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Are there any Preppers in the crowd?

Are there any Preppers in the crowd?

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Turgid Member
Sep 10, 2005
I got nothing. If there would be an apocalypse in what I believe the average person understand the word to mean I will most likely be dead. If there would be an apocalypse in more correct understanding were good triumphs over evil I probably would be dead too.

John Galt 2012

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
I think that all sensible people should at least have the basics of life on hand. As mentioned by others the province and even the municipalities encourage people to have a 72 hr supply of the essentials on hand. Fresh clean water being number one. We are a tad complacent living where we do, with so few natural disasters however an accident or meltdown is possible. It doesn't cost much to have the basics, Costco have those food kits, and its hardly paranoid to want to be prepared .

I did not see the blow up doll on your list.

Thanks for outing my secret to happy hibernation.

Now you have to borrow Papa's.


John Galt 2012

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
I am quite surprised to find that no one has mentioned the obvious.

As long as your neighbours ( or anyone else nearby ) stockpiles, you don't need to so long as you have weapons.

just saying.

May 8, 2010
From Rafterman:
I have a pair of tan chinos. a blue shirt with a crocodile logo and a navy jacket with a different logo.

LMAO...don't forget a pocket square and shoes that will match your belt.


Nov 20, 2006
What I find Ironic is these hard core types who go off and build a compound in the boonies in case of some disaster with the collapse of society and Mutant Zombie Bikers roaming around will probably suffer just as much because of their preps.

Oh I went off into the middle of nowhere so I can survive, except I got a stroke and as time is Brain I am totally fucked because I live too far away from the nearest medical help. Or the guy who dies from a heart attack because he was too far away, or because those roads were snowed in.
Or the guy who movies out the the Rocky Mtns next to the next Mt St Helens, of just in time for that Yellowstone super volcano to go off.

Or the guy who lives in the middle of nowhere and instead of a collapse, things just get financially rough and he can't afford the gas to go anywhere, or depending on location, can't pay for the property taxes and loses everything.

Never mind if things go to shit and they get their survival wet dream with the collapse and the roving gangs, most hard core preppers will fall into three groups.

Those who die because they went off to the woods and starved because everyone else who came to the same idea shot up or gathered all the food.
Those who die because some roving band found their compound and too their shit, raped their livestock, burned their women and ate their babies.
Those who die because they managed to get a nice sized compound with allied families and because they got some expensive toys and weekend training, think they can outfight a platoon of trained and fully equipped Infantry who are going to take care of those "nasty hoarders".

The survivalblog guy is a real larf. To hear him go on, it is so easy. Don't tell anyone of your plans, gotta have OPSEC but you have to gather a group of people together who you are willing to utterly trust and think like you so that you have enough people to post 24 guard etc. Which is it sunshine.
Then he goes on about having enough to give away because that is what some fictional character wants him to do, never mind that there is no better way of attracting the attention of the big dogs [read US Army] that you are hoarding shit than sending every visitor away with goodies.

Survival porn, it is interesting and fun, but you can't take it too seriously. It isn't actual porn after all.

72 hour supply, not a bad idea though. Even the Mormon 1 year idea isn't too bad, but one can go to far.


Nov 20, 2006
I think this series pretty much says it all. Self Sufficiency is a lot of bloody hard work.

OTOH if it meant banging a bird like Felicity Kendall, maybe it isn't so bad.

Really it is a funny and entertaining series, worth a watch. Did I mention Felicity Kendall being a hot bit of ass?
Sadly some of it seems to be missing.


Jan 31, 2005
I have a couple of guns and a crate of ammo. But I have that for fun. Does that count?

Probably got a huge bag of rice somewhere that I never got around to eating, and a water filter that I take camping.

Am I still considered a "prepper" if it's not intentional?


Active member
Jul 12, 2006
I am quite surprised to find that no one has mentioned the obvious.

As long as your neighbours ( or anyone else nearby ) stockpiles, you don't need to so long as you have weapons.

just saying.

The smart prepper also has a means of defence. So if you try and forcibly take any of their supplies, you will meet the business end of a fire arm. Most preppers are willing to share their stuff with those in true need. Your thinking is common among those that can't be bothered to prep.



Jan 31, 2005
So if you try and forcibly take any of their supplies, you will meet the business end of a fire arm.
It's worth pointing out that for legal reasons firearms are NOT a great choice for home defense, in Canada at least. I say that as a firearms owner.

The problem is not so much what you will do if the world ends, but rather what you will do if you aren't sure it's ending, or the end is only expected to be a temporary thing--like Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

The issue is that it is illegal to load a firearm in a place where it is illegal to discharge it, and if you are in a town or city--that covers your home. If you really have the remote cabin in the woods then sure, you could load your firearm there. But it is also illegal to point a firearm with someone without good cause. In Canada, the cause must generally be with respect to a threat to a person rather than property. This can be a grey area--there have been a few borderline cases where people have got away with it, but on the other hand, a guy has been charged criminally for firing warning shots at people who were trying to burn down his home. The crown's theory is that his family were out of danger therefore he should have waited for the police, that it was a mere property issue.

Now "preppers" will probably say hey the world has ended, so what? But the world may not really have ended. It may simply be a temporary suspension of peace and order. The authorities may return, and re-impose order, as they did after Katrina. In that case you will likely have your PAL rescinded and very possibly face a variety of firearms charges, even if you never actually pulled the trigger.

Canada is not a great country to be a "prepper" in, but since I don't expect the world to end, and I do feel comfortable relying on the police to keep the peace, I'm fine with that. I keep my firearms unloaded, other than at the range.

John Galt 2012

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
The smart prepper also has a means of defence. So if you try and forcibly take any of their supplies, you will meet the business end of a fire arm. Most preppers are willing to share their stuff with those in true need. Your thinking is common among those that can't be bothered to prep.


No problem. Clearly you didn't get my tongue in cheek implication. I should have used a smile.


John Galt 2012

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
I have a couple of guns and a crate of ammo. But I have that for fun. Does that count?

Probably got a huge bag of rice somewhere that I never got around to eating, and a water filter that I take camping.

Am I still considered a "prepper" if it's not intentional?

This is like that old ad for a soda beverage.

' I'm a prepper, he's a prepper won't you be a prepper too."


John Galt 2012

Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
Which cheeks? Can you bend over that far?

Nice backpedal. You're getting a rep' of being a maroon and are proving it daily.

You truly are a tard with an unholy obsession with following me. The post I referred to said " just saying" at the end of it, thats a clue to the thinking people.

I don't backpeddle, clearly you have experience at that.

Your homoerotic references are disturbing, have you sought treatment???



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The smart prepper also has a means of defence. So if you try and forcibly take any of their supplies, you will meet the business end of a fire arm. Most preppers are willing to share their stuff with those in true need. Your thinking is common among those that can't be bothered to prep.

Being a long time camper, I usually have more than enough in warm clothing, dehydrated food, fuel and stove, and water treatment lying around. As for defense, the way I smell after a week in the woods should be good enough to keep people away.


New member
May 8, 2010
Well it seems that 11 of you are doing great, 6 of you are completely out to lunch, and 18 gots some learning to do.
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