Are Tattoos Fading?


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Hmmm... Sometimes I think I choose my words too well. I did think of avoiding this thread, but I was surprised at how little it bothered me! I do sound a bit pithier than I'd intended. Isn't that a nice new way to call myself bitchy, btw? ;)
Rumour has it that sex with women who are angry or crazy is something to behold :)



Active member
May 22, 2011
Whether it's a tiny tattoo on an ankle or shoulder blade or someone getting tons of tattoos covering their arm, leg or face, I've always thought tattoos are riduculously cheesy looking (I think we all know people who got the shark symbol or the barb wired bicep). At least for people like us who are raised in modern societies. Maybe if we all lived in a native tribe where painful tattoos are a symbol or strength, hierarchy, or proving to the world you just defeated 5 man eating lions with your bare hands it would mean something special, but sitting in a tattoo parlour, flipping through a picture album to get inked and pulling out your credit card to pay for it means zero at the end of the day. And it can't mean much anyway since lots of people regret it and end up wanting to get rid of it later or actually do get it lasered off leaving a weird patchy mark.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Some Soldier's Tattoos in WW2 were a reminder, to loved ones back home, on how much they missed and loved them.
Just In case, they came back home in a body bag.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Also, really. Big hooter threads never get negitive comments. Just about every time bolt ons vs naturals come up there is a lot of hostility to the bolt ons. Personally I like them, the look and the feel although in the absence of any serious breast malfunction I do question the value system of any female who undergoes something as drastic and potentially deadly as surgury to fix a cosmetic issue. I can understand it if they were really fucked up before hand or even for career but just to perk a perfectly fine A or B cup to a C or a D with no other motive is someone who needs a shrink not a surgeon. I do like the results though.
Well said.

Unfortunately, the media plays a big role and many people think that because Hollywood has all kinds of celebrities getting boob jobs, lip jobs, face lifts, tattoos, butt injections, gold teeth etc.... that it means people love it. What some people don't realize is that many of them do it for sake of publicity and they also have the money to easily afford it. Go back to their normal teenage years when they weren't famous and 99% of them are no different than anyone else.

Don't get me wrong. I'm sure some people do find those attractive. In turn, some people want to impress so they do the change to make others like them.

At the end of the day, are cosmetic surgery and tattoos really for the individual's self fulfillment? Or more about impressing others? Or 50/50? Everyone is different I guess.

For me. Unless someone really needs cosmetic change due to a really abnormal case (accident, birth defect, burn victim etc....) I'm happy with people just being themselves. Don't get me wrong, I think people should be considerate and takes showers, brush their teeth and such so they don't gross people out, but regarding their typical appearance, just be yourself. I give latitude to those with extreme cases because it gives them a chance to fit in with everyone without being stared at like a circus freak..... although it more about getting "less started at" as any medical fixes rarely truly make things 100% normal.

The big difference between someone who is caught in unlucky situation (let's say a weird birth defect) vs someone getting a bunch of tattoos is reason. Both people will get attention and be stared at.

The person who is missing a leg will get stared at. Some people will think it's weird, some will think it's gross, but at the end of the day I think most will feel a little guilty that he/she is caught in an unlucky spot and feel bad for the person when they have to use a wheelchair while most people have two working legs.

The person with tattoos will also get started at. The difference is most people will think.... "Wow. What's this person trying to prove? Or who are they trying to impress?"

But as you can see, someone who needs help with abnormalities is more about trying to fit in to make themselves happier and get less attention. Someone getting plastered with tattoos (or lip or neck rings like in your pics) is more about standing out from the crowd to make themselves happier and getting more attention.


Apr 4, 2011
I noticed that 2 tattoo parlors in my general area have closed their doors in recent months (probably due to lack of business). Is the tattoo fad fading? For example, I carefully studied the nude pics (for research purposes only) of Jennifer Lawrence and didn't see any obvious tattoos.
Perhaps the shops were no good. I just started a 1/2 sleeve and where I am going it is busier than ever with multiple year wait lists for a couple if the artists.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I respect that (usually ;) ). For personally, I generally don't mind tattoos at all and like the look of them on women. Of course, everything negative written above about tattoos I would agree with when it comes to neck, face, chest and to a lesser extent, hands. I think those are unattractive; always have and always will. Some people will disagree and to label what amounts to an opinion/personal preference as unequivocal fact is inaccurate and more than a little douchetastic.

In terms of my own ink, its where no one can see and I certainly didn't do it for attention. I did it because I liked it and thought it was cool. For me. Now, I'm sure if I didn't grow up listening to metal and seeing those guys being all bad ass, the original idea of getting tattoos may not have ever popped into my consciousness, but not everyone with tattoos has a sleeve or anything that it would be even remotely possible to stare at or pass judgment on. Not that I think judgment is warranted, but ya, it'll happen.

Them's my 2 cents anyway

The Searcher

Jan 30, 2014
Best sex I ever had was with a tattooed woman, it just happens that woman was Joey James ;)

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Ceiling Cat;5058468Like any fad it goes away only to come back in the future. Infections from on bad tattoos can give people toxic shock syndrome. Infection o tattoos to the head have been known to cause people to damage their sight said:
You may have a point CC, it's been speculated that professional wrestler Bam Bam Bigalow's erratic behaviour and eventual death was partially caused by the tattoos on his head.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Generally speaking, getting a tattoo(s) is not the wisest of choices. It works for some, and some have legitimate reasons for wanting it. But it has and will always be a bad idea most of the time for most people.

For this reason, it's common for people to ask themselves "what the hell was he/she person thinking?" when they see somebody with a tattoo or the full-bodied illegible billboards walking around.

Apparently tattoo removal is booming as the first generation of "tattoos is cool" become adults. There is even a TV show series dedicated to "fixing" "bad" tattoos.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Not sure if tatoos are fad. Perhaps only in the "now". They have been part of different cultures for 5,000 years. Some of the remarkably well preserved bodies recovered from peat bogs have them, as well as the ancient frozen hunter found in the alps(?)

I have seen tattoos that I flat out do not like, but I 100% differentiate between a "tat" and some of the amazing body art on ladies like Malika, Sydney Desade and Joeyjames to name a few.
Jennifer McQueen too.

But I respect those ladies who choose not to.


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Jennifer McQueen too.

But I respect those ladies who choose not to.
Thanks, how could I forget my friend Jennifer !!!


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Jun 5, 2009
Ashley Madison
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