Lol don’t get me started on that topic…
read something once. Might have been 5-10 years ago. It was an extremely thoughtful article take on the this subject. If I recall written by a Gen X or Gen Z
While he acknowledged that many of the complaints about his generation and would hold true now with Milenials even more so.
He fairly summed why he blamed his parents/grandparents Boomers.
Post war. Let’s all agree on the benefits Boomers were handed. We can start with jobs, good paying ones without needing pedigrees. Pensions and so much more.
when they came of age, to vote, and join the workforces. They voted for more shit that made their lives comfy…In Canada think Trudeau.
when they hit their 30-40s. When was that, and where ? In politics, higher ups in places of power etc.And they were Boomers. The single largest demographic ever…
And they screwed those entering the work forces, now and recently voting themselves pretty comfy lives during their prime/working years.
Most of the stuff discussed here that Millenials will have to contend with. Be it housing, be it pensions/savings, be it enormous amounts of debt, jobs. And on and on.
can all be traced back to politics and policy, enacted by Boomers.
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