I appreciated your account of the rigid, racist and bigotted whitebread society it sounds like we both grew up in. But I could not read that last paragraph without adding the 'NOW'. Back then, I saw more than one Orange walk in Ontario that was more about vocalizing prejudice and hate than about quaint historicity. And that's just one f'rinstance. Thankfully, for the most part, we have put that stuff behind us. But then I have a white skin, don't I? We have nothing very much to go boasting about yet.WinterHawk said:…edit…
If you ever go to the Irish-Canadian Centre, you'll notice that it doesn't matter if you're Catholic or Protestant, from the North or the South [NOW]. You're in Canada and those old ideas are not welcome here. We have no wish to see bombings and killings here because you're going to carry on the struggle. Don't even try it. Or you will find those very same fat and happy Canadians going to war with you.
Now we have to watch in frustration while others, whose wounds and grivances are fresher, work their way towards tolerance and reconciliation. Often clumsily, sometimes stupidly, and inconveniently for us. Labelling and condemning their entire group because some go overboard will only belie the spirit of acceptance as Canadians-all that we want. It uses the same tools of prejudice, racism and stereotyping we claim we've overcome here, and it can produce nothing but the same evils.
Starting with the OP's question: Are Tamils real Canadians?
You explain to me how you can even point out 'a Tamil', or talk about 'Tamils' as if they were a single homogenous group, without doing the same injustice previously done to the Paddies, Micks, Hunkies, Ukes, Bohunks, Kikes, Wops …
And those are just some of the white ones, never mind the ones we interned, stole property from, or condemned to reserves (and worse) and they were all native-born. Sickening what us good Canadians can get up to isn't it?
OTB has quite tidyly demonstarted by his poll numbers that Canadians are way more prejudiced than at your happy Irish-Canadian Centre. far more important we fix ourselve than waste time 'fixing' others. Never worked, never will. For starters, what we need to do is stop talking about law-breaking <Insert ethnic, racial, national origin name>, and just talk about law-breakers period.