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Apple Does NOT Recommend that Mac Users Install Anti-Virus Software


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
dreamblade said:
I agree. I'm trained on Windows, Mac, Linux, and have some Free BSD experience, and I will say each OS has its strength and weakness.

The point is that Apple is constantly proclaiming its OS superiority, but has, in certain cases, the worst product. Earlier this year, the supposedly secure Airbook was cracked in record time (2 mins and change). My roommate bought an Apple screen to do photog stuff, turns out you have no way of adjusting resolution unless you own a Mac (he has a PC). Tiger still has occasional crashes. And the Iphone, with its inability to cut and paste, no MMS, no secure email, and mediocre phone quality should be relegated to the highschoolyard.
Well it was a Macbook and it was known cross platform Wifi vulnerability that required a local account ...... but yes it was cracked. Though the same security expert was unable to perform the hack outside of a controlled environment.
Leopard is BSD and BSD is the most secure platform out there according to security experts. Tiger and prior Mac OSs after X (10.1,10.2,10.3,10.4) were Unix based OSs.
I have a Windows box at home i run for testing wide open on the internet and i surf and check email and have never had to reinstall or do anything because of viruses, malware or an exploit.... i have had to re install due corrupt files and descriptors.... Apple makes the hardware and software which makes for very easy trouble shooting .... and Apple is very easy to upgrade hardware on unless u purchase a consumer aimed product... which most average consumers do not upgrade their hardware... outside of RAM and hard drives and such.... like i say there is a tool for everything.
As far as the iPhone goes ... i prefer over my Blackberry mainly because of the way it handles exchange .... but the SSH client is so much better then anything i found on WM or BBs. The lack of a clip board for cut and paste is very noticeable but not a deal breaker.
My thing is if u give any NIX i can do what i have to do.... a shell and they are all the same...
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