Ashley Madison

Anyone offer twice in one session?


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
I'm an older gent and a second shot, if it comes will take at least an hour session to achieve...longer if there is conversation, SF2 and other delay before the first. As well, I need to see 'Alice' first. Rather than count shots, I've found that long slow torturous teasing brings a blissfully longer single orgasm. I actually prefer something along the lines of a failed orgasm that comes after total loss of control. Of course, this can only be achieved with a provider who, with playful eye contact and smiles, has fun administering a number of techniques to prolong that heavenly delayed agony.
I can only speak for myself and my services...

MSOG for appointments one hour and longer.

I used to offer it during HH appointments and found that almost every single person assumed this meant they were entitled to two shots and went way over time.

Before I completely just took MSOG for HH off of my services, I would let clients who asked know over text that they have HH and if they can come twice fine, if not the session ends at HH.
Most would react with some form of saying that it is too much pressure or they would feel rushed.
Which is ridiculous, book longer than HH then!
That makes sense. I usually just offer 2 shots in an hour as long as they have a shower and clean up in between but 2 shots in a hh would be difficult and honestly not very much fun. After the first time, everything is sensitive and they need time to recuperate. I give people the option to cum twice or come really hard once. The second shot in an hour is the hardest but when the opt for one good shot it usually takes everything out of them. I kind of enjoy teaching people about having better sex. It's less about quantity and doing all the things and going with what works and what feels good. I stopped tolerating terrible sex and I've gotten better at directing people and suggesting what they need. It comes off as abrasive but most people think I'm a dominatrix anyway. So it works. It's part of my niche I guess lol
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