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Anybody catch the Surreal Life... What's up with Mini-Me?


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I didn't see it on the Surreal Life but I saw the clip on Jimmy Kimmel.
Mini-Me was pissed drunk, naked and driving a Rascal. He drove it to the corner of the house and just started pissing away; DaBrat (female Hip Hop artist) was telling him that the corner wasn't the bathroom but he ignored her and kept on going.
It was pretty funny...

Couldn't find the clip. Could somebody find a link please....


a muddy reclining Buddha
Oh man was that on tonight? I heard there starting a new season on VH-1.

Got to hand it to Mini-me .... at least he didn't piss in the pool.

Ah... here you go. I found this on the VH-1 site:

Click on Mini-me pic


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
This is why I like my celebrities mysterious.

Vern Troyer is a whiney spoiled celebrity who acts every bit the baby he resembles. He arrives and whines because Chyna took his bedroom? Boo Hoo! He could have moved the furniture around and accomodated her but instead he threatens to walk off almost in tears!

Supermodel Adrianna serves up sushi for the House off the surace of her luscious body and piglet Troyer sits at the table talking about how much he wants to jerk off and then paws at her tits. She said she could feel his eyes burning through her.

Then he gets plastered so Chris Knight and mark have to carry him and ride his scooter back to bed for him, where he moans. and Adrianna shows incredible class by seeing to his comfort and making sure he isnt dying.

What an ass.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Verne's the life of the party. He makes the show worth watching all by himself.

Funny thing about Da Brat is that she acts all tough, saying she doesn't want to be on a show with a bunch of has-beens, but she's the one I've never heard of and, IMHO, is the biggest nobody of the group.

A couple other things...

I have a sneaky suspicion that some of the participants demanded certain things in order for them to be on the show. For example, I'll bet Verne required that he get his own room with smaller furniture (so no wonder he was pissed off) and that Da Brat was "promised" there would be no old has-beens. Why do you think the both of them immediately called their agents...

It looked like the show was trying to pair up the hot chick with the guy model right from the get-go. But from the previews it looks like she tries to hook up with the Brady boy...

Chyna is a lush. Anyone notice the box of booze she brought with her? She had more drinks in a few hours than the rest of the household will have throughout the whole show!

And finally, honourable mention must go to Kathy Griffon (sp?) acting as the taxi driver. She must have been the runner-up for being a member of the household cuz her 15 minutes have long since been up...


New member
Mar 12, 2004
That episode was a hoot!!! I generally like reality shows, but this one was too funny. Mini-me buck-naked pissing in the corner of the room on his little scooter was priceless. I think he'll be the highlight of the show. :D


New member
Oct 15, 2002
I think this might be the best series so far...
This whole cast is funny and there's so much eye candy to look at..
China is a drunk but I cant take my eyes off her body.
Adrianna is just plain HOT and that old go-go girl is sexy as well, at least she has a nice figure.. Da brat-a-tat-tat is cute too, to bad shes a dike.. China is a bigger drunk then even Brigette Neilson was :rolleyes:


Nov 22, 2001
I haven't really watched any of the previous seasons but figured I'd tune in just to see Mini-me. I didn't expect it to be that funny. Good mix of characters.

True about Da Brat - never heard of her.
Chyna's top seems not to be holding her in too well - they are blurring out her nipplage.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I don't think I watched a single episode of the last Surreal Life. Bridgette Neilson (sp?) was a horror show and the love-in with Flavor-Flav was bizarre. Didn't get me going at all. And the American Idol chick was a total kill-joy.

This season is much, much better (based on the first episode).


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Ryan sobbing "I can't do ballads! I'm a rocker! I dont want to be typecast?"
What a crock of poo! She should consider herself lucky anyone cares to watch her do a freakshow like Surreal Life. She is currently not known for anything. What was her last name again?


New member
Jan 31, 2003
WhaWhaWha said:
Ryan sobbing "I can't do ballads! I'm a rocker! I dont want to be typecast?"
What a crock of poo!

It was also sad to see Miss Bridgette Neilsen in her current state, way off her prime. Her image in Beverly Hills Cop II still gives me wood...Now she looks like one of those Euro grannies hunting for gigalos in third world countries.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
One thing I've noticed is the underlying theme of alcoholism that seems to exist in every season.

It's kinda fishy that they allow so much booze on the show...


New member
Jan 18, 2003
I was very surprised at how cool Christopher Knight seemed. Like a normal guy, not the usual fucked up child star at all. Seems to keep himself in shape, down to earth and looks like he's going to get a shot at the model chick. The model dude is a dud, what a loser. That's why Peter Brady is looking like a stud......he had some fame, didn't let it fuck up his life, seems to have his head on straight, works out and keeps himself in wonder he's got a shot at the model.

Mini-me was the whole reason to watch the show. Chynna was a huge (and I mean huge) drunk bitch who stole a room that was obviously built for the little guy, then was a disgusting snoring mess at the end of the night. But, she does have huge gunners, so that makes up for it a bit. I had never heard of Da Brat, but whatever. And the Go-Go's chick is very sexy for an old broad, and from what I've read the Go-Go's did some serious partying in their day. I've seen bits and pieces from the previous shows, but this one actually looks like it's worth watching.


Active member
Jul 28, 2004
Yeah, Peter Brady looks very well preserved for a guy his age. He's gotta be pushing 50. Could easily pass for a guy in his mid-thirties. He definitely has a shot with the model chick. Wonder if he got any tail from Marsha or Jan (after she became hot) back then.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
If you saw the previews for future epidodes you'll know that he has a heck of a lot more than a shot; she's all over him like a lion on fresh meat!

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Oh I agree 100% that it makes the show more interesting. But I think it's also taking advantage of people who probably already have a substance abuse for our own personal enjoyment.

But heh, what do I know...
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