Arabs are blind by choice


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
"The time has come to admit that the mother of all ills in the Arab world is the absence of a secular alternative that has the power to offer people a different way of thinking."

It's time to open your eyes
By Riad Ali

In February 2005, former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated. He was among the leading opponents of Syria and its tentacles in Lebanon, including Hezbollah. Hariri was a multimillionaire and served as prime minister for many years. Unlike any other Arab or Muslim leader, Hariri offered his fellow Lebanese a secular alternative. Under his baton, a different Lebanon arose among the ruins that were left behind by the civil war and the war with Israel. A different, colorful, vibrant, ambitious and politically and culturally pluralistic Lebanon was resurrected. A Lebanon whose daughters could paddle in bathing suits at Beirut's beaches. A Lebanon where the media spoke openly about corruption, incest and homosexuality. A Lebanon that encouraged open creativity, self-criticism and freedom of thought and expression.

And then came the assassination, which more than murdering an individual wanted to slay the alternative he had offered to his people. The assassination, to the grief and dismay of the assassins, brought hundreds of thousands of Lebanese hungry for life into the streets, and at the end of the day, they expelled the Syrian army from their country.

I know that many people in the Arab and Muslim world, including Arab citizens of Israel, believe with every fiber of their being in the conspiracy theory. According to them, the hand of Israel and the West is everywhere. Israel is the mother of all evil and the root of all the problems in our region. I am not among those who say that Israel and the West are as pure as the driven snow, but I ask "the blind by choice" in the Muslim world: Who had an interest in destroying Hariri's vision? Who was threatened by the rays of light that came from Lebanon? Who did not want Lebanon to be an oasis in the heart of the dictatorships, most of which had begun to be moldy and malodorous? Israel, the United States, France, Britain? Or rather Syria, Iran and Hezbollah?

It takes intellectual and moral courage to point to the thick line connecting the assassination of Hariri to the war in southern Lebanon. I know that the fact of the word "Israel" is enough to cloud the analytical abilities of many in the Arab and Muslim world. To them, I suggest trying to take the Israeli factor out of the arena and examining the situation in Lebanon on the eve of Hariri's assassination.

A vehement debate was going on at the time in the country between Syria's opponents and supporters. It was clear as day to many Lebanese that after Israel's withdrawal from the south in May 2000 - apart from the Shaba Farms, assuming they do belong to Lebanon - the time had come to eject the Syrian occupier from there. Yes, it is necessary to call a spade a spade: "the Syrian occupier." Hariri's assassination engendered the expulsion of the Syrian army from Lebanon, but not Syrian influence. Within this puzzle, Hezbollah supported Syria and "the covenant of February 14, 2005," and Hariri's supporters demanded the dismissal of President Emile Lahoud, a supporter of Syria, and the disarming of the Hezbollah. They wanted to continue on Hariri's secular path and build a Lebanon free of foreign influence, a Lebanon in which there is freedom of religion but which is free of the cult of religion and parochialism. In short, a democratic, liberal and enlightened Lebanon.

In the eyes of "the blind by choice," Israel is always to blame. If they were to open their eyes for just a moment, they would discover that in the eyes of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, the democracy that Hariri proposed is the mother of all evil, and not Israel. As far as they are concerned, it is better that Lebanon be bombarded with thousands of smart bombs rather than be bombed by one smart bomb of democracy. It does not take especially sensitive eyes and ears to determine that the first bullet that was fired in this war was fired on February 14, 2005, the day of Hariri's assassination.

The time has come to admit that the mother of all ills in the Arab world is the absence of a secular alternative that has the power to offer people a different way of thinking. An option that is an alternative to the one offered by political Islam. It is not the Israeli occupation that needs to be ended, but rather the fanatic religious occupation of the Arab-Muslim intellect, which is blocking the masses from the pleasure of thinking.

This is an occupation that makes astonishingly effective use of the term "Israel" as a wonder nostrum to neutralize the capacity for critical vision among the many who have frozen the clock of history at the picture of Kfar Kana, and pointed without thinking in the direction of Israel. The cancerous tumor from which the Islamic world is suffering must be initially sought in the bunkers of Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and not in the maw of the cannon on the Israeli tank. And no - I'm still not saying that Israel is as pure as the driven snow.

In one of his brilliant comments, Ra'am-Ta'al MK Ahmed Tibi said that Israel is a country that is "democratic for its Jews and Jewish for it Arabs." You know what? My life's dream is to see one Arab country that is at least "democratic for its Muslims, and Muslim toward its minorities." Amen.

The author is a reporter for Channel 1 of the Israel Broadcasting Authority.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
They’re not blind, they’re brainwashed.

It’s not out of choice. Islam is devoid of choice.

They’re born into an Islamic world, mom and dad are Muslims, they go to Islamic school, watch Islamic approved TV, read Islamic approved newspapers, lead by an Islamic government practicing Islamic law. Islam pervades every aspect of everyone’s life. This is how they can indoctrinate people to the point that they think it’s a pretty good idea to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves up in a crowded place.

Apostasy (leaving Islam) and blasphemy (speaking out against Islam) are punishable by death. There is no way to leave Islam alive.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Cinema Face said:
They’re not blind, they’re brainwashed.

It’s not out of choice. Islam is devoid of choice.

They’re born into an Islamic world, mom and dad are Muslims, they go to Islamic school, watch Islamic approved TV, read Islamic approved newspapers, lead by an Islamic government practicing Islamic law. Islam pervades every aspect of everyone’s life. This is how they can indoctrinate people to the point that they think it’s a pretty good idea to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves up in a crowded place.

Apostasy (leaving Islam) and blasphemy (speaking out against Islam) are punishable by death. There is no way to leave Islam alive.

Other than that they seem like a really peaceful and happy bunch. NOT


Apr 7, 2005
Cinema Face said:
They’re not blind, they’re brainwashed. It’s not out of choice. Islam is devoid of choice.
Couldn't agree more. I believe that Islamic fundamentalism will eventually go the way of communism, turn inward on itself, and explode. The only problem will be the amount of innocent life that goes with it. I will raise a glass to the day Islam will eventually kill itself.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
and the award for most intelligent thread of the year on TERB goes to this one :rolleyes:

astounding how a form of bigotry is allowed I wonder if the same things were said about blacks, Jews or Asians would the moderators stand by


Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
I'm not sure why you don't think the article or thread is intelligent.

If you took the time to read the article you might notice that it was written by an (Israeli) Arab, who as it happens is free to write such things. Even the title of the thread, strategegic though it may be, is taken from the newspaper it appeared in.

Is there anything particlarly controversial in the original article, let alone bigoted?

Do you have any specific problems with the opinion expressed in the original article, or does it merely upset your specific biases?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
As has been said many times, the Arab Government and leaders are not interested in peace, at least as long as they do not benefit from it.

From Syria,
he Syrian president has said that resistance against Israel is necessary because the world will not consider Arab interests "unless we are strong".

In a speech to the Arab Journalists Association conference, held in Damascus, Bashar al-Assad praised Lebanon's Hezbollah for fighting off Israel for nearly five weeks and said that their actions would make Israel think twice before pursuing "terrorist policies" in the region.

"The world will not consider our interests unless we are strong. The resistance, in all its aspects, is the alternative to regain our rights. The world would not move unless Israel is harmed and we become powerful.

"This resistance is a medal to pin on the chest of every Arab citizen, not only Syria," he said, adding that the Shia fighters had "shattered the myth of an invincible army".

He goes on to say that the only way to peace is to continue the "resistance" obviously not caring about the world wanting a peace through negotiation, even at a time where many think Israel has been weakened.

"The Palestinian resistance will be inspired and will grow more convinced that resistance is the best path to confront Israel," Saudi Arabia's Al-Jazirah newspaper said.

Hizbollah attacks were instrumental in ending Israel's 22-year occupation of southern Lebanon in 2000, and many Arabs say that helped inspire the Palestinian uprising the same year.

It seems like the Arab leaders are once again choosing to sustain and strengthen the conflict and not really wanting peace. I am sure that they all know that the chances of them beating Israel are slim to none so the only possible outcome is a political gain for them and the loss of lives of many others.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
scouser1 said:
and the award for most intelligent thread of the year on TERB goes to this one :rolleyes:

astounding how a form of bigotry is allowed I wonder if the same things were said about blacks, Jews or Asians would the moderators stand by
Typically, someone screams racism as soon as they read something they don't agree with.



Puttin' in Face Time
Oct 8, 2003
That article deserves a thread of its own, esp when smyth is posting blog after blog garbage, each in a new thread.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004
Hey DQ, pretty good post.

DonQuixote said:
Militant Arab Muslims have been fighting each other for
decades ...
I would delete "Arab": militant Muslims have warred all over. The Sahel, the Balkan 50 year war cycle, Pakistan, _____stan, Malaysia, etc.

Being a philosopher, peace-keeper, and moderate is
essentially a suicide note to the world. ....
I remember in university some 25+ years ago reading interview in some magazine with "General" Efrain Rios Montt, in prison, declaring ideas were the real enemy of the state, not guerillas or insurrection or poverty or drugs; to control the ideas requires killing them, or something along those lines he said. I remember thinking back then, yeah, that sure explains alot.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
dj1470 said:
Couldn't agree more. I believe that Islamic fundamentalism will eventually go the way of communism, turn inward on itself, and explode. The only problem will be the amount of innocent life that goes with it. I will raise a glass to the day Islam will eventually kill itself.

It will, but it won’t go by itself or willingly. It will take lots of courageous people to stand up to it.

It’s time we stop tolerating intolerance.


Sep 9, 2001
Very well said Cinema Face. The problem is how do you deprogram an entire region. They are no different then KKK/Nazi/Black Panther/Fascist and other intolerant ideologies.

Cinema Face said:
They’re not blind, they’re brainwashed.

It’s not out of choice. Islam is devoid of choice.

They’re born into an Islamic world, mom and dad are Muslims, they go to Islamic school, watch Islamic approved TV, read Islamic approved newspapers, lead by an Islamic government practicing Islamic law. Islam pervades every aspect of everyone’s life. This is how they can indoctrinate people to the point that they think it’s a pretty good idea to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves up in a crowded place.

Apostasy (leaving Islam) and blasphemy (speaking out against Islam) are punishable by death. There is no way to leave Islam alive.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Marco said:
Very well said Cinema Face. The problem is how do you deprogram an entire region. They are no different then KKK/Nazi/Black Panther/Fascist and other intolerant ideologies.

Islam cannot stand up to criticism. You expose it for the hateful dogma that it is. You calmly explain to anyone and everyone that it was founded by arguably the most evil man who has ever lived to satiate his lust for power, sex and money.

Muslims can’t argue because the overwhelming proof is written all over their holy scriptures. The can only respond with threats and violence. This is why the Internet is so powerful. Muslims can’t threaten everyone on the Internet.

You can’t reach the fanatics. They’re beyond redemption. However, they don’t operate in a vacuum. The moderate majority of Muslims who still know the difference between right and wrong have up until recently been silent, enabling the murderous fanatics to kill the infidels in the glory of Allah. The moderates are starting to speak out now which is a huge turning point in the war on terror. The recent London plane attacks that were thwarted were ratted out by Muslims.

The KKK was once a very large organization. At one point they had 10% of the entire US male population as members. They were once regarded as a peaceful, well respected organization doing good community service. The evil white supremacist stuff wasn’t common knowledge. When the evil side of the KKK was made public, membership dropped more than 99%.


New member
Jan 25, 2004
Subject: A German Editorial Europe, thy name is

If any of you still feel that this war on terror is a
mistake, here is an opinion from an unexpected source.
It's fascinating that this should come out of Europe.
Mathias Dapfner, Chief Executive of the huge German
publisher Axel Springer AG, has written a blistering
attack in DIE WELT, Germany's largest daily paper,
against the timid reaction of Europe in the face of
the Islamic threat.

This is a must-read by all Americans. History may well
certify its correctness.

(Commentary by Mathias Dapfner CEO, Axel Springer, AG)

A few days ago Henry Broder wrote in Welt am Sonntag,
"Europe - your family name is appeasement." It's a
phrase you can't get out of your head because it's so
terribly true.

Appeasement cost millions of Jews and non-Jews their
lives, as England and France, allies at the time,
negotiated and hesitated too long before they noticed
that Hitler had to be fought, not bound to toothless

Appeasement legitimized and stabilized Communism in
the Soviet Union, then East Germany, then all the rest
of Eastern Europe, where for decades, inhuman,
suppressive, murderous governments were glorified as
the ideologically correct alternative to all other

Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant
in Kosovo, and even though we had absolute proof of
ongoing mass-murder, we Europeans debated and debated
and debated, and were still debating when finally the
Americans had to come from halfway around the world,
into Europe yet again, and do our work for us.

Rather than protecting democracy in the Middle East,
European Appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy
word "equidistance," now countenances suicide bombings
in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians.

Appeasement generates a mentality that allows Europe
to ignore nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam's torture
and murder machinery and, motivated by the
self-righteousness of the peace movement, has the gall
to issue bad grades to George Bush... Even as it is
uncovered that the loudest critics of the American
action in Iraq made illicit billions, no, TENS of
billions, in the corrupt U.N. Oil-for-Food program.

And now we are faced with a particularly grotesque
form of appeasement. How is Germany reacting to the
escalating violence by Islamic Fundamentalists in
Holland and elsewhere? By suggesting that we really
should have a "Muslim Holiday" in Germany?

I wish I were joking, but I am not. A substantial
fraction of our (German) Government, and if the polls
are to be believed, the German people, actually
believe that creating an Official State "Muslim
Holiday" will somehow spare us from the wrath of the
fanatical Islamists. One cannot help but recall
Britain's Neville Chamberlain waving the laughable
treaty signed by Adolph Hitler and declaring European
"Peace in our time".

What else has to happen before the European public and
its political leadership get it? There is a sort of
crusade underway, an especially perfidious crusade
consisting of systematic attacks by fanatic Muslims,
focused on civilians, directed against our free, open
Western societies, and intent upon Western
Civilization's utter destruction.

It is a conflict that will most likely last longer
than any of the great military conflicts of the last
century - a conflict conducted by an enemy that cannot
be tamed by "tolerance" and "accommodation" but is
actually spurred on by such gestures, which have
proven to be, and will always be taken by the
Islamists for signs of weakness. Only two recent
American Presidents had the courage needed for
Anti-appeasement: Reagan and Bush.

His American critics may quibble over the details, but
we Europeans know the truth. We saw it first hand:
Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War, freeing half of the
German people from nearly 50 years of terror and
virtual slavery. And Bush, supported only by the
Social Democrat Blair, acting on moral conviction,
recognized the danger in the Islamic War against
Democracy. His place in history will have to be
evaluated after a number of years have passed.

In the meantime, Europe sits back with charismatic
self-confidence in the multicultural corner, instead
of defending liberal society's values and being an
attractive center of power on the same playing field
as the true great powers, America and China.

On the contrary - we Europeans present ourselves, in
contrast to those "arrogant Americans", as the World
Champions of "tolerance", which even (Germany's
Interior Minister) Otto Schily justifiably criticizes.
Why? Because we're so moral? I fear it's more
because we're so materialistic, so devoid of a moral

For his policies, Bush risks the fall of the dollar,
huge amounts of additional national debt, and a
massive and persistent burden on the American economy
- because unlike almost all of Europe, Bush realizes
what is at stake - literally everything.

While we criticize the "capitalistic robber barons" of
America because they seem too sure of their
priorities, we timidly defend our Social Welfare
systems. Stay out of it! It could get expensive!
We'd rather discuss reducing our 35-hour workweek or
our dental coverage, or our 4 weeks of paid
vacation... Or listen to TV pastors preach about the
need to "reach out to terrorists. To understand and

These days, Europe reminds me of an old woman who,
with shaking hands, frantically hides her last pieces
of jewelry when she notices a robber breaking into a
neighbor's house.


Europe, thy name is Cowardice.


Mar 24, 2002
Great article. Extremely poignant and well thought out.

The only thing I would like to add is a quote from Golda Meir, when she was Prime Minister of Israel during the Yom Kippur War of 1973. They are as relevant today as they were back then:

"We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Inferno said:
"We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."

was this the same Golda Meyer who said the Palestinians didnt really exist or wanted to drop nuclear bombs on Damascus, thankfully the real soldiers in her government told her to shut the fuck up and leave the war to them.


Mar 24, 2002
scouser1 said:
was this the same Golda Meyer who said the Palestinians didnt really exist or wanted to drop nuclear bombs on Damascus, thankfully the real soldiers in her government told her to shut the fuck up and leave the war to them.
You're obfuscating, not debating. Regardless of whether what you wrote is true, it's irrelevant and off topic and not worth addressing here.

Analyze my earlier quote from Meir. Let it sink in. Now, is it true or not? Who preaches 'martyrdom' as a weapon? Who else conscripts their young to become walking bombs? Show me anyone but Arabs that use this form of 'resistance' as a tactic. Now show me one - one! - Jewish suicide bomber.

If the Arabs genuinely sought peace - real, bilateral peace with a sovereign state; not one achieved through war and destruction - do you really believe that Israel would slap away the olive branch so that it's soldiers could continue fighting and dying?

If you do, you fail to understand the sanctity that Israelis place on their own lives. Think about it: why do you think that in past prisoner exchanges, they agreed to swap more than 400 Arab prisoners for one Israeli captive? Why? Because that one Jewish life is more precious to Israel than hundreds - even thousands - of their enemies' lives. They place more emphasis on saving their own soldiers than killing their foes.

Israel would only consider nuclear war as a final option, a dying strike before it fell to its enemies. Contrast that with the recent comments of Mahmoud Amedinejad - who, as an Iranian, is technically not 'Arab' per se, but a radical Islamist nonetheless.

In an interview, the Iranian PM discussed the possible consequences of nuking Israel. His rationale was that, yes, many, many Iranians and Arabs would be killed in what would amount to an Apocalyptic war to the death. But because Muslims so vastly outnumber Israel, this atrocity would be a relatively small price to pay for finally eliminating the scourge of Zionism from Arab soil. Hundreds of million Muslim lives in exchange for the utter destruction of Israel? In Ahmedinejad's mind, a bargain at twice the price.

You have to understand, this is coming from a guy who, 25 years ago, trained young boys to march into Iraq ahead of Iranian tanks as human mine sweepers. Now, you have to be a lot of things to be able to convince people to do that... Misguided and committed (a dangerous combination), arguably, but definitely persuasive. Now, he's using that cult of personality to turn his country into a nuclear threat against the 'Infidels' - the West and Israel.

To comprehend the threat the Israelis are facing, you need to look into the eyes of someone who hates you so much, he's not only willing to sacrifice his own life, but the lives of his children, as well.

But hey, you live in the West, so chances are you will get to experience it in one form or another before your time this planet is up.

Are you starting to get it?


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Inferno said:
You're obfuscating, not debating. Regardless of whether what you wrote is true, it's irrelevant and off topic and not worth addressing here.

Analyze my earlier quote from Meir. Let it sink in. Now, is it true or not? Who preaches 'martyrdom' as a weapon? Who else conscripts their young to become walking bombs? Show me anyone but Arabs that use this form of 'resistance' as a tactic. Now show me one - one! - Jewish suicide bomber.

If the Arabs genuinely sought peace - real, bilateral peace with a sovereign state; not one achieved through war and destruction - do you really believe that Israel would slap away the olive branch so that it's soldiers could continue fighting and dying?

If you do, you fail to understand the sanctity that Israelis place on their own lives. Think about it: why do you think that in past prisoner exchanges, they agreed to swap more than 400 Arab prisoners for one Israeli captive? Why? Because that one Jewish life is more precious to Israel than hundreds - even thousands - of their enemies' lives. They place more emphasis on saving their own soldiers than killing their foes.

Israel would only consider nuclear war as a final option, a dying strike before it fell to its enemies. Contrast that with the recent comments of Mahmoud Amedinejad - who, as an Iranian, is technically not 'Arab' per se, but a radical Islamist nonetheless.

In an interview, the Iranian PM discussed the possible consequences of nuking Israel. His rationale was that, yes, many, many Iranians and Arabs would be killed in what would amount to an Apocalyptic war to the death. But because Muslims so vastly outnumber Israel, this atrocity would be a relatively small price to pay for finally eliminating the scourge of Zionism from Arab soil. Hundreds of million Muslim lives in exchange for the utter destruction of Israel? In Ahmedinejad's mind, a bargain at twice the price.

You have to understand, this is coming from a guy who, 25 years ago, trained young boys to march into Iraq ahead of Iranian tanks as human mine sweepers. Now, you have to be a lot of things to be able to convince people to do that... Misguided and committed (a dangerous combination), arguably, but definitely persuasive. Now, he's using that cult of personality to turn his country into a nuclear threat against the 'Infidels' - the West and Israel.

To comprehend the threat the Israelis are facing, you need to look into the eyes of someone who hates you so much, he's not only willing to sacrifice his own life, but the lives of his children, as well.

But hey, you live in the West, so chances are you will get to experience it in one form or another before your time this planet is up.

Are you starting to get it?

you dont need suicide bombers when you have F-16's and laser guided bombs, suicide bombing is a tactic used by those who do not have any other means of military resistance, not that I am condoning it because when used against civilians it is a despicable act.

What it comes down to is this anyone who is pro Israel falls into two camps one is the evangelical book of Revelations nut jobs e.g.

or simple bigots who hate Arabs and think of them as sand ni...... or camel jockeys, have ya seen the Lebanese, they look like your average southern Europeans hmmmm
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