Sneaky Long-
I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re saying. Free market economics has never applied to the sex business. This is a black market, even in Canada. Most agencies do a significant amount of business with clientele from the states and this will bolster the pricing for outcalls. If you check pricing in Toronto, you’ll find that your real prices haven’t changed much since the 80’s. Actually outcalls were a bit cheaper as they were not as widely available due to the enforcement of statutes that made incalls preferable. There also wasn’t the demand in Toronto from the US that has been generated due to the globalization effect of the internet. There continues to be a lot of price variance however, because information is not perfect, the product is a highly personalized service, and client perceptions and tastes are entirely too subjective. There are no real objective criteria to evaluate the product. These are women, not commodities, and it’s my opinion that much of the ill will and cynicism between parties is generated by clients who hold this market view. This will be a free market when your economy resembles that of a third world, where virtually all women who are prostitutes are desperate due to lack of opportunity. Prices for escorts at higher levels tend to hold regardless to whether the individual products are actually “worth” that amount in a free market. A woman will either get her price, make a decision to lower it, or pursue other opportunities if she does not want to market to clients of a certain socioeconomic class. Price kiting is not only about hot bods, youth and desirability, it is about keeping cheap or under funded clients off the merchandise. If Mercedes automobiles were shit, they’d have some real problems. You won’t find them selling at Ford prices, however. What that means is that the only ones who would make themselves affordable to you, are poor to begin with, regardless to price. If an individual high priced escort has a problem, that is hers alone to fix. Only the commodity and low priced end of this market functions on a quasi free market demand/supply.
Relatively speaking, your escorts are just as affordable to you as ours are to us.