Anyone believe Steven Harper will reduce the GST?

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Some excellent points have been made in this thread. I'm probably dating myself but the GST was brought in to replace the old Manufacturers Sales Tax. It was levied at the factory level and never showed as a transparent tax for the consumer.

The Gov't of the day's thinking was the MST really hurt our manufacturing base especially for manufacturers exporting their products. Thus the rational for the GST. The GST is a open, transparent tax. The MST was hidden. Personally I prefer the GST I get to see the actual money that goes to the Feds and if I dislike it I can bitch about it. This is probably the last time Great Bear will post a semi-serious thread.

By the way has Goober and Fang returned from their wedding in England?


New member
Apr 29, 2002
when's the last time a politician kept his word


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now
Its a great political move by the Torys... Get the GST into the limelight .. if the liberals want to "go there" and debate GST ,the 1993 Liberano Red book comes out (as authored by Dither's himself) and the "scrap the GST" slogan that got Cretin elected in da foist place becomes another liberal Promise made ,public screwed example .....

now as an aside lets hope Jean gets the whole adscam thing back in the news ... youg goble on Gomery Jean, lets get da proof out there !!

P.s didn't Harper say he would lower income tax as well .. only not wait till 2010 like martin "promised"

When it comes to lieberal promises (especially re:taxes) Think Dalton .. then vote Conservative ...

**falls off soap box....**


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
guelph said:
And we all know what that did to Ontario.
Please enlighten us on what that did for Ontario.
Had the voters of Ontario waited out the results, the view would've been much sweeter. As a rule, voters in this fair province of ourse are too impatient. They don't see payoff right away and then vote for another. We gave the liberals a chance, and they fucked up, now lets give the conservatives the benefit of the doubt and let us prosper. The only bad part of the political standing in our country is that there is no clear cut leader to lead us. The conservatives, which I am, need a strong leader who is not afraid to answer possible damning questions. Steven Harper is a fine man I'm sure but he seems a bit lacking on conviction. I'll support him anyways because the alternative is Paul Martin or ewww Lack Layton.

On a side note, has anyone listened to the Dean Blundell show? They have a funny thing running about Jack Layton. Dean thinks he looks like a walking characature and the others think he is more suited to be a porn producer. LOL


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
As though...

johnhenrygalt said:
Deductible mortgage interest (which would be like reducing the interest rates by 40%-50%, depending on your marginal rate) would merely serve to drive up the cost of housing, and encourage Canadians to contract even more debt. Canadians are already spending more than we save - this would not help.

No, cut the GST, with the view eventually to eliminate it, and we're on the right track. And knocking 2% off the cost of new homes will help the housing market too. If eventually we killed the GST, then maybe some of the renovation and construction industry will move out from under the table as consumers will be less willing to support tax evasion by paying cash.
...the cost of housing isn't going up already :rolleyes:

The cost of housing going up is EXACTLY what homeowners want - they want their single largest investment to go up in value. Now, on the other hand, if you don't own a home...well, I can see how a person would object. But then again maybe it would encourage you get get off your ass.

I fail to see how there is any downside to making people a) weathier and B) easier for them to become wealthier, but hell, I forgot this Canada...God forbid that any of us do well and leave anyone else "behind". Sorta like why I should have lousy health care just so that the homeless and lazy can have some healthcare at all ("Private 'American Style' health care that actually works??? NOOOO...can't have that!!)
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