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Anybody taking anti anxiety medication


International Courtesan
Nov 4, 2014
New York/Toronto
I've been through some pretty different life experiences growing up and as a result was diagnosed with severe anxiety, clinical depression, panic and social phobia years ago. Through years of trial and error, medications, psychiatrists, cognitive behavior therapy etc you would never know by looking at me now that I had major life experiences with this a long time ago. I've learned to manage this successfully and from countless medications I can honestly say it helps to a degree but should always be temporary as often times it makes the problem worse and or creates a new one (side effects you may be experiencing, addiction etc)

Today I've felt the best I've ever felt for a long time now through accepting when hard times hit and knowing this is a normal grieving process and managing stress levels through ways I've learned work best for me.

Working out vigorously is a great and rewarding feel. Diet and nutrition. Strict structure is strangely satisfying. Positive reinforcement socially and challenge wise, good support system that you can talk to (friends, family - for myself I didn't find therapy truly authentic but I was placed in a category where therapy does not work on me anyway) Reading and educating myself on the topic. Staying away from substances or alcohol. Mind you I do have my vices (red wine every now and then in moderation) Maintaining regular sleep patterns.

Key thing mostly is balance and positive reinforcements of things in your life to keep you from dwelling.
In that same respect it is also important to "dwell" to a degree to make peace and allow your self to feel through the experience and honor whatever life experience this is bringing. It's important to feel and go through that pain. Medication blocks this and if you're not maintaining progress through talk therapy as long as you're actively progressive about getting to root of it I think you will feel better soon.

Do not quit cold turkey, always check with your doctor when stopping prescribed medication of this fashion. It's important to be clear and open to what your body is trying to tell you. Better ways (yoga, meditation etc) Of course all of this does take time. I used to work night shift and go to school in the morning and I literally had no time to wait to "feel better" and jeopardize my schedule. I took what I needed to survive but eventually it only made my symptoms worse and created new ones I hadn't had before. Through my own trial and error I'd suggest going a natural route if you are able to. You will eventually feel better if you persevere while maintaining a good healthy balance.
That's really commendable Adriana. I'm really glad you found a way out of the darkness. Sending lots of love your way. Xo
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