Are STD's Reported?


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Hi There,
I'm just wondering if I go to my family doctor and he tests me for the Chlaymydia, Gonorrhea, HPV, Herpes, etc... or any other type of STI, will this be reported if it is positive for infection? Like will they call my significant other or will this be anonymous?

BTW, I'm in Ontario.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
All STDs are are reported to Public Health. But I imagine that you have a much larger issue than if the Doc calls your SO or not. If you do not tell your SO, and you continue on with her then you will get reinfected. If you are a total jackass and dump her and not tell her, you are putting her health, her life and the health of her next partner at risk. So man up and let her know that she has to see the doctor.

You can visit the Hassle Free Clinic. They will report the incident to Public Health, but won't call your SO. But again, you need to do the right thing.


Nov 13, 2003
If the report comes back positive, public health will call you. They will explain your particular std and how to take care of it etc.... they will then ask you if you would like them to call anyone else... you can say no.

I agree with Compromised, if it is positive, you should man up and tell your current partner and possibly past partners if you think it may go that far back.

Nazia Noor

New member
Jun 5, 2010
Hi There,
I'm just wondering if I go to my family doctor and he tests me for the Chlaymydia, Gonorrhea, HPV, Herpes, etc... or any other type of STI, will this be reported if it is positive for infection? Like will they call my significant other or will this be anonymous?

BTW, I'm in Ontario.
I must emphasize that you have a legal responsibility to inform any partners that had intimate contact with you from the time that you think that you contracted an STD. If you do not know when you contracted it, then from your last test to your current test. They will not contact your significant other, but it is your job to tell your significant other if you got something. If you have an STD/STI, it is likely that he/she also picked it up if you are engaging in unprotected activities. May as well let it all out instead of getting passed back a disease.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
Just to clear things up....I don't have an STI/D. I'm just inquiring as this is a major deterrent for me to hobby.


New member
Apr 18, 2008
But would a MP/SP reveal if they have Herpes (not inflamed or visible) to the customer if he asked?


Just show me the boobs.
Feb 4, 2010
I don't know how they would necessarily know who your significant other is. As far as I know, I don't believe you have to provide that info before they test you. Then again, I have never been tested.

Scratch that. I have been tested and I never heard back. No news is good news, I suppose.

Like will they call my significant other or will this be anonymous?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
In a perfect world your doc would tell you and the authorities so they could help you track down any hard to reach partners and everyone would be a) grateful, and b) so healthy there'd be almost no STD's around. They'd all have been dealt with.

It's far from a perfect world, but we should not make it any worse by concealing what others need to know. If you get bad news, knowing you're doing the right thing now will help.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
But would a MP/SP reveal if they have Herpes (not inflamed or visible) to the customer if he asked?
isn't it the default assumption that everyone has it?:)


New member
Apr 26, 2010
Hi There,
I'm just wondering if I go to my family doctor and he tests me for the Chlaymydia, Gonorrhea, HPV, Herpes, etc... or any other type of STI, will this be reported if it is positive for infection? Like will they call my significant other or will this be anonymous?

BTW, I'm in Ontario.
If you are tested positive for any of the above, it will be reported to public health. Pub lic health will then contact you and and ask you for a list. Of your oaarTners and telephone numbers to contact them ad lert them know that they could potentially have an STD.
**Keep in mind, when public health contacts your partners, they will not mention that you are the person with an STD.
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