Ashley Madison

Are fat people lazy?


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Sometimes I see fat people on scooters and they act as if they're handicapped. I reached a certain weight a few weeks ago and I was disgusted with myself. I've since lost 11 pounds. I wasn't even a real porker, just felt like a slob.

Do fat people deserve special treatment like on planes etc. It's not my fault they're fat.
Excessive weight is most often the result of to little exercise and over eating. Absent some unusual circumstances such as pituitary problems the answer is generally YES! Suck it up, cupcakes!!!


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Something about the USA. You just don't see nearly as many overweight people in Oz, or Europe, or Asia.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Some points here.
-Yes some obese people are just plain lazy or just don't give a hoot.
-Some obese people have a genetically poor response to insulin making it extremely difficult to maintain proper weight.
-Some persons are on medications which cause weight gain.
-The big food corporations care very little for our health and are constantly devising ways to get us to eat more. This whole anti fat campaign while silently promoting sugar was machiavellian.
-The body positive movement while good intending isn't helping the situation of those who are clinically obese. They need to hear the truth and get guidance.
-The fitness industry with its drug and cosmetically enhanced physiques isn't helping any either. They are far from healthy but are pushed front and centre for the masses to aspire to be. Which is unattainable.
- And of course there is big pharma to the rescue...Of course lining their shareholders pockets while you fill out your prescriptions of ozempic and Mounjaro.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
If fat people were really lazy they wouldn't go to the trouble of lifting food into their mouths and wouldn't bother to chew so, following that logic every fat person is an Olympic athlete.

its been my experience most thin people are lazy at least mentally. many are forced o work digging ditches but they find it 10 times easier than reading a book. sort of pretty women tend not to work on there personalities theory.
Ashley Madison
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