Any info on - Haylee - 5465


Active member
Feb 18, 2023
I ended up seeing Haylee today. Pictures are real and service was what she promised. It turns out I had seen her once before a couple of months ago. She said that she needs to get another phone and post another ad because she used a friend's phone and it sounds like that arrangement went south. I am going to repeat. If you want more details or have any questions DM me. I've left a lot out because I don't want to write a novel and some of it might get deleted.
Can you give more details on the encounter? What you wrote is really vague and not a review.


new and renewed Cali cali
Jan 31, 2022
Well is the picture you. Or is the link yours? Or are you just feeling guilty?
Lmfao guilty??? For?? Lol! And how long did it take to get that whole twisted thought in your head? Get real. I dont even know why im replying either. Probably the most wasted 4 mins of my life
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