrangement is the same: 70% for the house, 30% for the girl. He's disgusted. He exits and continues down the road.

The next place he enters and asks, he's told (much to his pleasure) that this is a "union" house and the house takes 20% and the girls take 80%. Well! This is more to his liking!!

He looks around the salon and spies a tall, voluptuous blonde. He motions to her and tells the madam, "I'd like her, please." The madam shrugs, "I'm sure you would sir," and then motioning to a toothless 80-year-old woman in the corner, she says, "but Martha here has seniority."

The point is, you can't apply regular rules for racism, sexism. age-ism or any sort of equal opportunity to this business. This is very much a business of preferences -- on both sides. If a client isn't interested in a particular woman, regardless of who else thinks she's the cat's meow, then he's not interested. And if an SP isn't interested in seeing a guy -- over age, race, culture, personality, whatever reason -- then it's best left a no-go.

This is way too personal and intimate a business to expect people on either side to perform under circumstances in which they don't feel comfortable.



Nov 5, 2005
The story in the news today about two black guys sexually assaulting a "sex trade worker" at her residence will surely give SP's who are leery of black men more pause to accept their business.....

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
D-Fens said:
This is Racism! to the core! Race has no barring on whether a client will be good.

Racism has no place in this country
I say this as a complete leftist bleeding heart who wants a Jack Layton moustache ride really badly:

1. Income inequality between different ethnic groups does exist. Members of a given community often cluster. Because of income inequality and clustering some communities are under served and don't have good social infrastructure in place. This leads to 'crime clusters' and a 'networking effect' among criminals.

I'm not saying that this is some sort of 'state of nature', or that it's good in any way-- but it's true.

2. Different cultural groups have far different cultural norms with respect to sex, women, and sexwork. Eventually Canada usually seduces folks into our 'progressive moral morass ;) ' but a great many fist generation Canadian still have a fair bit of 'cultural baggage'.

Once again, don't get me wrong, I think it's great that we're a multi-cultural country, but I stop thinking it's 'great' when a culture flirts with violating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or basic Human Rights. The way some cultures view women, sex, and sexworkers sits right at that cusp.

Neither of the above is any form of absolute predictor. I think that every person should be judged on their individual merits... But in the case of sexwork those merits often can't be judged easily so it should be at a providers discretion. Given the nature of sexwork I think it's a crapshoot either way. If I were a SP, I'd probably see everybody, but be strict about following 'best practices' when a potential new client calls.


Jan 17, 2004
While IMO Tina comes across AT BEST as kind of ignorant, she's entitled to see whomever she pleases.

Here are some of my observations from the MP world.

1.) One 'genuine' East Indian MPA only had a handful of regular Indian clients. She generally didn't like seeing Indian men for privacy reasons. Some clients would start speaking Punjabi as soon as she entered the room. They'd ask about her family and if they knew what she was doing. Also, they could be very aggressive with her physically.

IE> not take no for an answer

2.) One West Indian client HATED seeing Sri Lankan clients in Scarborough. She thought their hygiene was terrible plus they didn't know how to touch a woman. (HER words, not MINE, so don't be hating...)

3.) One Sri Lankan MPA refused to knowingly see East Indian ('brown') clients. She'd check potential clients out on the video monitor first. She told me alot of her client base was Italian.


New member
Apr 28, 2006
I would post my comment into this forum but do not want to come off and be "blasted as a racist" which I am not. Yet every SP, including myself, has their opinion on what type of client they would like to refuse due to a (or a few) past bad experiences. Yet, that is not to say every "type" of that clientelle is like that.

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In Protest! See Location!
MmmMilena said:
I would post my comment into this forum but do not want to come off and be "blasted as a racist" which I am not. Yet every SP, including myself, has their opinion on what type of client they would like to refuse due to a (or a few) past bad experiences. Yet, that is not to say every "type" of that clientelle is like that.
What type of clientele do you like? If you have a status issue, then charge $600 an hour and you can eliminate many "types", and your world as a SP will be sugar and spice and everything nice.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
SPs are entitled to service whoever they want, just like we guys prefer to see blondes, brunettes, slim, BBW, etc...

Tina stating her specs up front is much more honest and refreshing than SPs who don't say so and end up providing poor service (under the guise of YMMV) - she may view the deed as revolting (affecting her mental health) and he loses out (coming here and slamming her in anger or whatever).

There are cultural norms that will determine a good date from a bad date. Can an SP start with race as a proxy for cultural norms? Sure. It's definitely not 100%, but I'll bet a pretty good indicator.


New member
Dec 13, 2007
ig-88 said:
As mentioned before, they're not delivering pizzas. If they wish to racially discriminate, that is their choice.

If that affects their bottom line, then so be it.

However, it would certainly help matters and avoid a lot of confrontation, if they would post their restrictions on their website and other advertising.

I have seen this on many SP websites in the States:

"I do not see men of color."

Problem solved. Easy. If it offends you, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

As for the original question, no. I don't think race by itself is a totally accurate indicator of trouble. Remember that guy who kept harassing SPs and was #1 on Stella's bad date list. He was white.

i agree , there are many sp's out there ..... don't be offended,
move on ..... life's too short .


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Tina is free to choose. Noone can argue with that. But her "open honest" approach to marketing is too offensive for me. A purposeful poke in the eye. As a white guy who frequents Asian and White women, Tina is off my list. She can keep her world of sex to herself and people who enjoy her obnoxious brand of ignorance.


Jan 15, 2004
This thread has gone too long and has been belaboured to death but what the heck...its either this or 'say something nice about the last poster'

Every SP has the right to choose their clientelle. This isn't Walmart and I don't think there is any law in this country that states a Sex Worker must offer her services equally to all potential patrons.
Conversely, I don't think there is too many hobbyists who are not 'selective' in which SPs they choose to date.

There has been several posts suggesting that white guys dominante this board so, of course, they are accepting of a girl who only wants white guys.
Well I'm a WASP and perhaps I'm biased but the truth be known, I don't want to waste my time with someone who takes offense to my physique, my character or my heritage. I would be quite happy to see a bio that said,
"I don't do slightly overweight white guys over 50 with average size dicks and a receeding hairline." That would pretty much eliminate me on at least one of those criteria, but I would happily move on. Pretty tough to have a GFE with someone who admits you repulse them!
There is way too many options and choices in this business to fret over an SP that clarifies her preference, for whatever reason.
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