Ive recently experienced some real tragedies in my life and they triggered some extreme anxiety I wasn't sleeping or eating and my work began to suffer. The pain I was going threw was indescribable. I went to my GP and he put me on meds for it and they've taken 6 weeks to kick in but now Im feeling much better. There are also some disturbing side effects. I was wondering if anyone here who is on these meds experiencing side effects and is there any thing I can do about it
I went through a series of events myself about a decade + ago.
First couple times it triggered heart attack like symptoms. Chest pains, sweats, difficulty breathing.
Went to the emerg. and after testing it turned out being anxiety attacks,
Although helpful when experiencing an attack I did not care for the side effects the meds. gave me.
I asked the Dr. if I could take them only when I thought I needed them.
I started to develop real bad heartburn.
Dr. gave me pills for that. Totally ineffective.
When I started to look up side effects, turns out you can't take it as needed or you will get Heartburn.
Played with several drugs.
What I found best
- socialize
- join a group, My Dr. got me into one and it really helped
- go somewhere upbeat with friends
- any activity even if mindless jogging to stop you dwelling
- a vacation, target rich with ladies
The drugs only created more problems for me.
Best thing was other people. Avoid isolation. Even if it means being that annoying guy at Tim's that won't shut up.