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anyone here ever get an SP for more than 3 hours


New member
Oct 22, 2002
overnight....started around the dinner hour...departed mid morning..600 bucks..dont ask she,s long been retired


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Check some of the Ladies websites, Start around 500 -600 for two hours and then approx 200- 300 for each additional hour.


New member
Apr 2, 2007
I know you were asking about the local scene, but to make your mouth water, in Trinidad overnight with a nice 19 year old is U.S. $100.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
TravellinMan1 said:
I know you were asking about the local scene, but to make your mouth water, in Trinidad overnight with a nice 19 year old is U.S. $100.
I have Trini friends that I will confirm this with because it sure sounds TGTBT . Is there a link or an Ad you can direct us too ?


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
The cost all depends on your haggling skills, unless an overnight rate is posted. I did this once about 18 years ago. Called up and asked and haggled some until we set a price. A beautiful young nymph came to my room and the two of us had a great time. If you are not ready to pay a hefty price for such an event, then may I suggest you stick to 1-2 hour appointments.


wow ppl that spend over 600$ must feel like shit after 3 hours...unless they are making 400K a year


Dec 27, 2006
superman said:
anyone here ever get an SP for more than 3 hours

Well I am no longer shopping for a companion, but when I was actively looking I used to set up a one hour outcall and if I was having a great time extend it to 3 or 4 hrs. I firmly believe women are more fun after a few hrs.

Price for first 3 hours seems to be pretty firm per web page rates.

Were the longer sessions worth it? OH YA! Completely different experience. To me it was comparable to the difference between going to a live performance vs. watching a movie. On the other hand many people prefer movies so who am I to criticize them for their tastes?

I also discovered there is an even greater shift in dynamics when you wake up to a woman, and that when you wake up to them for 3 or 4 days in a row the entire experience undergoes another shift and takes on a completely new complexion.


Jan 9, 2005
A couple of years ago, saw Angelique Labelle a few times, usually booking her for two hours and extending to three. Started to book for 3 hours and a couple of times extended to 4. Cost 4 x $400 = $1600 plus hotel room cost.
I've learned a little since then, and she has closed her website down now.
Sound ridiculous in hindsight, but in consolation, she continues to operate under a different name, primarily in the U.S. Her minimum now is $4000 for 4 hours.
(Maybe she wants this secret, so if you know her and have $4000 to spend,
PM me for her new website.)

Around the same time, I saw another mature (over 30) sp a few times. Her minimum $1200 for 3 hours. Calling her for about our 3rd date, she accepted on the condition that I also let HER buy ME dinner. She met me at 7, we had dinner and went back to the hotel, where she stayed until about 3 am.
8 hours for $1200, dinner included.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
> 3 hours? LOL- check out my post record..

superman said:
if so much did it empty ur wallet
...Depending on location, "frequent flyer" and "volume discounts" ( bunch of gals who are genuinely great pals) anywhere from 4 hours at $700. to zero (except for first class air, hotel, etc etc) for a week trip to Asia. As posted by various SPs, 24 hours can range from $2,400 to $4,200. Interestingly enough the quality range isnt relevant-its more about who wants to keep their card full with good repeat clients (so-so clients just never find an available time for 12-24 hours).:cool:
Last edited:


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Alexa Taylor said:
Then he got mad at me because he thought I should go with him for free since I had known him for a long time...We didn't speak for a couple of years partly because I wasn't escorting but he later apologized.

My take is if you can afford it and won't resent the SP or the experience later on, then go for it. If you're worried about money, there's your answer.
I can see your point about treating it as a business trip. To offer another opinion, as I've mentioned before, I would have a hard time justifying paying anyone to go with me...not because I couldn't afford to do it, but because it would spoil the mood for me. I'd only want to go away with an SP if I'd been a regular client for a while and had built up a rapport and we clicked/had chemistry. A week away trip is the ultimate GFE in that to want to do it, and not request payment, is a sign that the SP actually likes you enough to enjoy the trip and sights and your company. So even though her job is an SP, and I happen to be a client - this is a vacation from work rather than an extension of work. So if the SP wants a vacation from work, and I want a vacation from work, and we click, and I say "I'm going to the Bahamas - interested in going?" then to me if she agrees it shouldn't be a money for hours deal. I mean I am paying in a way as I'm picking up all the costs of airfare, hotel, meals, watersports, enertainment, casino chips, and I'd probably take her shopping and get her an LV or Gucci bag, some clothes or something as part of the GFE. The memories of enjoying the trip would be genuine as despite the fact that we're not dating, and she's an SP and I'm a client back in TO and we have a business relationship back in TO...n the Bahamas we're just two business associates or client/vendor who are getting away from work and having a good time. To bring work into it would spoil it for me, and I wouldn't do it.

Now granted if the client is just a client and he says "I have a business trip to Dallas next week, and could I get you to go with me as arm candy to impress my client 'Tex', and there will be corporate events you'll be expected to go to each night, and you have to dress in this way for them, etc, etc. Then that is a business deal and an SP I think should be entitled to quote a rate and be paid in cash for it. I mean, what pleasure is it for her to do that? I've been to Dallas enough lol. I also tried once to hire an SP for an important corporate function to accompany me and was willing to pay generously). I guess I'm saying is the point of the trip for the guy to have an ultimate GFE experience with an SP he knows that shows that they are both human beings capable of enjoying a brief moment in time outside of work (not dating, but enjoying a crazy fun fling as if they were), or is it a business deal of comapnionship for cash? In my personal vacations I have no time for business - I'm going away to relax, not to hobby...whether with a g/f, or an SP who is also on vacation from work. That is the only way I'd do it and enjoy it.

As regards the client who was mad at your expecting him to pay...well, if I was a regular and asked her if she wanted to go and she said "For $X I would" I wouldn't be overjoyed either. I wouldn't be mad - I'd just think to myself, OK, let's forget the trip and stick with the business appointments as you don't really want to go away with me so I guess I'm just a client to you, and I enjoy our business relationship, and I enjoy being a client within the scope of that, and in future I'll know my place with you and won't exceed your boundaries.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
alexmst said:
as I've mentioned before, I would have a hard time justifying paying anyone to go with me...not because I couldn't afford to do it, but because it would spoil the mood for me.
I think there are plenty of SPs, dancers, and MPAs who are willing to go away on a nice vacation and expect that the client pay for the expense of the vacation but don't expect any further renumeration. At least that has been my experience. I have even had some offer to pay their own way. Often women are not comfortable travelling by themselves and want someone to be with when going to restaurants, theater, etc. I have never taken anybody up in their interest in travelling with me. Maybe someday I will.
Not ALL SPs are interested in this type of arrangement. But plenty are. Usually it is the ones who are not so money-focused, the ones who are generous with their time and are not clock-watchers.


New member
Apr 6, 2008
Alexa Taylor said:
With all due respect, I can see what you're saying from a client's POV but from an escort's perspective, this is our business and we are paid for our services. Would you go to work for free? Most likely not. Even if it is a regular who I have a great time with and that I like and offer a GFE, he is not my boyfriend or lover so I am under no obligation to go anywhere with him let alone not being paid for my services. The time we're away with a client takes away from other appts and some escorts just can't forgo a week's worth of work to jet off somewhere to have some fun because she thinks the client is nice. I have responsibilities, obligations and people at home who depend on me so going somewhere isn't a casual thing for me. If I want a vacation from work, then I save up the money and take my own.
I agree. During my time as an escort I had many such requests. I was never the type to be rushing clients, clock watching, etc. That said I would never consider just picking up and jetting off with a regular for a "vacation". I just had my first child last spring shortly after I left the business. Plus I have other family responsibilities. A vacation for me is something that is planned and includes my family, so unless he is okay with taking grandma it would never happen.

A week away for many escorts means a week away from their other life. By offering to pay the lady for her time she can ensure that her at home responsibilities can be taken care of while she is away.

With that said there are many young ladies out there who have little to no responsibilities and can get away with leaving for a week.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
When an SP agrees to travel with a client WITHOUT charging extra for her time, I imagine that the client cannot expect a uninterrupted f*kfest at an exotic location - unlike when paying an SP to travel with him. When paying for an SP, she is on the clock during the vacation and when the client forks over so many thousands of dollars, I guess the sexual fireworks must be pretty impressive. So there certainly is something to be said for forking over the cash. All in all, it could be a good deal for a client who has the cash and sexual stamina.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
havingfun said:
When an SP agrees to travel with a client WITHOUT charging extra for her time, I imagine that the client cannot expect a uninterrupted f*kfest at an exotic location - unlike when paying an SP to travel with him. When paying for an SP, she is on the clock during the vacation and when the client forks over so many thousands of dollars, I guess the sexual fireworks must be pretty impressive. So there certainly is something to be said for forking over the cash. All in all, it could be a good deal for a client who has the cash and sexual stamina.
I agree: if she goes just for the trip she is under no obligation to be physically intimate whatsoever - no more than any civilian girl would be you got to go with you. Indeed, she'd be on vacation from being an SP, so she would be a civilian that week.

The debate on the thread between my position and Alexa and Kiwi's position is not IMHO about one POV being right or wrong. Every SP is different and circumastances are different too. Alexa explained her point well, and it is very valid: if an SP has an s/o, b/f, dependents, family relying on her, etc, then it is unreasonable for the SP to be expected to go away with a client without it being a job for which she is payed. To them it isn't a vacation really, it is work. My position is that sometimes I meet Sp's who do not have an s/o, steady b/f, dependents, etc. They haven't travelled extensively and have a desire to do so. IF they click with a cleint, they MAY welcome the idea of a luxurious exotic trip somewhere without being paid to go. They might not want to go alone, or they might be saving their money to start a business one day and not want to spend it travelling. I am a big fan of "the grey area" in which SP's and clients - if they are both single - might go on vacations, etc, not on the clock if they both click and are keen and both consider it a vacation. I've had happy memories when this works (and unhappy memories of failures for sure, but that is life).


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
the best times i ever had with a clients were
the man i spent weekends with in local hotels. he would attend meetings in the day time hours while i went out to buy toys for our play time. evenings were a sex fest, he would lite dom me and think up lil tests(sex oriented). if i completed them he would give me bonus points, that i would cash in at the end of the weekend for my tip. lol his donation wasn't what others would charge but was fine enough for me.
the second was a guy i met on chat and blindly spent an over night with. it was without a doubt one of my most memorable times. again i didn't charge what the norm is for a over night.
it all depends on who you see some women are sex fiends some are more job oriented you can't please everyone but some of us try damn hard :p
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